Boredom Makes You Creative.

My mind gives me surprises

Fakiha Masood
A Smiling World
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2023


Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

I was getting bored laying on a couch, stressing about doing nothing productive and about all the piled-up academic work I have to finish.

An idea like a flash hit me — you guessed it right. “Boredom makes you creative”.

It’s more like a question than a statement. Is that the case?

If I talk about myself to some extent, it is because when I am done scrolling, fed up with opening the same social media apps gazillion times, my brain enlightens me with thoughts on what I should write and then abandons me. My draft has more count than my published articles, and that’s not something to be proud of. Yeah, I know.

You get something productive like this because, at this point, we are not stressing out our little buddy to cook us something brand new. People, it gets nervous when we look at it like that, duh!

The best analogy for how our brain works is when parents persuade their children to showcase their talent in front of guests, and they become timid in front of them. All eyes on them freak out our brain; that’s why it glitches. For me, I can never do good intentionally, but only when I haven’t given a signal yet to my brain, and then it does its job.

What's your part of the theory?

