Why We Partnered With EPA To Improve Small Scale Sensors

A Sense of Aclima


Aclima’s environmental sensor networks collect over a billion data points every day. This data reveals actionable insights about buildings, cities, and communities, ultimately helping to improve human and planetary health. Our goal is to provide the highest quality environmental data possible. As part of that commitment, we’ve formed partnerships with the world’s leading air quality and sensor experts to help validate our approach.

One such partnership is with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA has an active research program in developing and evaluating sensor technology to measure air quality. The Agency’s scientists are experts in developing and evaluating air quality methods and the application of those methods to understanding the relationships between air pollution, exposures and health.

With their research and existing expertise, the EPA is a critical partner in helping us define the scientific data quality standards for small scale sensors. Additionally, together we are able to validate Aclima’s processes, methods and models as we develop a more granular view of air quality.

The partnership between Aclima and the EPA focuses on three broad areas. First, we’re working to develop and evaluate a low-cost, highly portable sensor for directly measuring fine and coarse particulate matter in indoor and outdoor settings in real-time. Second, we’re advancing Aclima’s stationary and mobile sensor platforms, including air sensors mounted on vehicles, measuring multiple indoor and outdoor air pollutants. Lastly, we’re developing and evaluating sensors to detect chemical components of air pollutants, including black carbon, methane and non- and semi-volatile particulate matter.

Through this work, Aclima and EPA are working to push the limits of current sensing technology and to improve data quality from small-scale sensors. Together, we’ll evaluate and apply air quality modeling techniques to better understand air quality and the relationship between air quality and climate change. Additionally, we’re supporting research to understand more about how we are exposed to air pollutants and the distribution of these exposures as they relate to health effects. And lastly, we believe our partnership will provide key information to support the development of cost effective and efficient emissions management control practices.

The ultimate goal of our collaboration is to address the substantial technical challenges of developing high quality and verifiable data from air sensors used to protect public health. We’re excited about this partnership, and its just one example of Aclima’s commitment to rigorous science for data quality.



A Sense of Aclima

We help governments, companies and communities reduce emissions and improve public health by putting air pollution and greenhouse gases on the map.