A Smiling World’s Writing Contest: New Year Resolutions

Hapijur Rahaman
A Smiling World
4 min readDec 13, 2022


8 Things I’m looking forward to do in the next year…

New Year’s Resolution
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I have always been someone who doesn’t like to jump on trends or follow common norms like celebrating birthdays, having New Year resolutions, etc. But there’s always a first time for everything right? Thank you Veronica Llorca-Smith 💎 for inspiring me to write it. Let’s get started.

1. Staying loyal to my New Year’s Resolutions

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According to the Oxford dictionary, the definition of ‘Resolution’ is — a definite decision to do or not to do something. So what’s the point of having resolutions at all if we don’t adhere to them anyway? Let’s refrain from acting merely out of obligation. Let’s not swim in the same shallow pool over and over again. Resolutions don’t mean to be forgotten, so let’s not do it.

2. Respecting Time

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As someone who squandered a lot of time in his teenage years, I can attest that if you don’t appreciate the value of time, you are destined to become valueless. Glad I realised my mistake and didn’t repeat it further.

Even though it’s not like I am very wise now and don’t ever waste time, but I have definitely improved myself a lot. But I am not satisfied, I know I can do more and I should. Hence, I want to make the most of my time and avoid being complacent.

3. Practice Spirituality

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I’m someone who doesn’t have thick skin. Sometimes, I get depressed easily, and also other things that are not in my control affect me a lot. Maybe that’s why it’s worth having a higher purpose. It’s worth believing in the Creator, that He is by your side.

Everything in this world is so temporary! And even if you are wrong in the end you would still live a peaceful life and of course, you won’t know.

Since the moment I started living with a greater purpose, it has never failed to give me strength and it’s something I am willing to practice more and more in the next year and so.

4. Living a Holistic Lifestyle

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When we get sick we just treat the particular disease without going into the root cause. We don’t try to understand why we are suffering, and what are the real causes, instead we just resort to a temporary solution. When we recover we make the same mistakes which feed the vicious cycle.

I have been guilty of the same. That’s why incorporating a Holistic Lifestyle is something I am looking forward to.

5. Create something worth plagiarising

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I’ve got a novel’s plot all ready. It’s a story similar to Werewolf set in the mediaeval ages. By the end of 2023, I hope to have it finished and published.

I dream of writing a piece that others will be tempted to copy. And if someone does then it would mean that I have indeed created something valuable.

Remember, they can copy you but can never replicate or replace you. You are the creator, if you have managed to do it once then you can do it again and again. You have that power and they don’t.

6.Read more books

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Dogs are humans’ best friends, and so are books. If you don’t read books do you know what you are missing? Paradise! But of course, you have to choose the right books if that’s not obvious enough!

7. Stop trying to be Perfect

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No one is perfect, so I won’t try to be one.

Perfection is a myth, yes it is. It has different versions for different people. It can never be achieved. There will always be someone or something that will do better. It’s an illusion like a mirage in the desert. Learning is a process, not a destination. We have to keep learning, always.

So, it’s better to have the mindset of learning, keep improving, and start the damn project that you always want to do instead of running for an illusion named perfection.

8. Start acting on my ideas

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It’s good to have great ideas, brilliant ideas but you know what’s the best? When you start acting on them. And that’s what I am looking forward to doing next year.

Happy New Year 2023 in advance beautiful people :)

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Hapijur Rahaman
A Smiling World

Hello there🙋 Greetings from Hapijur. I am an enterpriser and investor by profession and a writer by devotion