Hapijur Rahaman
A Smiling World
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2023


United by Nature

The Weight of Embracing Diversity and Unity

Graphic by author

Once upon a time, in the heart of the animal kingdom, there lived a diverse group of creatures. Each animal possessed unique qualities and strengths, but they rarely interacted with one another, preferring to stay within their own circles.

One fateful day, the animal kingdom faced a formidable challenge. They were tasked with building a bridge to connect their lands. But none of them alone possessed the skills needed to complete such a monumental task.

After realizing the importance of unity and authenticity, all the animals decided to come together. They decided to set aside their differences for a common purpose.

The lion roared with confidence, inspiring the animals with his leadership. The elephants, with their immense strength and unwavering determination, provided the foundation.

The giraffe used her vision to foresee obstacles and guide the others.

As they began working, they encountered a tricky situation that required agility and quick thinking.

It was then that the fox, known for its cleverness, stepped forward and offered a creative solution.

The ants who are renowned for their unity and diligence worked tirelessly and carried materials.

The squirrels showcased their resourcefulness by providing tools and materials.

The wise owl perched on a tree branch, observing and providing guidance to the group.

With each animal embracing their authentic qualities and working unitedly, the bridge slowly took shape.

They faced obstacles and setbacks along the way, but their unity and authenticity propelled them forward.

In the end, the bridge stood tall.

The animal kingdom rejoiced as they celebrated their accomplishment.

They realised how powerful it is to accept and value everyone's unique strengths and what they bring.

Authenticity is not only about being true to oneself but also about recognizing and appreciating the unique strengths and contributions of others.

When we embrace our unique qualities and come together with a shared purpose, we can overcome any challenge and create something truly remarkable.

And so, the animals continued to live in harmony, forever.



Hapijur Rahaman
A Smiling World

Hello there🙋 Greetings from Hapijur. I am an enterpriser and investor by profession and a writer by devotion