1 Year and 480 Stories To Realize You Don’t Need A Niche

What you need is a vision

Veronica Llorca-Smith 🍋
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2023


A hand holding a globe
Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

When I started writing online in July 2022, the word ‘niche’ took over my social media, my dictionary, and my brain power.

All the gurus swore by it and sold courses and cohorts about finding your niche. Not having a niche is a sin in the world of content creation. You are clueless, confusing, and amateur.

‘You don’t have a niche?! How dare you?’

I like to play by the rules, and after 480 articles, a lot of soul-digging, and flirting with different niches, I found my divine answer:

You don’t need a niche. What you need is a vision. Let me explain.

A niche is, by definition, targeted, contained, and narrow. As a linguist, I translate that as limiting and suffocating. A box.

Isn’t a niche the opposite of human nature?

Humans are multidimensional beings, constantly evolving and expanding. Our creativity is not to be confined in boxes called niches but to be given free rein. That’s how the best ideas and products are created.

Christopher Columbus didn’t have a niche. He had a vision to explore the world (well, maybe he wanted some gold, too); that’s how he ‘discovered’ the New World in 1492.

