10 Ways To Make Your Goals Crystal Clear

Bucho Abina III
A Smiling World
3 min readMar 6, 2024


“Within preparation, there is a formulation of guaranteed success”.

Photo Via Canva Pro Photos

Lately, I've been feeling in free flow in my self-development.

It feels quite easy.

Trust me. Theres been pitfalls. Lots of them.

The difference is that when the pitfall happens I have a strategy in place that allows me to pivot back to my free flow. Then I'm back on track and getting sh*t done.

For the past several years I have taken a strong intellectual interest in a psychology concept called NLP(neuro-linguistic programming).

It's essentially an approach to understanding the root of human actions. Based on values, beliefs, and thinking patterns.

This is where my ideas and suggestions are going to be derived from.

Allow me to explain to you my strategy on how I can achieve this flow state so often.

10 Ways To Make Your Desired Success Crystal Clear

This strategy is what I use to strengthen my beliefs around the potential achievement of my desired outcome(goal).

To get the best benefit here you must write this framework down.

Trust me. A thorough application of this strategy will guarantee you results. I consider this process essential to the beginning of any goal I have.

Any sequence of behaviors will result in a predictable outcome.

First things first.

What is your goal?

Be specific.

1 sentence long.

Here's mine so you can get an idea.

I want to raise $1000 for my foundation; Amazon Revival Foundation by May 4th, 2024.

Make sure there's a what and when in your goal.

Now it's time to identify the how.

10 Ways

Write down your goal and ask yourself these questions:

  1. Why is this goal important to me?
  2. What positive changes will I notice in my life once I achieve this goal?
  3. What must happen before this goal is fulfilled?
  4. What is the intention behind setting this specific goal?
  5. What possible pitfalls could be present as I embark on this goal? (only write 2 because we must remember we are looking for achievement, not failure. It's only meant to be strategic)
  6. Can the achievement of my goal realistically happen within the timeframe I chose? (adjust your timeframe to a realistic timeframe if the answer is initially a no. You want yeses)
  7. Does the achievement of my goal rely on my actions and not other people's compliance? (this is important because if the goal is not self-reliant there will be a perception of not having full control of the outcome. Which can lead to disbelief and/or procrastination)
  8. Are the resources I need to achieve my goal available? (people, places, skills, money, etc. If the resources aren't available, create an action plan to acquire them.)
  9. Does the achievement of my goal align with my personal values? (discipline, commitment, honesty, balance, accountability, etc.)
  10. At the moment I achieve this goal; what would it feel like? What would I be seeing? What will I be hearing? Who is going to be present with me?

I promise, once you are done thoroughly going through this and answering these questions you'll end up on the other side of it having a crystal clear vision of your goal.

#3 is meant to be your step-by-step preparation guide.

It will change over time but plug in your answer into your daily to-do’s. Ensuring that you are staying disciplined in the direction of your goal.

By following a predetermined(planned) sequence of behaviors, a particular outcome will become unavoidable.

That's going to conclude my self-development piece for the day. I'm very passionate about expressing my approaches. They work. I can feel the momentum continuing every day. I suggest keeping your personal values(positive ones) very close to you. They will act as a compass in any pitfall.

I hope this piece finds you at a perfect time in your life. Till my next one!

Best, Bucho Abina III

Want to follow me on my journey? Here are some valuable links I’m associated with.

My Instagram: Link

My foundation raises money to combat climate change. We plant trees back into the Amazon Rainforest: Amazon Revival Foundation’s Instagram: Link

My Medium Profile: Link (even though you can just click on my profile lol just want to make it more convenient)



Bucho Abina III
A Smiling World

Environmental Topics & Musical Opinions. Unique, but great combo.