Managing stress

The Art of Expressing Yourself

Like caged birds struggling within its confines, a troubled mind needs liberation from pessimistic thoughts.

A Smiling World
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2024


Photo by Hardcore Brain on Unsplash

Stress has become a buzzword. From school children to senior citizens, everyone experiences stress during different phases. While some manage to extricate themselves from depression, others can’t find a way out of it and resort to extreme steps.

By sharing your thoughts with your trusted friends or family members, you can de-stress in the right way. When you bury your feelings, you can’t carry the weight of it and life becomes burdensome. When you confide in your problems with your confidants, then you can certainly derive solutions to the most niggling issues.

Venting your negative thoughts can be beneficial for your mental well-being. It really helps in detoxifying the mind. Don’t shy away from discussing your mental health. The stigma surrounding mental health is slowly diminishing, with many celebrities and stars becoming vocal about their mental illness.

There may be a plethora of suggestions on how to deal with stress. Reading writing, cooking, baking, yoga, meditation, walking and the list goes on. Can you indulge yourself wholeheartedly in these activities, when you are emotionally flustered?

Some even contemplate of fleeing to sequestered locations to avoid human interaction. They misconstrue the real meaning of ‘mind relaxation’. Living in solitude gives you scope for self-introspection and ample freedom. But on the flip side, loneliness only exacerbates stress.

Photo by Andrew DesLauriers on Unsplash

Have you ever thought about how the less educated and underprivileged deal with their mental illness? Take, for instance, my maid Nancy, who found counsel in her neighbour. She confides in her any kind of problems. People like Nancy neither have financial resources to seek professional counselling nor do they have enough time to pursue various stress busting activities.

Like caged birds struggling within its confines, a troubled mind needs liberation from pessimistic thoughts. When you let go of your emotions, you feel calm.

If you are in great mental distress, try reaching out to your family or friends. In-person meetings would be more beneficial than digital modes of communication. Nothing can be more healing than a warm hug from your loved ones. When you pour your heart into them, you can feel relieved to a great extent. I believe, this approach will certainly be more effective than psychological counselling.

Photo by Dylan Sauerwein on Unsplash

Though researchers opine on the serious ramifications of venting out, yet it is really liberating for the mind and soul when you speak your mind!

Bring Your Words

