Let Them Judge

Sabah’s Soul Saturdays #19 — the whisperings of my soul.

Sabah Ismail✨
A Soul Journey


God knows what is in your heart.

Let the people talk. Let the people judge. Let the people think those things about you in private, and let them say whatever they need to say when they come together in person.

God knows what is in your heart, and He is always with you every step of the way.

Don’t forget that this whole world is an illusion.

It’s a place where human nature means that the people will judge one another; they will condemn one another; they will smile to your face and whisper lies behind your back. This is the way of this world.

But beyond this world, when the veils have been lifted and the sun has risen for the final time, all that will remain is the heart: all that will remain is Love.

And God, only God, knows what is in your heart.

And God always knows that you ARE Love, even when the people forget and even more so when you forget yourself.

So let the people talk. Let them judge.

God is with(in) you — always.

Light, Love and Peace,

Sabah x

(Let’s keep in touch. For more like this, join me on Instagram and sign up for letters of love and light here.)



Sabah Ismail✨
A Soul Journey

A human being fascinated by the human experience. Also a writer, artist & transpersonal healing coach writing on spiritual growth, healing & consciousness.