I am running out of energy.

Giannelli Gaspar
A Sign on the Door
Published in
Jul 15, 2021

As Covid-19 cases lower, so does my social battery.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

As Covid-19 cases start to lower and more vaccines are given, life is going back to normal. But as someone who has gotten used to Zoom calls, meetings, and texting, my battery for socializing in-person has worryingly lowered.

From an artist I follow on Instagram, Whatsupbeanie, posted a comic about how she needs air or space again before going back in to socialize. This is something I was able to relate to. As a college student, I can’t help but imagine myself feeling that way going back to in-person classes for the fall semester of 2021. The expectations. Needing to be on.

If you have any tips that have helped you start to make baby steps back to “normalcy,” please send them my way!



Giannelli Gaspar
A Sign on the Door

A lost woman in her early 20’s trying to figure out everything.