How to Find Your Sustainable Rhythm for Success

Defining ‘success’ in this hustle culture

Isabelle Catoni
A Smiling World
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2024


Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

We’ve all seen the idealized “hustle” routines: early mornings, intense workouts, and relentless productivity.

While impressive, this approach isn’t for everyone. Here’s how to find a sustainable rhythm that fuels your success and well-being.

Beyond the Hustle Myth

  • Success Isn’t Constant Pushing:

Sustainable achievement is finding what works for you and remaining consistent, not constantly exceeding limits.

  • Life Has Its Ebb and Flow:

Embrace the natural ups and downs of life. Adjust your routine to accommodate your energy levels and priorities.

  • Work for Life, Not the Other Way Around:

Create a work style that supports your life, not the other way around.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

When the Hustle Makes Sense

There are times when intense effort is justified:

  • Creating Outsized Results: During periods of high ambition, structured hustle can help achieve extraordinary results.
  • Early Career/Single Life: When young and unburdened, full-on hustle can propel career growth.
  • Building a Foundation: Intense effort can be valuable when laying the groundwork for a business or career.

Remember, these periods are not meant to be permanent.

Photo by Sven Vahaja on Unsplash

Success Requires Balance

Chasing the “one size fits all” success model can be detrimental.

Well-being Matters: Balance professional achievements with personal happiness and well-being. Both are essential for long-term success.

Finding Your Personal Success Rhythm

Here’s how to create a routine that fuels your success and happiness:

  • Identify Your Productivity Flow: Recognize your natural energy levels and schedule demanding tasks accordingly.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Aim for achievable daily objectives that motivate you without causing overwhelm.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Integrate breaks and activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation into your routine.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Succeed on Your Terms

Success is a personal journey. Define it by how good your life feels, not by external validation. A fulfilling personal life is not a roadblock to professional achievement; they can co-exist. Embrace your unique rhythm, prioritize your well-being, and watch your definition of success unfold.



Isabelle Catoni
A Smiling World

Blogger | Long form content writer | Use Words to Transform Thoughts | Write to Engage @_isabelle_cat