A Design Comedy #2: Purgatorio

How to re-align with your mission in design

Hanan A.S.
A Song of Art & Science
3 min readFeb 18, 2024


image generated using leonardo.ai

After the flames

“The weapons of divine justice are blunted by the confession and sorrow of the offender.”― Dante, The Divine Comedy II: Purgatory

You’ve done it; you took the decision to get out of the design inferno, your reward is entering purgatory, where the brave souls who dared to escape wait for the mercy that gets them back on track for a life where they make things that solve problems and helps other humans: design paradise 😇.

This place..this bleak, cold unknown you land in when you risk security for a higher goal is what scares most people away from this journey of redemption. What happens if I am stuck in purgatory forever?!

You will not. Here’s what to do:

Connect with your mission

You are free of subjects of a greater power, a nobler nature that creates your mind…So, if the world has gone astray, the cause lies in yourselves and only there!” ― Dante, The Divine Comedy II: Purgatory

The first step to get out of this place is ask yourself:

1. What was your goal when you chose design as a career path?

2. What skills and resources do you need/have to find an opportunity that aligns with your goal?

When you answer that question, you will know what projects or opportunities you should look for and if you need to up skill, what exactly you should learn to get those opportunities. But human souls are created for the sake of each other, sometimes you need to ask for help.

A prayer in secret, a helping hand

“Thus you may understand that love alone
is the true seed of every merit in you,
and of all acts for which you must atone.”

― Dante, The Divine Comedy II: Purgatory

As Dante climbs purgatorio, the souls he meets there tell him how the prayers of the living ease their suffering and shorten their wait.

When you feel at loss and can’t find an opportunity that feels right and connects with your goals, put ego and pride aside and ask for help.

  1. Connect with people who own businesses that you would love to be a part of. Brush up your writing skills and introduce yourself using words that resonates with them and their project.
  2. Reach out to good friends and old clients. What’s the point of networking if not for this?
  3. Get mentored. Connect with a seasoned designer and get their opinions about your work, portfolio, resume, interview skills, etc. Who knows, it could get you something you never had in mind.
  4. Pray. Pray first and last. Pray a lot. A fool is he who thinks that they can provide for themselves without their maker’s helping hand.

…Having done so, you feel a gentle breeze…is that coming down from Paradiso?

From that most holy wave I now returned
to Beatrice; remade, as new trees are
renewed when they bring forth new boughs, I was
pure and prepared to climb unto the stars.

And sometimes, paradise is right beside you, all it takes is a leap of faith 💗.

If you made it here (journey or blogpost 😂), I salute your resilience!

‘till next time, lots of love and #keepdesigning!



Hanan A.S.
A Song of Art & Science

What remains of a Human Female. Digital Product Designer. Bookworm.