Why You Should Make Mistakes More Often?

Mistakes keep you on the right path.

Anna A Techer
A Smiling World
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2022


Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

1 Mistakes make you human.

They are a part of you. Nobody’s perfect so if you didn’t already make a mistake. Trust me, you’ll do it shortly. Mistakes show you’re human. Maybe writing this article was a mistake.;)

2. Mistakes are unpredictable.

Mistakes demonstrate you are not God! Sorry to break it down to you harshly! Maybe it was a mistake!;) But, you don’t have all the knowledge in the world and can predict the future. So you can’t foresee your next mistake and the impact it will have on you and your surroundings.

Mistakes are a part of life. Life is a journey. It can be a struggle or an easy path. Some mistakes can be avoided. Some mistakes are greater than others. But you won’t know it until you make the mistake.

3. Mistakes make you humble.

Only if you learn from them. Yes, this bullet point is the tricky one. Mistakes make you reflect on your inner self. Yes, at first, it hurts. Yes, you’ll feel bad. But if you stay in that state, you’ll have regrets. Become a bitter lemon. And you won’t learn from your mistakes. So, take a deep breath. And reflect on it.

Ask your inner self these five crucial questions :

What mistake did I make?
How do I know it was a mistake?
Why did I make that mistake?
When did I realize it was a mistake?
Who got impacted by mistake?

And turn them into :

What did I learn from this mistake?
How can I be better?
Why should I avoid this mistake in the future?
When will I accept this mistake and move on?
Who do I want to be from now on?

In some areas, we’re still children, we struggle, we fall, we cry, we wonder, and we learn. Make mistakes. A lot. Learn from them. An improve.
If you read this post, you’re already on the right path !;)



Anna A Techer
A Smiling World

Life is A-Maze-Ing... Working my way through it! Content writer | Entrepreneur | Deal breaker