The Art of Getting Around in the 21st Century

Val Koi
A Skeptic’s Guide to Time Travel
2 min readApr 11, 2023


Greetings, dear readers! I am surprised by the locals. They are always pushing the boundaries of what is possible, whether it is reaching for the stars or travelling in crowded vehicles. By the way, transport. And let me tell you, folks, the 21st century is a wild ride!

The Good, the Bad, and the Armpit-Smelling Ugly

One thing that always fascinates me is how people get around. In our time, we have teleportation, but it’s not as convenient here as you might think. Sure, I can zap myself from one place to another, but then I have to wait for the darn thing to recharge. It’s like having a PP with a lousy battery life.

So, what do most people do? They rely on good old-fashioned transport. And let me tell you, folks, the locals here are fearless. They’ll cram themselves into a tiny vehicle like sardines in a can, just to get from point A to point B. It’s a wonder anyone can breathe, let alone move.

Personally, I’ve become quite skilled at hailing taxis. They’re like alcohol carts. You hop in, tell aloud where to go, and voila! You’re home. And the best part? You don’t have to do any of the driving yourself.

But let’s talk about buses. Ah, buses. These big, clumsy vehicles are always trying to turn somewhere wrong. Trying to argue with one is like trying to reason with your spouse when they’re in a bad mood. And to make matters worse, the locals seem to think it’s a good idea to stick some poor soul in there whose job is to entertain the passengers.

The occupation is commonly referred to as a driver, commonly known as a party driver. But let’s be real, folks. These people quickly become lazy, and before you know it, they’re hanging signs that say, “Do not distract the driver during the trip.” I mean, what’s the point of having a human entertainment system if you can’t even interact with them?

Plus, there’s something to be said for the sense of community you get when you’re all crammed together on a bus. Sure, you might get a little too familiar with your neighbour’s armpit, but you also get to chat with people you might never have met otherwise. And who knows, maybe you’ll make a new friend or two.

That’s it, dear readers, transport in the 21st century is a wild ride indeed. Whether you’re taking a taxi or bus, there’s never a dull moment. And who knows what experiences my future holds? Whatever happens, I’ll be here to report on it. Until next time!



Val Koi
A Skeptic’s Guide to Time Travel

I've got a time machine and a journalism degree, so now I can annoy people from any point in history with my questions and opinions.