Diary Of A CEO 2023 Most Valuable Lessons

Saloni Goyal
A Seed of Thought


  1. Building and maintaining muscle mass is the number one factor to healthy ageing. Always do resistance training (pushups, squats, lunges, planks, glute bridge, wall sit ups, etc.)

2. ⁠Have protein (but not so much that it stresses your kidneys if you are not lifting)

3. ⁠Double the amount of fibre you are having

4. ⁠Limit added sugars (sugars not tied up with fibre)

5. ⁠Intermittent Fasting (12–16 hours) is good for weight loss, brain fog

6. ⁠Overeating leads to you needing to eat more and more food to get the same amount of dopamine from food

7. ⁠Lack of sleep (<8 hours) makes you feel more hungry and crave for sugary, starchy, and salty foods. It also impacts the receptors telling your brain you are full, so you eat even more.

8. ⁠Lack of sleep inhibits impulse control as well.

9. ⁠When sleep gets short, your waistline typically starts to expand.

10. ⁠Lack of sleep makes you lose more muscle than fat if you follow a diet.

11. ⁠Try to sleep and wake up at the same time before taking sleep supplements.

12. ⁠Get some darkness at night, dim down all the lights in your house an hour before bed.

13. ⁠Limit alcohol and caffeine before bed.

14. ⁠Everyday you are making your brain better or worse by what you are doing.

15. Orange Juice is unhealthy (when is it rational to unwrap fruit sugar from its fibre source?). Fruit — Yes, Fruit Juice — No

16. Sugar is pro-inflammatory, it erodes your blood vessel. Sugar is the gateway drug to diabetes, obesity and inflammation which is linked to depression, and dementia.

17. As your weight goes up, the actual physical size and function of your brain goes down.

18. Limit things that reduce blood flow to your brain: sugars, caffeine, nicotine

19. Do things that increase blood flow: exercise, ginkgo supplement, eat foods like beets, oregano, rosemary, cinnamon

20. 40% of 40 year olds have erectile dysfunction due to lack of loss flow to the brain

21. Loneliness accelerates dementia and brain problems, so get connected.

22. What increases inflammation? Low omega-3 fatty acid levels. Eat more fish, or take supplements.

23. Gum Disease is linked to inflammation, depression, and dementia. Gum health in important.

24. Superhuman protocol: using magnetism (from earth), oxygen (from air), and light (from sun).

25. Walk barefoot on soil, dirt, grass, sand. (Ideally first thing in the morning)

26. Learn to do breath work — 8 minutes. Presence of oxygen is absence of disease. 3 rounds of 30 deep breaths. Hold on the 30th breath, inhale and exhale, and start again. (Ideally first thing in the morning)

27. Get sunlight (Ideally first thing in the morning)

28. No amount of cardio, or weight training comes close to cold water plunges (3–6 minutes a day) when it comes to fat loss.

29. Deep sleep and cold water faces oxygen to go to the brain.

30. Exercise does not help in weight loss. But it does help in weight maintenance. It is great for health, heart, mood, anti-cancer. But for weight loss, you have to change your diet.

31. Artificial sweeteners are bad for gut health.

32. Stress (mental and emotional) raises cortisol levels. Cortisol causes vascular inflammation, and inflammation around your heart, gut, and everything else. Heart attacks and high blood pressure are linked to stress.

33. Cortisol leads to fat storage around the abdomen.

34. What is the cause of unhappiness? Happiness = events meeting or exceeding expectations; life going my way. Happiness is the calm and peace you feel when you are okay with life as it is. Example, if your boss is annoying, and your expectation is bosses are annoying, to os not going to upset you. You will just focus on managing annoying bosses.

35. We break happiness by the 6 grand illusions, and 7 blind illusions.

36. 6 grand illusions are the pathways that the modern world teaches us to navigate the modern world that are not true. Illusions — illusion of thought, illusion of self, illusion of knowledge, illusion of time, illusion of control, and illusion of fear. These illusions disrupt your expectations from life.

37. The 7 blind spots are not defects in your brain, and but the very design of your brain like exaggerating the dangers of something that may as well be harmless. The brain does this to push you to take action.



Saloni Goyal
A Seed of Thought

What matters is going out there and doing it, not thinking about it, not worrying what others might think, not even being attached to a result, just doing it.