[30 before 30] 2 months in, 1 thing crossed!

Zhenshuo Fang
A side project called life
3 min readNov 2, 2016

It’s been 2 months since I published The panic list of 30 before 30. I’m glad to report back that I made progress on 3 items and crossed the first item on my list!

List #1: Visit 30 countries

Japan is now on the list as the 20th country I visited (only 10 more to go!) It was an amazing trip, and I’ll probably write some travel tips for people who visit Japan for the first time. Stay tuned!

Kyoto, Japan

List #5: Eat at 3 three-michelin star restaurants in 3 different countries

Since the three cities that has the most Michelin-star restaurants are all in Japan(Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka), I had to eat a fancy meal in this country. The 3-michelin star restaurant I went is 菊乃井(Kikunoi) in Kyoto. The food was impressive and we had a private dinning room all by ourselves! Definitely one of the best dinning experiences I’ve ever had.

Private room with a view at Kikunoi, featuring fall-themed Kaiseki cuisine.

List #18: Speak to an audience of more than 100 people

Didn’t expect the first thing I crossed on the list was this one! I had the honor to present my work at an internal event in September. I *think the audience was about 100 people and one of them is our Senior VP. It was nerve wracking but totally worth it!

Me and my preso on the stage!

Interesting things happened during the process

One interesting thing I learned while working on the 30-before-30 list: I went to donate my blood(list #24) but found out I can’t due to my low iron level. I started taking iron supplement and hope to try again soon. The list is already having positive effect on my health…

Another fun thing is I’m reconsidering list #27: Getting a tattoo. Because in Japan, you can’t go to any of the Onsen(hot spring) if you have any tattoo!

Takeaway after month two

I still haven’t touched most of the list but already enjoying the process! As my coworker once put it, the list really helps putting your life into perspective and reminds you what’s important.

If you are interested to learn more or submit your own story, follow the publication A side project called life where I keep track of my progress.



Zhenshuo Fang
A side project called life

NYC ➡️ Beijing | Design Director at Tencent | ex-Googler | ex-Mozillian | CMU MHCI Alum | Sketchnoter, PeopleWatcher, Flute Player & Food Lover