Media needs simplicity and clarity, a discussion on the state of media today, with Natalie Frank, Co-Founder of the Rising Tide Society

A Slow News Day
Published in
5 min readJul 11, 2018

💥Welcome to The Overlooked. A bi-weekly segment featuring a diverse range of voices discussing what it means to be in media today, what might disrupt the market, and how we are getting our news. 😎

Meet Natalie Franke, in her words:

I’m a freelancer turned female founder who, after running a successful photography business for eight years, set out to build a modern guild and change the status quo in the creative economy. Recognizing the need for unity among creative freelancers, I mobilized tens of thousands of small business owners in the spirit of community over competition.

In May 2015, I cofounded the Rising Tide Society and took a simple idea from launch to exponential growth in less than six months — turning a hashtag into a movement of over 2 million posts, 130K followers, 75k members and 450 local chapters in three years.

Today, I continue to lead Rising Tide Society and also serve as Head of Community at a rapidly growing tech start-up, HoneyBook, where I empower the creative economy to rise together doing what they love.

GAZET: What do you think of the state of media today? ⚡️⚡️⚡️

I’m tired of the theatrics, the constant bickering, the biased coverage on either side of every issue — I am exhausted of living in an “us verses them” world that feels continually amplified by the need for constant coverage.

There is too much noise and I fear that it’s leading many of us to a state of apathy.

I would change the structure with which media is distributed. Simplicity and clarity is lacking from the constant buzz.

GAZET: Want to give a quick shout out to your favorite journalists/writers?

I love writers that have a way of turning words into raw emotion or drive me to dig deeper. A few of my favorites include: Shonda Rhimes, Hannah Brencher, Brene Brown, + Jeff Goins.

GAZET: In this insanely fast paced world — where you get your breaking news? 🐢🐇🐢🐇🐢🐇🐢🐇

Twitter — Always Twitter! My husband teases me, but it’s the truth.

GAZET: Keeping up the trends has become a vital part of making it in any industry. Where do you find out about new trends and products in yours?

Everywhere. I keep my eyes + ears open constantly. Innovation and trends are something that I’m genuinely interested in so any chance I get to test out a new hack, platform, or strategy — I take.

GAZET: Generation Z is probably the last generation that will actually be able to answer this question… What were your first experiences getting online? 💻 What did you image the digital future would look like? 🔮

I was a part of the MySpace and AIM generation initially. I spent hours messaging my friends and learning the tiniest bit of code to customize my profile so that it would match my teenage aesthetic — imagine cheesy quotes and song lyrics.

By the time I was in college, we were all on Facebook and using smartphones in class. I feel like, as a younger millennial, I grew up with the internet. It became more complex and integrated into our lives as I got older.

GAZET: We can all ADD to the internet if we want to- but if you could CHANGE one thing about the internet, what would it be? 🤔

Anonymity — I don’t like that people hide behind their screens. I’m a big believer in open and honest dialog, in sitting down to discuss things as a community, in respecting one another. I feel like the anonymity of the internet gives negative ideologies more power and prevents us from truly solving the issues that we face as a world.

GAZET: You’re about to get on a long haul flight. You forgot your charger, and all your electronics are about to lose their juice. It’s cool, there’s a newsstand. Which magazines or newspapers do you pick up?

I cannot remember the last time I read a magazine or newspaper. That’s not an exaggeration, we are talking years here.

I would skip both entirely and pick up a business book.

GAZET: Name a writer or creator you follow that’s about to blow up, but we likely don’t know yet? 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Can I give you three? Arielle Estoria, Mary Marantz, and Minaa B.

GAZET: Any memes old or new that you love a little too much? 😝

I’m a sucker for Grumpy Cat and Ermagherd girl. Old school, I know.

GAZET: Where do you remember your parents / caregivers getting there news from? 📺 📻📚📬

Newspapers + the television. This was back before news was a 24-hour cycle though… it was only in the mornings and evenings!

GAZET: Anything we’ve overlooked? 😉 What should we be checking out that we’re not already?

I’m mesmerized by people’s stories. One day it’s my dream to write a book that just tells the incredible stories of other people.

I’m consistently drawn to Humans of New York. The gritty, genuine nature with which the features are displayed keeps me coming back.

You can follow along with Natalie Frank by following her on Twitter, or visiting her website.

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A Slow News Day

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