Why Perfection Is Overrated

“The best is the enemy of the good”

Magnus Ingemansen
A Smiling World
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2023


Dart hitting a board perfectly with 10 score
Photo by icon0.com

Have you ever felt like something wasn’t quite good enough? Do you obsess over the details until your project is “perfect”?

Nowadays, there is a lot of pressure to be perfect; you need to hit the “bullseye” and strive for a perfect 10 each and every time.

But what happens if you miss the target and fail? Then you are a failure. That is, at least, how the internet presents it.

I’ll let you in on a secret:

It’s overrated.

Let me tell you why.

Being overly self-critical

Books in front of person
Photo by Pixabay

The major issue with perfectionism is the damaging self-criticism that follows you — I know this since I went through it in school.

I worked hard to always achieve the highest grade, and I felt ashamed of myself when I didn’t. My confidence was greatly hit by this.

I’m telling you this personal secret because I don’t want you to make the same error that I did.

I’m hoping that after reading this, you’ll be a little more forgiving of yourself. Whatever your profession — writer, trainer, etc.

Allowing yourself to relax and make errors is my advice since that’s how I first started to get better.

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Magnus Ingemansen
A Smiling World

Young writer, life enthusiast. My purpose is to make other people happy through my writing.