YouTuber Eddie G on why his friends are his favorite news channel and how media can be toxic.

A Slow News Day
Published in
5 min readAug 14, 2018

đŸ’„Welcome to The Overlooked. A bi-weekly segment featuring a diverse range of voices discussing what it means to be in media today, what might disrupt the market, and how we are getting our news. 😎

Meet Eddie G, in his words:

I am a Mexican American content creator. I make videos on YouTube about comedy dance and culture.

GAZET: Who are your favorite bloggers / journalists?

Philip DeFranco is my favorite for news, though he doesn’t consider himself a journalist in the traditional sense. Phil provides facts and then his opinion, which is pretty balanced. I find his style refreshing.

GAZET: Yes, he’s great! Sooo, what do you think of the state of media today?

Media is a mess. The over saturation of content on the internet has made it difficult for publishers to compete, which has forced some to use clickbait tactics that end up hurting their credibility. It has lead to the toxic culture in which we operate today.

GAZET: It can be really toxic, it’s insane how fast it’s progressed. Do you remember your first experience getting online? What did you think of the internet?

I do! I remember going to the library and using a computer hooked up to a dial up modem to connect. I must have been in 7th grade or so. I remember chatting with people on a chatroom and being super excited because they were from all over the world. I thought the internet would connect us all (which it did), but never imagined the extent.

GAZET: Crazy how chatrooms are pretty much normalized with social media now. It used to be so weird to talk to people you don’t know, and now we do it every day! What’s your favorite video you’ve done?

I think my favorite video has to be Tiburcio vs. Pokemon Go. It’s about two kids who step into my character Tiburcio’s yard to catch a rare Pokemon and the chaos that ensues as a result of it. I like it because it shows a clash of cultures and generations in a very entertaining way. It’s by far one of my most successful videos to date, too. It’s been shared on Facebook over 260K times.

GAZET: Name a creator that’s about to blow up, that we might not know yet? 😃

Besides Tiburcio, I think the Chonga Girls and Jenny Lorenzo are on the cusp of something big. All of these girls are extremely talented and funny.

GAZET: We’ll keep our eye on them! Just took a quick break to watch a few. Their videos are hilarious. 😍 So what’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you this week?

I have a taco addiction, but I have been trying to get into a healthier lifestyle by going to the gym really early in the morning and showering there before heading to work. On multiple instances now I have forgotten to pack either socks or underwear, but this month I forgot to pack shoes. I’m not a morning person at all. I share these stories on my Instagram. People think they’re funny. Sadly, this stuff happens to me too often.

GAZET: We love this one
 What’s your favorite meme?

Cardi B as a little girl is pretty funny to me. I think every Latino has known a girl like that.

GAZET: So true
 Do you have any fun childhood stories that you can look back on and think, “yeah, it’s clear I was already becoming who I am now?”

When I was growing up, I used to love watching Television. I was obsessed with Chespirito*, who created Chavo Del Ocho and El Chapulin Colorado. I also loved watching movies with Tin Tan, Capulina, and Cantinflas. To those who weren’t raised in the culture, these names may be foreign, but these guys are comedy geniuses to me. Looking back at my inclinations toward comedy, it’s obvious now where I got my inspiration.

*We put together an issue featuring Mexican comedians on Gazet, check it out!

GAZET: What are your favorite media outlets?

My friends. I don’t watch much TV. I get most of my news on YouTube and Facebook.

GAZET: Love this answer, haven’t heard this yet and it’s so accurate! Alright you’ve got a chance to collaborate with anyone on a Youtube video, who do you choose?

I’d love to collaborate with “Miranda Sings”. The name of the video would be “Miranda Sings, Tiburcio Dances”.

GAZET: This has clearly got to happen
 But in the meantime, any cool projects you’re working on?

Can’t discuss too much, but working on a pitch for a TV show. It’s a dream of mine to reach a bigger audience, and crossing my fingers this year is when it happens.

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Make sure to follow along with Eddie G + Tiburcio on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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A Slow News Day

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