
Summer Busbee
A Rich Tradition of Highland Cuisine
3 min readDec 10, 2015
Two Months Old Picture of Me

Baby girl born to the parents of Joseph and Patricia Busbee. Delivered at 3:20 P.M. on March 18, 1995 at Gwinnett Medical Hospital. First day of the rest of my life! Hardly did I know that I would be the first of four children to attend college. My older sister went directly into a training course, whereas, my brother pursued the working world. My younger sister is now following in my footsteps by attending a college in Savannah, Georgia.

Childhood house in Suwanee, Georgia

I’m really close to my sisters. We do a lot of things together. My mom keeps us close by having family holiday gatherings, birthday celebrations, and even family vacations. We always help with the baking during Christmas especially. My mom does most of the cooking of the main dishes like the chicken casserole but my oldest sister, Kristen, brings a side dish. As I get older, I will also help by bringing dishes to the celebrations. Growing up with two older siblings gave me the opportunity to babysit my niece and nephews. Family is a big thing for my mom. She grew up in a family with five children. Although, her and her siblings were not that close. So she presses the issue of staying as close as possible. Needless t o say I am very close to my mom too.

My younger sister and I grew up quite differently than the older ones. They were into football and cheerleading. We stayed at the fields for hours watching them play. That is probably why we did not go down that path. My sister and I had different versions of entertainment such as reading books. Neither one of us pursued sports. It just was not out thing. It is funny how we chose completely opposite aspects.

Me and my younger sister (Taylor) watching on the sidelines

Holidays were always very exciting around our house. At Christmas we would spend all day Christmas Eve going from one Grandma’s house to the others. My family always ate even though we were too excited to eat. We also always ate at both houses. It would upset both our grandmas if we did not eat. No one wanted to make them cry so we always tried to eat. After everyone was finished eating we would gather around the Christmas tree as someone would pass out the gifts. We would open the gifts that family had given to us and then we would have to get everything packed into the car. Both my grandmas did not live close to each other so we had to drive almost an hour to the next one with stuffed stomachs and do it all over again.

This is me now!

