4 Ways To Get Rid Of Anxiety

“Uncertainty creates anxiety. But what would certainty create?”

Bucho Abina III
A Smiling World
Published in
5 min readFeb 19, 2024


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In recent months, I've been experiencing high levels of focus and productivity. And I know why.

The anxiety I had is gone.

As a result, my focus is top tier. Now it is a game of building and creating, not running away from things that help me grow.

I'm going to define anxiety real quick with the intention to describe the aspects of its existence.

Anxiety arises when you don't know what the future will behold. More specifically not knowing what outcome to expect in a given upcoming experience.

  • You're going to a family gathering with people you don't know: anxiety due to not knowing how these people will treat you or how you will act.
  • You're setting out on your biggest life goal: anxiety due to not knowing or probably not truly believing yet that it will be a success.

Take the examples I showed you above. The common denominator is uncertainty.

*The solution to all negative human beliefs is finding the polar opposite of it(the positive version) and acting in that direction.

The Solution? Create certainty.

Within certainty, anxiety dissipates.

The first step to guaranteeing certainty is the most powerful step. It is to show and teach yourself that you are the one in control of how you feel in all situations.

The obvious is that we can't control all outcomes. But we can influence them. But that's a topic for another day. What I'm getting at is regardless of the outcome you find yourself in, you always have control of how you feel.

Now those are just words for motivation.

They sound cool.

They have a nice ring to it.

But let's get to the value you came for.

Guaranteeing Certainty

I am going to leverage one of the examples I gave above. The one about setting out for a big life goal.

The goal here is to create a whole lot of understanding around a big life goal.

Would you agree that understanding something in full would allow you to confidently talk about it? Your certainty in talking about it would be high right?

I'm taking a unique approach here. It's a strategy for approaching any specific goal. I am going to define a couple of terms first.


  1. Abstract: your intentions, purposes, philosophy, and meanings of life.
  2. Specific: The very specific details of your abstract concepts. Ex. Your intention is to spend quality time with people you care about(abstract). Your(specific) way of achieving that would be to go bowling with my friends in the afternoon. You can even go very specific: go bowling with my friends in the afternoon where we play at least 2 games. Make a completion out of it. The losing team pays for the winning team's meal afterward.

Day in and day out everyone has a mix of Abstract and Specific ideas going through their head.

The goal here is to channel them.

Connect them.

So you create a high level of certainty when it comes to achieving your goals and enjoying your life.

Here Are The 4 Ways To Get Rid Of Anxiety

Let’s say there is uncertainty(or anxiety) around a big life goal. Creating certainty would consist of taking a look at your goal in abstract form. Using the power of questions for yourself. Abstract questions followed by Abstract answers. Then moving towards specifics with Specific questions followed by Specific answers.

  • I suggest writing down your answers

Goal: Ex. Become a nutritionist

  1. Abstract:
  • Q: What is my purpose in life?
  • A: To help other people live better lives.

This creates agreement(a form of certainty) a great place to start.

2. Abstract/Specific:

  • Q: Am I going to go to school for this? Or am I going the self-taught route?
  • A: I am going to go to college. I will get a better more well-rounded understanding there.

3. Specific:

  • Q: Where am I going to college? When am I going to apply?
  • A: I am going to the University of (X). I plan on applying sometime tomorrow.

4. Very Specific:

  • Q: What documents are needed for me to apply to this college? What time tomorrow am I going to apply?
  • A: I am going to gather my high school transcripts, recommendation letters, and ACT or SAT scores. I am going to start this process while I'm eating lunch tomorrow in my office room.

Do you see the power of going from abstract to specific? It creates a wide range of certainty. You know your genuine intentions about your goal and you know how exactly you are going to start taking steps in that direction.

This is meant to be a framework. A plug-in equation for creating certainty in your life.

I suggest taking this formula and changing it to your preference. Word it however you feel fits your scenario the best.

If you ever feel off or if uncertainty(anxiety) pops up, the way to regain focus is to ask yourself abstract questions about your goals. Or even change the question into a statement.

  • Statement: Accomplishing big goals is wonderful.

Saying something like this creates agreement. This agreement allows important steps to happen towards certainty. After it would be time to start the questions. Start in Abstract, flow through the specifics, and take action. If you feel off, gently flow back to Abstract, and follow through again.

It's a highly effective strategy for staying on track for your goals.

Now go and try it.


This is how I've been accomplishing high levels and focus and productivity. Through creating certainty.

I have taken a strong intellectual interest in a psychology concept called NLP(neuro-linguistic programming) for the past several years which helps me understand efficient ways to navigate the self-development area. I have so much more to say and to talk about as it relates to personal development. I hope this story finds people at the perfect time. It will definitely help. tuned for my next writing pieces!

Best, Bucho Abina III



Bucho Abina III
A Smiling World

Environmental Topics & Musical Opinions. Unique, but great combo.