Lab of Muse & Method

Muse & Method
Published in
4 min readDec 4, 2019

Part of the School of the Possible

I’ve learned that my superpower is challenging others with care.

My purpose is to guide strong women to see the power in their vulnerability so they can experience joy, live fully expressed lives, connect deeply with themselves and others, and do meaningful work.

The Future I’m Creating

I want to live in a world where women can be celebrated as their whole, authentic selves. I believe achieving this requires a deep level of self-knowledge, patience and self-compassion, as well as a pathway and support system — and visual examples of women living this way — to shift behaviors from “default” patterns that no longer serve us, to designed or desired behaviors that truly make us come alive.

To move the needle toward this desired future state, I’m in the process of prototyping and launching a modern mentorship program where I’ll work with women to find the power in their vulnerability, to notice their default patterns, and to strip away their ego and “armor” so that they can live joy-filled, creative, connected lives, and do work that fills them up (instead of depleting them).

To support this work, I’ll be leveraging the Enneagram and Human Design to better understand the underlying motivations, ego behavior patterns, and desired future state of my “Muses” so together we can design a pathway for self-awareness and growth.

How I’ll Track Progress

I’m working with a few volunteers at the moment to test a beta version of the program, so I’ll be getting feedback from them.

I’m also in a coaching program called IGNITE, led by Majo Malfino, where I have to complete multiple prototypes and ultimately launch a version of this concept into the world.

The other aspect of this I want to breathe life into is hosting frequent (maybe monthly or bi-monthly) Presence or Connection Circles (still working on the name), where women gather in a small group to share struggles and stories, to celebrate small wins on their personal growth paths, and to hold space and listen to one another with empathy and love.

I will launch the first Circle in January 2020, and I’m hoping to increase the response and attendance to these over time.

As for the mentorship program, I would love to work with 1–2 women on an ongoing basis (for at least 12 weeks at a time) to hone in on the methodology and process.

How I’m Doing So Far

I’m already gathering feedback from 4–5 women on this process now, as well as input and advice from my IGNITE group.

I’ve held 3 mentorship sessions so far, and have learned a lot about the struggles that other women are facing.

I’ve been studying the Enneagram and Human Design through online courses and reading very heavy books.

What I’m NOT Doing

I’m not launching this as a way to make money or to replace my job, which I love. I’m not offering hourly services. I’m not pursuing a coaching certification before I can help others.

What I’ve Learned So Far

I don’t have to have all of the answers.

My powerful presence is an asset, not a liability, in this process.

This is a process and a journey toward mastery in several areas: content (Enneagram and Human Design), coaching others, and self-management.

I will learn a lot about myself through this work.

It will never be perfect or “ready”— I simply have to begin.

How I Can Help Others

I will hold space for and mentor women on an individual basis, and create a budding community where women can support one another and feel seen.

How Can You Help Me

If you’re interested in mentorship, reach out to me directly.

If you have experience as a coach or mentor, and you’d be up for a conversation or giving me feedback, I’d love to chat.

If you’re in Chicago and you’d like to attend a Presence Circle, check out upcoming events on the Muse & Method website.

For more information contact Lab Director Breean Elyse Miller at

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Muse & Method

I design training & mentorship programs that change minds & build mastery: Conversation Skills, Habits & Self-Awareness