Did Edgar Cayce speak through the instrument of A. Ray Elkins

A stairway to Heaven
26 min readMar 8, 2018

during three trance readings in the 1970s?

Listen to some of the first words spoken through A. Ray Elkins after he climbed up a stairway in trance to stand with God, and spiritual messengers of God came down and entered into his unconscious body to speak. Click here. Ray’s wife describes how she made the first recordings.

People gathered around the living room of Ray Elkins to listen to information being given through him during a trance reading. Through the voice came health readings, past-life readings, personal guidance, prophecies and teachings — knowledge from the beginning, through all time, including the future — from the records which may have been the same source from which Edgar Cayce spoke.

The trance readings were similar to those of Cayce. A voice who said he was Cayce even spoke through Elkins several times. The listener can hear a pronounced Kentucky or Virginia drawl as the voice changes to one who says he is Cayce. When the spokesman for the Council of Thirteen asked Cayce to answer questions during the May 21, 1970, June 6, 1970 and July 3, 1970 readings the voice through Ray in trance and the manner of speaking changed dramatically. The tape recording with Cayce’s voice can be made available to someone who can recognize Cayce’s speech. If you know someone who has heard Cayce speak, please contact the editor at auniversalphilosophy@gmail.com.

Cayce and the foundation he created, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, were mentioned in trance readings through Elkins on different occasions. Some of these readings follow, including the readings in which Cayce spoke.

April 11, 1970, the second week after the trance readings through Elkins began, Cayce was mentioned. The spokesman, Aka, says, “I realize my manner of speech sometimes may sound like riddles, but it is hard sometimes for the spirit to speak as man. Thy have another thought, of thy past lives. Think thee, what is in a name? God is called by many names, in many tongues, in many lands, in many worlds, in many universes; yet, they are all the same….

“In thy mind thy have the question, ‘Is this a Christian religion?’ And God has given me permission to answer this question. As man began, he knew of all his natural instincts and of his natural knowledge, but as he built his own knowledge, he walked away from the natural knowledge which God had given him; therefore…therefore, by walking away, he built his own instructions for religion.

“Christ told men of this same religion when he told them, ‘I have not come to change but to bring forth what thy have already known.’

“Yet again, his own disciples, to gain the honor of the men upon that plane and to gain a place for the church, decided that the people were not ready for the knowledge, because in their thoughts they thought, If we tell our people that they may be born again, as Christ has shown us he has been, what would keep them from sinning? They would think they could be born over and over again.

“But what they forgot is also what Christ told them, that ‘Thee shall be born again over until thy may see thy true light of God.’ And had they told them that by working toward this, they would have accepted. That is why I am here now, again.

“You have all talked in your conscious mind of thy soul Edgar Cayce, how he dwells so close to God, and he shall come again upon another plane upon another mission in another time. He gave knowledge which men scoffed at, as you’ve scoffed at soul Ray. Think thee of his knowledge, but remember, he also taught that each soul is an individual with individual needs. He condemned no man for what he was; he only condemned for what he could have been. If thy have the urge to fly, then fly, if this is what makes thy soul the much more happy and content, for it is better to be a beggar upon a street and be happy at your work than it is to be a puppet. Do thy understand my words?…”

“Would it be better for soul Ray for his head to be in one direction or another?”

Yes, point his head, if thy can, always to thy east, for there is where we come from.”

“What is the name of this religion you speak of?”

“It has many names. It has been known — from which time plane are thy asking?”

“If it exists now, we would have its name in this time plane.”

“In this time plane it is known as the mental philosophy of God. Some would call it (chuckle) E.S.P.”

“Is it a religion?”

“In its own way; it is our way of reaching through to man. But there are also other powers at work; guard against these.

“I have a name for thy group which I will tell you at a different time. I do not have permission at this time to tell you, but at a different time, I shall have it.

“But if thy should seek proof, look. In thy land is what thy call what shall erupt from the earth, not once, but twice, but threefold, and the riches shall gush from the earth. This land is located here, very close. Look thy in the city, Atlantis. Look thy in Egypt in the vaults below Cairo which have long since been built upon. Beneath it, not soon, but not yet too far away, there shall be found proof.”

“Was this religion known in the time of Atlantis as the worship of the God of One?”

“Yes, but it is also known by another name. It is known by the religion they called Athesis. [Osiris?] Remember, when thy translate from plane to plane, what was meant in one language is not meant in another.”

“Would it be best for me to continue to bring Ray into the hypnotic trance, or would it be better for [4–3–70–002] to bring him?”

“You shall be thy teacher, as I have told thee before. Therefore, at this time it is better that thee should bring soul Ray into trance state.”

“Should I teach [4–3–70–002]?” [ Editor’s note: Numbers were substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates at times to respect privacy.]

“Yes. Also to each member of your disciples, as they come into the group, each member should be taught.”

“All right.”

“For they need this for their own meditation. Now, the meditation for this group, as it is now, each shall meditate in his own way, but they need the knowledge that thy have, stored.

“Now it is best to waken from his slumber soul Ray, for I am growing weak.”

Aka’s talk of Edgar Cayce in the previous reading and suggestion that groups of Thirteen be formed may have inspired this question, April 13, 1970: “Our groups of Thirteen, should this be patterned after the study group booklet set up by the Association for Research and Enlightenment, after the Edgar Cayce Foundation theory?”

“Up to a certain point. Information on this subject will be given to you from time to time.

“This group you speak of is good. It has a small difficulty there. This is the problem which I have spoke before, of having not all souls in the work in accord with one another and in accord with the work of God. It is good to discuss, it is good to be critical, but it is good to have doubt, but all souls must be in accord on each move.

“You should pick at this time, I would suggest yourselves to act as though, what you would call on this plane, as a club with — first, with president, vice president, secretaries, and etc., uh, not meaning that one person of this group should be more important than the other, because every one of you are important as souls. Each should have the right to speak his mind openly and freely at all times on all subjects. Do not deny thyself any information from anywhere. At any time that you have questions, ask of these questions. Study all phases of this. Some of you will be better in some subjects than others, but by being better, you will teach the others. And some, some souls who have only one teardrop to add will be loved in God’s eyes as much as the ones who shed many. Can you understand?”

On May 21, 1970, Edgar Cayce may have actually spoken from the Council of Thirteen through Elkins in a trance reading. Aka, Council spokesman, said these words prior to Cayce’s appearance: “There are times when we shall talk as if in riddles. We do not mean for this to be true and to happen, for if thy do not understand our words, thy must but ask. For I am the spokesman of thy council — must translate things, for I am soul Ray and soul Ray is I. For I shall be as close to him as his heartbeat, but I must always be as close to God as His eyes.”

A “sleeping prophet” – Can you see the thirteen rays of light streaming down from the heavens so close to the Father, in and through all there is, shining upon and entering into the unconscious body of A. Ray Elkins in 1973? Two microphones taped to a horizontal stand partially obscure the loving face, as the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, speak. The only light source in the room at 8 p.m. that night during the trance reading was a dimmed chandalier hanging from the center of his living room, which his body is facing. It casts a shadow from the microphone stand across his shirt. But the diagonal rays in that otherwise darkened corner with dark wall paneling, where Ray has leaned back in his reclining chair, have no earthly source. They appear to have come through the ceiling and shine parallel to his body to enter into it. His head faces east, as Aka asked, for that is from whence they come.

The moderator asked: “Are we coming to the end of the age? We talked about, ah, that Lucifer would be put in a pit, and that, I believe he said that, Christ would rule for a thousand years. Are we coming close to this time when this will take place?” [See The Revelation, chapters 19–20.]

“Yes, you’re close. But first, there must be a way prepared for him. For his warriors, as on earth and in heaven, must be chosen for this to be done.

“But, and for the coming of the eternal peace on earth, our work and our coming has happened in many places upon thy earth. Others like soul Ray have been chosen, if man is to heed thy word of God, and to build thy temple of God, not from riches or material things. For is it not better to look upon God in an open field and love Him than to build Him a castle of many jewels and hate Him, and turn your false faces to Him?

“For now, your name, and I shall give thee a name now of thy group, for yours shall be the philosophy, ‘the spiritual philosophy of God.’ This shall be the name of thy group. If, during the day, each of you could spend a little time in meditation and think thee of God and love, and with each day thy could seek out one soul from thy plane and speak one word in the name of God, then God’s temple [should] slowly be built, and no more of God’s tears should be shed, and all of His mansions shall be full. Do not ridicule any church, as thy would call it, upon this plane, for in their own way, if thy should shed but one teardrop for God, it is as important as many. Then God shall love thee the same.”

A question was asked: “Now, Jesus talked quite a bit about the kingdom of God, and it seems to me that there must be more than one meaning at one time, and I think its only once in the four books of the New Testament that he mentions the kingdom of God many times. Is there more than one meaning for this.”

Aka answered: “As Christ, or Jesus, as he talked to his disciples and to his many followers, each time he was talking of a different subject. Now, if I would say to you, ‘Come into my kingdom, and we shall build a temple for God,’ I would mean we are building the temple in thy soul. Yet, if I say to you, ‘Come into the kingdom of God at the end of thy plane,@ then thy would have reached the Christ state, and thy planes shall have ended, and thy would sit next to God. For remember, God has many mansions. For each it shall be a little different, for remember, there is free choice, even in the Christ state. Can you understand this?”

“Yes, Aka, I do. Thank you.”

“I have a little different line of question here, now, Aka. I seem to have had a conversation in meditation one time with a friend of mine who passed on in 1962, whose name was [5–21–70–001], and I was wondering if this was a real conversation with him or was this just my imagination? It came, of course, this was in thought form, there were words spoken.”

“There are many ways of the spirit world reaching the soul and men’s minds, for remember that all man is but three, and therefore, your conversation, the one that thy had — for remember, when thy travel in the spirit world, choose thy friends as thy would on this plane. For some — in the time of David it was said, for those who would say that God, that God was a fool, and the works of God were fools and the healing of God were fools, were they not struck from the heavens? Yet, ye should know, as I have said before, and I say not as I, but we, have said before, that the works of Lucifer are great and mighty, but yet, that the works of our Lord, our Father, God, shall be mightier yet, both on heaven and earth. For when the time came to cast Lucifer and his followers from the heavens, it took the movement of God’s finger.

[Listen, if you’d like. The recording starts here.] “Yes, in thy daily thoughts, spirits shall come to thee. But remember, God will help those who should help thyself. And God now would build many blocks in thy minds of the followers of this work, that no foreign spirits but ours shall enter their minds and bodies.”

“Are you saying, Aka, that this entity that I seem to have a conversation with, are you saying that this is an entity that I shouldn’t try to communicate with?”

“At this time, we should ask permission and your question shall be answered at a different time. If you would wait a moment.

“Yes, it has been suggested — one moment, please — it shall be God’s will that thy be answered by another spirit at this time.”

“Sleeping prophet” Edgar Cayce (March 18, 1877 — January 3, 1945) was an American Christian mystic who answered questions on subjects as varied as healing, reincarnation, wars, Atlantis, and future events while claiming to be in a trance. This photo was taken in October 1910.




“We thank you.”

“ [5–21–70–002] wants to know, Aka, if you have a message for her tonight?”

“Yes, I––[cough] should have, yes, I would have a message.

“One moment, please….”

During the reading, June 6, 1970, Cayce was again allowed to speak, after a question was asked.

“Would it be better for Ray to relax for a few minutes while the confusion is going on outside?” [Note: There were sirens and fire engines honking.]

“Yes, for a few minutes. Really it does not matter, for he is safe with God, but it would be better for him to rest for a few moments.

[Listen to the recording here.] “For permission has been given for one who sits very close to God to talk to thee.”

[There was a long pause, then Ray breathes heavily.]

“Its all right, Ray, relax.”

[Note: It sounded like Edgar Cayce spoke next through Ray by the Kentucky or Virginia drawl, that Aka identified later, on July 3, 1970, as Cayce’s]: “NOW, IT SHALL BE TOLD. THERE ARE MANY WHO WOULD NOT HEED THE WORD OF GOD, YES. YES, THERE IS MANY [IN] THERE THAT WON’T ––ONLY CAN SEE WHAT’S SO CLOSE TO THEIR NOSE. WELL, IT WAS TOLD TO THEM BEFORE IN MY TIME, ‘DO NOT MISINTERPRET MY WORDS.’ WELL, THEY’VE DONE IT.




Edgar Cayce 1910

[The voice changes to one with a greater depth that had no drawl. You can listen here]: Aka is here. As it has been said before, there are thoughts in thy mind. Thy thoughts are very clear to us.

“Thy, the two brothers, both have asked the same question, ‘How may I meditate?’ It would be suggested in both their cases that one should study first the works of John, that the other should study first the works of Peter. Then, if in thy mind before thy sleep at night, thy would think upon us and think of thy word, Aka, relate it with God and His works, thy answer shall come. And we shall send a messenger to thee — for there is waiting for each of you an entry, you would call it (chuckle) your guardian angel….”

[Note: Begin listening at 7:50 on the recording.] During the July 3, 1970 reading, Aka said: “Now, there is one among you who asks, ‘May I change my job?’ To this one, we would say, if you are changing for the betterment of your family and the welfare of your fellow man, do so. But if you are changing for the betterment of yourself only, then walk by yourself.

“This one would ask, ‘What is God?’ And we would say to you that in the beginning, God created man in our image. Can you understand this, Bartholomew?

“Nay, nay, then we would say it, we would say it in a different way. As thy walk the ladder and do not climb, it is better to walk with thy hand in God’s than walk it by thyself. Now, may thy understand this?”


“They say, yes, but thy mean, no. At a different time we shall discuss this again. If thy would wait one moment, permission must be given.[Note: Begin here at 10:43 on the recording.]

“Yes, yes, yes.

“Yes, permission has been given for thy request; therefore, we would let one who thy better understand and speak with thee.”

[Editor’s note: These words are spoken in a different voice than Aka’s with a pronounced drawl; is it that of Edgar Cayce?] “YEH, WE (CHUCKLE), BOY, YOU’VE GOT A PROBLEM. BUT, WE’LL SEE IF WE CAN’T HELP YOU.



[Editor’s note: These words continue in the first voice — Aka.] “Now, we would say to thee, for your other answers, look into thy self, and ask again. But do it in this way. For two days, think, as thy would go to sleep at night, first of God, then of us, that we might come to you. And we shall, if you want this. If thy do not want it, then this we cannot do. For permission always must be given, both from [thee] and from God. Now can thy understand this?”

“I think so. May I ask a question, Aka?”


“Was I just now listening to Edgar Cayce, just previously?”

“You ask now as a child. But we would answer your question, but permission must be given. If thy would wait, one moment, please.

“Yes, permission has been given.

“Yes, you were listening, as you would call it, to Edgar Cayce. For now, he is with God. He shall return again on this world at a different time of his own choosing, for then, again, the world shall need him. He shall return at the time when the Messiah returns, and therefore, he shall sit in council.

“Can thy understand this?”


July 11, 1970, Aka explained more about how Cayce and Elkins both received their knowledge:

“Now all things shall be, as we have said before, in accord. Now we shall tell of you this — we shall tell you of the time when Christ, or Jesus, as thy would say, was but a boy, and sat in the temple of the wise, and discussed many things. And you would say, ‘How could this be; how could this knowledge come to such a small child?’

“As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. For those who would see and those who would listen, they shall never walk alone. And so it was, once before, and so shall it be again. There Jesus went to study, and there Moses went to study — and there they heard their Father. There was one you would call Buddha [who] went to study; there was one you would call Muhammad [who] went to study. The list who studied there is long.

“All of these souls were dear in God’s eyes, for they asked God, not for the material things, for they wanted to give man God.

“You ask in your mind, Bartholomew, ‘Where does this fit in the things we have told you before? And how may each person or soul reach this height on the ladder?’

“Therefore, we would say to you, as we have said before, in the climbing the ladder, it is not that thy would stop and help the beggar on the street, and then to tell the world of this help, that thy would climb. It is not in man’s eyes, it is in God’s eyes that thy climb this ladder.

“Therefore, we have called you all together that thy may listen to these words.

“One moment, permission must be given.

“Yes, yes, yes.

“We will ask thee for one moment, that thy all would think of us. And by thinking of us, first, think of God, and then in thy mind’s eye say to thee our name, but always place it second. If thy would do this at this time, the one who would speak to you, each of you, would come at this time. Can thy understand this?”

“Yes, Aka.”

“Then, at this moment, think of God.”

Aka explained further about their relationship to the Akashic records, July 15, 1970: “We know of the many spirits of man, we know of the many souls of man, and we know of thy questions. And you ask, how could there be the spirits of God, as though the pebbles of a brook? And we would say to you — now, that is better, all is in accord….

“Our Father has many mansions. Each man, in his own way, should believe in God. God has not set rules for worshiping Him. Nay, man should set these rules for himself.

“And as we have said before, if a man should lose his hand and pray to God for guidance so that he may use one hand as two, God would send to him those who have lost their hands. And by doing this, each man, in himself, would know of God in his own way. That is why we have spoke to you before of all the religions, as thy would call them, and all the worship of God. We have told you before, do not repeat what others have told you when you talk to God. Talk of [to] Him as to yourself; therefore, God would understand you. For if you repeat what others have said before and not mean them, they would mean nothing to God, for they mean nothing to you. Can you understand this?”

“Yes, Aka.”

“Nay, not fully, but the day should come that thy will.

“Now, thy would ask again of us, who comes to you, and from where we came? For we were sent for one who asked God. And he who sent [us] and asks did say, ‘Father, send Thy these who would teach, and send Thy these who would know of my Father.’” [See John 13:14–17, 20; 14:1–5, 15–21, 27–29; John 16:16–19,22–24, The Revelation of John 5:1–7.]

“There were those before him who did the same.

“We have told you before, you would pass the beggar on the street and that beggar would be above you, for he would be the next to enter the kingdom of God and stand beside Him. And God might ask this beggar for advice. Does this seem strange to thee? Yes, we see this. We also see — one moment, please.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, Father.

“Then, we would say in a different way, one more liking to our Father’s words.

“We have made ourselves known to you as our Father has suggested. For we call, as thy would call it, ourselves, ‘Aka.’ Think thee of the first of the name, Aka, and thy will think of the Almighty. Think of the second of the name, and thy will think of the word, karmic. Think of the last of the name, and thy will think of the records, the records which are kept from the beginning, of all planes, of all knowledge, which man was born and born again.

“This knowledge, as our Father gives us permission, we should give of thee.

“We give this knowledge so that man, all of man, would know the love of our Father. And by knowing of the love our Father has to give, of the tears our Father sheds, that all man, of all religions, should come to our Father together in peace and love. For we have said before, when thy pray, pray for guidance. This, in itself, is the ending of a karma. Pray for acceptance of thy brothers and thy sisters.

“If your brother should offend thee, then go to this brother and talk to him privately. But then, if thy brother should still offend thee, take three of thy group and talk again. Can thy understand of what we tell thee?”

“I think so.”

“Then, it does not matter how you spell of this. But if all of you here could agree upon this one simple thing, then you have taken one step closer to our Father.”

August 24, 1970: “If in thy heart thy may find the time to think of us, the help that thy need at this time, we shall give to you. But remember, thy must ask that we may enter and that the helpers that our Lord should send may enter.

“Remember, we are here to prepare a way for the Messiah. And as, as those before were called Essene, they were known as those of ‘the time of waiting.’ We have called this group the philosophy, the Spiritual Philosophy of God.

“Now there are others groups, as thy would know of them. One of these groups are known as the A.R.E. group.” [Note: The Association for Research and Enlightenment].

“Very soon they shall become part of this work. And this, at this time, we shall say, is good.”

A. Ray Elkins passed October 5, 2000, during the high, holy “Days of Awe.” It is a time of introspection and repentance, between the head of the year (Rosh Hashana) and the Day of Atonement, which some call, Judgment Day (Yom Kippur). Between 1970 and 1989, he had given trance readings 450 evenings. The number of total individual readings have never been counted. In these readings, Aka gave prophecies, taught spiritual or universal philosophy, and guided many with health and past-life readings. Ray was also a healer during his waking hours, as thousands came to him for counselling or healing. They were many more than his body could have remained in trance to allow the spiritual messengers of God to speak through it to give individual health readings, because of the tremendous energy transformation it required. So Ray healed the body, soul and spirit, as Aka taught him to do in his waking state.

February 20, 1971: “Now we would say unto thee — of this one we called thy instrument, for as three have passed before thee, and as we have said before, ‘the last shall be first, and the first shall be last;’ you have asked this question, ‘What shall happen to our earth?’

“Then we say unto thee, that now thy have the last before the first.

“Upon the death, as you would know it, of our instrument, until the coming of the Messiah, we shall leave unto thee the spirit. And the spirit shall dwell within the disciples of this work. And this Our Lord, Our Father, has so commanded….

“There shall be many eruptions upon your earth, for every rock upon your earth shall be changed, as the descendants of Abraham were changed.” [Editor’s note: in olden times when the Hebrew were changed from “ibu,” or wanders, to a people who had been chosen to be God’s people through His covenant with Abraham, prophets went from small settlement to settlement teaching the worship of their God. Where the prophets found large stones (or altars, holocausts) erected to other gods, they got angry and threw the stones down, showing the Hebrew people the meaning of, “There shall be no other gods before Me.” Thus, we, as the descendants of Abraham, shall also be changed.]

“If this work does not succeed upon your earth, then upon our instrument’s death you shall have the darkness that arose upon his death and the death of the one known as Jesus Christ.” [Note: Aka said that Ray had been the one crucified on a cross next to Jesus, the thief who rebuked the other criminal for taunting Jesus, and asked Jesus to remember him when he comes to his throne. Jesus answered, “I tell you this: today you shall be with me in Paradise.” (See Luke 23:35–47.) And so it has been.]

“For you have thought in thy mind of the one known as soul Cayce [Edgar Cayce]; therefore, he was our instrument. This one [Ray Elkins] is our instrument.

“And as there were three, and as there were three hours of darkness then, if this work through his disciples does not succeed, we shall give your earth three hundred years of darkness. We shall give your earth a time of barbarian, of killing — of all things.

“For as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub.

“Now we give unto you this time — in the year of 1998. Then we shall spare thee by two years. If all is not in completion for the arrival of the Messiah upon your earth, and peace, the wrath of the Lord into His seven angels shall spill forth.

“There shall be many messages.

“For those, we should say unto now, who are prepared to give into their lives unto the Lord, do so.

“For those who should not who we have brought forth into commandment, then we should wipe from thy mind all that has transpired, that you may go forth as sheep upon your earth. But remember, you must live again, these sheep. What you do unto this day forth, records shall be kept. If thy throw stones, stones shall be cast back. All that we have given unto you, we should take back.

“For as the Lamb has said before, ‘Go unto this house and give blessing. If you are rejected, take back your blessing….’

“Ask thy other question.”

“Aka, soul Ray had one more question in his mind in reference to the tombs and the records buried in Cairo, under the city of Cairo. He asks if you can give us any information as to the entrance or passageway which [was made], and the location, which has been covered for so long?”

“Through the first passageway into the Great Pyramid, which was blocked, as thy know, with a great granite plug, down through the narrow passageway, should lead 100, as you would know it, pyramid feet beneath the base of the Great Pyramid. At the time of the building, a plug of granite was placed at the entrance, and therefore, water pumped over this entrance. And as thy should know of the pyramid in itself and its function, therefore, you should know that moisture should gather within, and go into this pit. If this water were pumped from this pit and tunneled around the granite plug which was carved at this time, as you would know, into sandstone, behind this thy shall find a sandstone debris.

“After this is removed, thy shall travel approximately two miles.

“Again thy shall find a granite plug. Tunnel around this plug, and this time thy shall find sand. It will appear that there is no other way. Remove this sand, and go on. The sand shall be one-half mile in dimension.

“There again thy shall find a plug. Travel then again through the passageway, and there you shall find another granite plug. This plug shall come in four parts. After all of these have been removed you will be at this time into the Tomb of Time.

“From there are six passageways. And through the bottom is the seventh. Open this passageway and there shall be the records which we have spoke of.”

There were many other times in the years between 1970 and 1989 that Aka spoke of Cayce, or on subjects in accord with Cayce’s readings, or spoke in trance readings of the Association for Research and Enlightenment.

People gather around the “sleeping prophet” Ray Elkins in the late 1970s in his living room in Globe, Arizona, to hear the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, speak during a trance reading. (This photo has dots which were required at that time for it to be published in a newspaper.)

March 3, 1972: “And we shall repeat unto thee in this time again, your A.R.E. groups have requested copies of your readings, and we say unto thee, give these willingly, for we do not come unto one people, but to all the people of God. But in the performance of the same, choose these that thy should release into their keeping, carefully.”

June 19, 1973, Aka spoke of the spelling of a name of which the A.R.E. and Aka also spoke: “Aka.” Soul Ruth says, ‘We have a number of spellings for Arcan; are all the same person, and is our spelling acceptable?’”

“The spelling is acceptable, and all are the same person.”

“Should we spell Ra-Tai like it sounds, or like the A.R.E. spells it?”

“We should answer in this manner, put the spelling forth in the form of the sound and it shall be correct.”

And June 29, 1973, Cayce was mentioned in a woman’s past-life reading: “Therefore, you are born again in the land of Virginia. There [you build], bring forth and place into practice an organization which would make forth for the coming of the Messiah. This time is 1802. Long life. Have achieved much, and in the preparation for the one known as Edgar Cayce. Therefore, you have prepared his way, that he should prepare another’s [Elkins?], and yet another to come.” [The Messiah?]

November 9, 1973 this question was asked. The answer was in keeping with what Cayce has said.

“This last year has proved to be a great step forward for my family and me. We feel after having read some of the Edgar Cayce material that it has also left us somewhat confused as to what is really Jesus’ church on earth, that is, is there one church as we have been taught? What forms of public, also private, worship are pleasing to God?”

“God placed no rules for the worship. He only asked unto you to love unto Him one-tenth of the love that He has given unto His children. He asks that you love unto mankind one-tenth of the love you would like to receive unto yourself.

“There have been many prophets upon the earth, each to serve man in a different way. As there are many paths unto our Father’s kingdom, so should there be many ways to worship, learn to respect that of another.

“Take that form of worship that you can believe.

“But we say unto you, should your Father listen unto you, speak unto God as you would speak unto yourself. Take no rituals that have been made up by another man, for they fit his needs, not your. But respect his right to believe as he will. You will have taken one step closer to God in that manner, for our Father has many mansions.”

January 24, 1976: “[3–115–2] asks, ‘Are there more predictions in the Cayce records about the coming of the Messiah that have not been made public? If so, could you give us more information on this?’”

“There were many predictions in the Cayce records. You have within your own records those of the same, for we said unto you, that that was covered would be uncovered. You shall find the same predictions in that of the archives of the Roman Catholic Church.”

May 6, 1976: “Yes, Aka. [7–317–1] and Ray ask if you have a recommendation in regards to a publisher for the book?” [The Psychic Light]

“We would say unto you, you have thought of asking that of Dr. McGarey to write the forward of the book. We might further suggest that of the A.R.E. Publications. But there are many others who would be, not only interested, but who would gladly bring forth this book into publication.

“We shall say unto you, as the book is being prepared, prepare a way for the book. Use your own public relations people for this purpose.”

As you read the trance readings in the archives spoken through Ray, you will find many more times in which Aka spoke of Cayce and of the A.R.E.

Here are all the transcribed readings. (Click link).

You may also see them in the Book with Wings, where they are separated into the philosophy, past-life readings, and health readings, as Aka asked. Or click on Ray’s photo on that page to see more books and ebooks from the trance readings. (The words of Aka from 1970 to 1989 are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom they were spoken.)

To learn more about the readings, see A Stairway to Heaven. For a few of the prophecies, see “The Great Sword Is Here” and “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”

Listen to some of the recordings. See the Archives for complete trance readings.

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For more information, email AUniversalPhilosophy@gmail.com.

Again, here are the three trance readings in which Cayce spoke.



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.