Don’t Feel Guilty for Protecting Your Energy

Sabah’s Soul Saturdays #11 — the whisperings of my soul.

Sabah Ismail✨
A Soul Journey


Feeling guilty is something I’ve struggled with since childhood.

I think, for the most part, it’s from being brought up by a family who immigrated to the U.K. from Pakistan; people who were constantly battling between two cultures and didn’t know quite how to navigate those new waters with their own children, born and being brought up in Britain.

This meant that growing up I forever felt the battle between Pakistani culture and values, and Western culture and values — and any time I even chose to think differently to the Pakistani values my family were trying to instil within me, I felt guilt.

Now, having grown up and having had come a long, long way since those days, in recent times I’ve begun to learn the importance of protecting your energy, and keeping your space sacred. And a part of that has been to start letting go of people and situations that do not help me to grow - and actually don’t add anything positive to my life.

Growing up with the values that family is everything and that we should always respect our elders, this hasn’t been the easiest of tasks for me.



Sabah Ismail✨
A Soul Journey

A human being fascinated by the human experience. Also a writer, artist & transpersonal healing coach writing on spiritual growth, healing & consciousness.