A New Disney Adventure on The Horizon? A Journey Beyond The Imaginary And Into the Heart

Where dreams and reality meet.

A Smiling World
Published in
3 min read2 days ago


Get ready! Your next favorite Disney movie is on the way. Enjoy the read and let your imagination take flight!

When Dreams Meet Reality ~ by Jolly.Creator

Polly, a penguin unlike any other, longed for adventures beyond the icy edge of her world. Unlike her fish-loving friends, she yearned for the unknown. One day, scavenging for pebbles, Polly found a peculiar jar nestled in the seaweed. Inside, it read:

“For a special, curious soul, write your dreams on the wind, a reply will find its way.”

Intrigued, Polly held her most colorful pebble and whispered her wish: “A world beyond my wildest dreams, filled with warmth and wonders.” With all her penguin might, she tossed the pebble as far as she could, watching the waves carry her wish on the wind.

Days melted into weeks, and Polly nearly gave up hope. Until one sunny afternoon, a surprise bobbed in the current — a bottle. Inside, was a letter. With trembling flippers, she retrieved it and hurried back to her favorite spot.

Polly eagerly opened the bottle to find a messy letter. A giggle escaped her beak at the clumsy scribbles, a stark contrast to her elegant handwriting: “Dear Polly, I see you. I am Pocket, a free-spirited creature of warm sun and vast oceans. Your message traveled the waves and found me, filling me with joy. Tell me more about your world!”

Polly’s heart soared. Using pebbles and seaweed for mountains and fish, she sent her story across the waves. Pocket’s reply arrived days later — clumsy yet heartfelt sketches of vibrant coral reefs. Over the next few months, a cherished pen pal ritual blossomed with meaningful letters and secret code messages.

One day, a strange feeling filled Polly’s gut. She waddled to Mr King, the head penguin, and whispered with a worried voice. “Mr King, I have a feeling a storm is coming. Our fishing grounds might not be safe anymore.”

Mr King, preening like a peacock, his new uniform with its dazzling epaulettes a shimmering distraction, paid little attention to Polly’s intuition. “Polly, you’re always worrying about nothing. Our fishing grounds are perfectly safe.”

Still, Polly didn’t feel good. The fate of her colony rested on her flippers. She grabbed her favorite pebble and raced to the highest ice shelf. Holding it aloft, she whispered with all her will power, “Pocket, can you hear me? Am I overthinking? Or is a storm really threatening our Home?

Days later, the storms did arrive. Wind howled, and snow lashed at the panicked penguins. Suddenly, a magnificent creature emerged from the churning waves — it was Pocket, the humpback whale! Using his powerful tail, he created a path in the ice, leading them to safety beyond the storm’s reach.

Exhausted but safe, Polly stood at the edge of the newly formed ice shelf when the storm finally subsided. Gratitude filled her heart. Another bottle was here: “Together, we can face any storm. May our friendship and special bond bridge the gap between our worlds.” Polly smiled at Pocket’s message, a needle of excitement pricking her.

She returned to her favorite spot, a newfound wisdom warming her heart. The real adventure, she realized was the courage to reach out, dream big, and form unexpected friendships that blossom across continents. The world is full of possibilities. Maybe one day, she would visit Pocket’s universe. Until then, she had a new story to share with her magical pebble : the tale of a brave penguin and her incredible whale friend.

Power is the ability to close your eyes and imagine a better world. True power is having the courage to make that world come true.

And that’s a wrap! Thanks for sticking around. I hope this short story inspires you on this groovy rainy day :)

Let’s keep dreaming big and make great things happen!

Happy week-end penpals!

Your Jolly.Creator

