Planning for Amsterdam Dance Event? Here’s Some Tips From the Veterans

Kat Loughrey
A Song A Day
Published in
6 min readOct 12, 2017
Image credit: ADE 2016.

We’ve already run through the many reasons why the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) deserves to be experienced. The networking opportunities, the fascinating talks, the explosive parties and the splendour of Amsterdam itself. However, something else that’s worth discussing is the fact that ADE also tends to be the most exhausting week of the year. It pays to be prepared.

Luckily though, there’s some easy tips that can help you make the most of the craziness. Here’s a few infirmed suggestions from a veteran ADE visitor on how to best plan things out.

1. Prepare for unpredictable weather

Be prepared for cool and rainy weather, especially at night.

If you’re lucky, Amsterdam will be showing its best side, with serene autumn sunshine reflecting off Amsterdam’s famous scenic canals. However, it’s also just as likely there will be some of those famous downpours that tend to rinse out the Amsterdam festivals every year, and winds that chill you to the bone when you’re returning from a party in the early hours. Pack clothes that can accommodate temps as low 5 degrees, and don’t forget your umbrella!

2. Wear shoes that are made for walking (and dancing)

Stairs (and steep ones at that) are common place in Amsterdam.

If you’re planning on extracting maximum value from the countless presentations and panels at the conference, moving from meeting to meeting and backing it up by dancing the night away (all three happen in abundance at ADE), then you better make sure you’re wearing comfortable shoes. Sneakers that can accommodate a whole lot of stairs are ideal. And yes, be ready for many (steep) stairs, even in accommodation options.

3. Study the schedule

Image credit: ADE 2016.

There sure is a lot happening across the breadth of the ADE daytime conference. So much so that the talks, presentations and panels have split off from the central ‘ADE Pro’ component to also include additional strands like ‘ADE Brands’, ‘ADE Tech’ and ‘ADE Green’, which are all fairly self-explanatory in terms of their thematic focus.

How can you see everything? You simply can’t. However, if you plan your schedule ahead of time, it’s likely you’ll catch a lot more that you want to see. Start scouring the conference timetable at the ADE site and jot down the times and locations in your calendar.

4. Familiarize yourself with the conference sites

Richie Hawtin at ADE 2016.

As ADE has grown, it’s also expanded to take over several additional sites beyond its core Felix Meritis hotel site. This year brings a bit of a change, with the core activities of the conference shifting to the DeLaMar Theater while the Felix undergoes renovations. In addition, different strands of the conference take place in the Tolhuistuin, Brakke Grond and Melkweg venues.

Nothing that throws a spanner in a well-planned schedule like realising you have to flee a fascinating panel discussion early so you can make it on time for that important meeting, which happens to be on the other side of town. You’ll be surprised at how often this happens, and it’s reflective of how much ADE has taken over the entirety Amsterdam.

Don’t leave it to the last minute. Plan your routes and know where you’ve got to be, and you’ll avoid any nasty surprises.

5. Rent a bike

Photo by Jace Grandinetti on Unsplash.

There’s no better way to see the city. With the conference sprawling all over the place, and the parties themselves (and the 140 venues hosting them) stretching out to the outer boundaries of Amsterdam, you don’t want to have to rely on the whims of public transport to get around (nor spend a fortune on taxis or Ubers).

Bikes rule the roads in Amsterdam, and renting one of your own is the best way to become one with the city. Grab one at Starbikes near central station. Alternatively, get €10 off your first ride with car-sharing service, Uber.

6. Get data roaming

While the venues hosting the conference typically have Wi-Fi available, you’ll also need to access to Google Maps while you’re racing around the city. Not to mention, being able to be contacted when an industry contact inevitably tries to reschedule that important meeting at the last possible moment via email.

The EU has unified laws when it comes to data roaming, though if you’re flying in from elsewhere we’d advise picking up a local sim. It’ll be worth the trouble. Pre-paid sims are available from T-Mobile, and various mobile phone providers located in the major shopping areas.

7. Arrive in Amsterdam early

With a hectic five days in front of you, if you’re able to arrive slightly early to get your bearings then it’ll make all the difference. You can pick up your passes and tickets from the ADE store as early as 16:00 on Tuesday. If you can afford the luxury of some extra time to get used to the frenetic (and exhilarating) energy that characterizes the conference, it’ll be worth your while.

8. Be realistic

Image credit: ADE 2016.

Is it the Thursday night Drumcode party at the spectacular Gashouder the one that you’re keen enjoy to the max? Best not to organize a meeting on Friday morning then. The best part about ADE is combining work and play, though it also pays to plan your favorite parties so you’re not forced to cancel meetings at the last minute when it turns into an extremely late night.

9. Stay until Monday

Sunday is the new Saturday. With such an action packed week, it makes sense to make the most of the Sunday parties once the daytime conference has properly wrapped up. Elrow is known for throwing a party on the final evening, while labels as diverse as Spinnin’, Mobilee and Strictly Rhythm have all chosen Sunday as the right time for their respective blowouts.

10. Take care of yourself

Stay hydrated, eat right and keep up your vitamins before, both during and after the conference. And once you’re back home, make sure you’ve allocated some time to catch up on sleep! Veterans will all tell you the days following ADE are a write off, so pencil in some downtime.

If you follow these tips, you’ll have a memorable week, hear from your favourite artists, party hard and work hard — and survive it all to make it back next year, bigger and even better (if that’s possible)!

Amsterdam Dance Event is held from 18–22 October 2017, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tickets for festival parties or conference passes (starting at 300€) can still be bought online. The ADE card is a great option as well. For more information, check out ADE’s website.

Kat Loughrey is one of our curators at A Song A Day. She’ll be at this year’s Amsterdam Dance Event, be sure to say hello at @katloughrey!



Kat Loughrey
A Song A Day

All about daring (remote) leaps, digital life, and dance music. ✌️