What Separates Winners From The Rest?

Learn to master this art and you'll win, too.

A Smiling World
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2024


History repeats itself.

So what can we learn from the greatest warriors back then? Don’t fret, dear reader, this won’t be a dusty history scroll. Instead, let’s intertwine the wisdom of legends with the vibrant threads of my own heritage. This tale might even spark a Disney movie (any Disney producers here? ).

Ready? Let’s dive in!

As the saying goes: 掌握愤怒的人,就掌握了胜利- "He who masters his anger, masters victory."

Once upon a time …

Deep within the Jade Mountains lived Ari, a very disciplined girl. But she’s got anger within her. Her fiery spirit fueled her every move in the martial arts dojo. Each punch was a burst of frustration, each kick an emotional attack.

One day, Master Jin, her wise teacher, observed her during practice. Ari landed a powerful kick, her face contorted in rage. With a gentle hand, Master Jin brought the session to halt.

"Ari," he began, his voice calm. "You fight with impressive strength" he said, "but true power lies not in anger, but in control."

Confused, Ari argued, "But anger gives me energy, Master Jin! It pushes me to win!"

Master Jin smiled gently. "Imagine a wild horse, bucking and kicking with raw power. It might be strong, but it can’t go anywhere. Now, imagine a skilled rider, guiding the horse with a firm but gentle hand. They work together, channeling the horse’s energy to move with grace and purpose. Now they can achieve something remarkable."

Ari pondered this.

Her fiery gaze softened, replaced by contemplation. Master Jin’s words echoed in the silence, sparking a new understanding within her.

The Art of the True Victor by Jolly.Creator (author)

During the next practice session, she focused on channeling her energy, not letting anger control her. Her movements became fluid, precise. Her strikes calculated. In a move that surprised even Master Jin, she managed to disarm him for the first time.

Exhilarated, Ari realized the truth in Master Lin’s words. She saw the results, and it now, resonates deep within her. The best fighter wasn’t the one fueled by fury, but the one who could harness his emotions and fight with control and focus.

From that day on, Ari fought with focus and grace, unlocking her true power.

So, what really separates champions from mere contenders is the mastery of a subtle art – the art of wielding your emotions. Learn to control the storm within, and victory will follow.

Until next time :)

Your Jolly.Creator

