The season of Advent and story of John the Baptist through the eyes of spiritual messengers of God

A stairway to Heaven
124 min readDec 10, 2023

During the season of the Advent — the preparation for the coming or the birth of the Messiah — many talk about the prophetic book of Revelation and of John the Baptist. John was a forerunner who came to prepare a way for Christ, Jesus.

Once again, spiritual messengers of God have been sent in this time for the one who asked our Father.

Jesus said: “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever — the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you,” Jesus said. (John 14:15–18)

A brilliant light that passed over Earth, March 26, 1970, and shone in the east through April for all to see. With it, spiritual messengers of God arrived and began to speak through an unconscious man to the world (from a town appropriately named Globe).

Here is an account of what happened in “A Gift from One with More Love in His Eyes than Anyone” Ray Elkins had ever seen, and in “We Give This Gift from our Father.”

Ray stands in his garden in 1973 with his miniature poodle, Shadow.

In this writing, the editor has simply searched through their transcribed messages for each time the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, mentioned John the Baptist. These are presented below in the order in which they were spoken, without editing.

On May 15, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God spoke through the unconscious body of Ray Elkins after he had left it to walk up a ladder to stand with God. They had come down in the same way to enter his body to speak to us: Yes, it has been suggested that the forming of what you would know as the church be formed, also, that the meeting of once a week of thy group would be suggested.

It has also been suggested that soul [4–7–70–001] should conduct the meetings and teach once a week. [Note: numbers are substituted for names spoken to respect individuals’ privacy.]

This should be suggested, that he should teach each member of the group the placing of soul Ray in hypnotic trance. Also, it should be suggested that a practicing of placing others beyond himself in hypnotic trance. There are many among you who could speak, if you were given a chance, and with proper preparation for this.

This work has been discontinued while soul Ray found himself once again, that all this work shall be in accord with God and His plan on earth.

Therefore, I should suggest, or we should suggest, that from this day forward these meetings shall be conducted preferably on Saturday. This is not advisable for all in your group; then it would be suggested that another day should be set.

The practicing of thy daily lives should be done from this day forward, that God may enter thy souls, thy spirits, for in God’s plan are many things which thy shall not understand at this time.

This group should never deny anyone the chance, even if they come of idle curiosity. It would be suggested that this group should take this person under their wing, for as the great bird of the pyramid once flew, so shall the souls of men fly.

Now, with all in accord — and this is something that thy should think about — but pray at the end of each meeting that all members shall be in accord. The discussing, or a discussion of this is good. As I have said before, that if not one man or one soul should shed but one tear, then it is a progress in the right direction.

But remember one thing — that love, love for thy fellow man — the honest intent be made on each soul that thy come in contact with. Do not be afraid to talk of this to thy many souls thy shall meet during the day, and that if one of a hundred, or one of a thousand should come and hear, at least it will give them food for thought, for thy — Father, thy Son, and thy Holy Ghost.

For now soul Ray sleeps and I may talk among you and walk among you. For even in the days when John the Baptist taught of the coming of Christ, so should thy talk of this, for thy are here to prepare a way. If thy may do this, thy shall be in God’s plan. For the building of the temple in God’s word, in God’s mind should be all-important to all men and women of thy plane. If thy would remember this, and remember thy love for thy human being, there shall be no need for material things, for all that thy should need shall come as raindrops, a drop at a time.

Soul Ray sleeps now and I am here, for I am he and he is I. Remember one thing, that God is the one important of all our work, and therefore, we must only approach it in a truthful manner.

It has also been brought — we have a message for soul [4–6–70–002]. And it would be very wise that this man attend thy meetings, for in his soul thy shall find Peter. It is also advisable the bringing back to thy fold John and James and Paul, for in them, and through them, what a mighty, mighty temple to God we shall build. In this manner all thy questions shall be answered.

For thy asked of the beginning, and this shall be told. Thy asked of the end, this can never be told, for this is in God’s plan. And Lord of Abraham, and Lord of Isaiah, Lord of all, we say to Thee — bless us, Lord, for it shall be the coming of Thy light. In Jesus’ name, amen.

June 6, 1970: Aka is here. As it has been said before, there are thoughts in thy mind. Thy thoughts are very clear to us.

Thy, the two brothers, both have asked the same question, “How may I meditate?”

It would be suggested in both their cases that one should study first the works of John, that the other should study first the works of Peter. Then, if in thy mind before thy sleep at night, thy would think upon us and think of thy word, Aka, relate it with God and His works, thy answer shall come. And we shall send a messenger to thee — for there is waiting for each of you an entry, you would call it (chuckle) your guardian angel.

Now, there is in the mind of [6–6–70–001]’s wife, “Should my children be baptized into this church?” And I would answer you this way, the temple of God is in man. Only with the consent of the soul that dwells within thy temple can there be true baptism.

The question has been asked, “What is baptism, and why John the Baptist used water?” For water is the spirit of man, and therefore, without it there could be no man. This is the reason we have suggested the purification of thy drinking water, because to cleanse thy soul and to improve thy body — and the body shall be the temple of God — through the spirit, through the soul, and through these thy should reach to the temple of God. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, I think we do understand it, Aka.”

Then it is not necessary to submerge the body in water. As I have said before that God shall love those who would shed but one teardrop for God as much as he [who] would shed many, if that teardrop is shed with love.

June 12, 1970: Now, we have told you before of whence man came.

Now we shall tell you, as we have said before, that man’s soul shall be as a ladder, and with man and his free choice, he may either climb up or down this ladder. Now, we should tell thee of what thy call karma.

But first, we should answer a question which has been in all of thy minds. You ask from whence we came. And we should say to you, as has been said before, that we come as messengers, and therefore, we are not great. But God is great.

And thy ask of this soul, Ray, in which we come through — one moment, please. Yes, now that is better; now all souls are in accord. And as thy ask of soul Ray — and where shall his place be? — And thy ask why we do not bear thee great gifts? Yet, we give the gift greater than all to thee, the gift of God and His kingdom.

And in His kingdom, where do we fit? And this we should say, for we are not important, only now to God, as all men are important to God. And we speak of men as three, for without the spirit, the soul, and the man, thy have nothing.

For if we gave soul Ray great jewels, great wealth, then he would be great in the eyes of man, but less great in the eyes of God. For even as this finishes, he shall enter the kingdom of God in not the highest plane.

“So,” thy ask, “Could this be his subconscious mind?” Nay. “Then could this be, as thy would call it, of superconscious mind?” Nay. For the road that we walk upon is the same road as the road by the Sea of Gallea, for we are here to prepare a way. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, that answers a number of questions.”

Now, we would talk, as thy would call it, thy karma. As man is born and born again, think thee of Christ, of Jesus, and what he did say: “I have come not to destroy the works of Moses, not to destroy the commandments, but to — I have come not to destroy what has been before, only to make clear in the temple of God, which is man, that God should not be forsaken. Then, think thee, as John the Baptist was Isaiah, then who would have been the physical body of Christ?

As thy are born on this earth, thy are born with free choice, for before birth thy know of the knowledge which has been behind. Therefore, for the life in the future, look from whence thy came.

Did not Jesus say, “Fear not, for what can man but do but kill thy body? He cannot kill thy soul. He cannot kill thy spirit. Only God may do this.”

But only man himself may destroy the spirit. And by destroying the spirit, is he not but a lost soul? Has he nowhere to go, but to search and search again and never find what he searches for? For he may never, then, enter the kingdom of God. Therefore, he will look for the kingdom of Lucifer. Yes, and as he looks, he should see not. For, as thy would call them, “hell,” man would make because remember, only God cares for thy spirit, thy soul, and thy man. As thy would call him, “the devil?” all he has, then, is a lost soul. And what use has he for nothing?

Then we would think that if thy would remember the works of God, and follow — and follow the path of God, what has been buried shall be uncovered. Where there was darkness there shall be light forever and ever.

And there is thy karma.

And there is one among you who says, “Should I forsake my church that I belong to?” Nay. For does not our Father have many mansions?

Worship your God in thy own way. For we would say, it is better to worship God in an open field than it is to worship God, and not mean it.

When thy pray, should thy recite something that someone else has thought that means nothing to you? Too often, man forgets that God loves thee.

Too often, man would think, “Should I build a temple of material things to God, and buy his love?” For, we would say to you, did not Jesus go to the temple in Jerusalem and cast out there the money lenders, and drive from the temple the animals who were there to be sold.

And did he not say to them, “Destroy this temple, and I should build it back in three days?” Then, what did Jesus mean when he said of this? For the temple of God is in man. And no matter where Jesus went, the temple of God went with him.

Each of you, in your own way, are God’s children. And He loves all of thee.

When thy speak to thy Father, do not bow and scrape to Him. Walk up to Him with love in thy heart, and speak what is in thy heart, and God will listen. If thy speak what others have said, that meant something to them, but nothing to you, so, therefore, your prayer would be false.

Now, thy ask — one moment, please.


Now thy ask, “What shall be the work of thy disciples?” And we should say, build thee a temple in each man for God, and therefore, thy would prepare a way for his coming.

For as we have said before, there would be a thousand years of peace upon this earth, but think thee not of the years as they count them; think thee not. [But] as the years as God counts them.

We have spoke before of the day of the Cherub, and therefore, we say to you, it is here. If thy doubt our coming, look to the east from which we came, and there, for all to see — proof of our coming.

Now, there are many questions on thy mind.

“Yes, Aka, we have many questions tonight. You have spoken of ‘the time of the Cherub.’ Does this have any connection with the child that is to come? Is the child already here?”

The child shall be known to thee when the time is right, for we protect this child, and God protects this child.

“Is that what you meant by ‘the time of the Cherub?’”

Nay. “The time of the Cherub,” think thee of thy cherub. And the Cherub shall be the highest angel in God’s kingdom. For they have come to many parts of thy earth.

Think thee this — as we have said before that Aka was born at the same time as soul Ray, therefore, could he not be born in five places upon this earth?

But yet, thy cherub shall be known to each of you in it’s own way.

And we say to you, look to the east, for there shall be the light of God.

Remember, for those who look, we would say this — the eyes are the light of man.

And for those who look and cannot see, then therefore, there is no light. But think thee not we speak of a blind man, for a blind man sees the light also. For those who look to the east and do not want to see, then they shall not see. And those who listen and cannot hear, then they can not hear.

For our message is for those who may see and hear, and want to hear. And the light in the east and the Cherub shall only be there for those who believe in God, our Savior.

We must ask for permission. Now, if thy would wait; one moment, please.


Yes, we would say to you this, the child has been born.


Yes, and thy say to us, “Therefore, if the child is born, why cannot we see him and worship him now?”

Be patient, for in God’s plan the time is not yet now, but soon. For we must prepare a way, and therefore, [cough] and therefore, when the time is right, our Lord shall tell us, and we shall tell thee, for all things will be known to you in time.

Now, thy had another question, ask.

“We have many more questions tonight, Aka. Is this child, the one that has been referred to, was it born in 1957?”

The date is close, very close.

November 30, 1971: And we should say unto thee into these words. And we should make of this knowledge unto the one known as W____ H____ [10–8–71–002].

If thy know not where thy have been, thy should not know from where thy are going. As was done unto the one known as Moses, for as these people knew that they had been in Egypt, and therefore, the Lord did say unto them, “We shall deliver thee unto the promised land of the same ,” and as Moses did not enter, but therefore, was taken up into God to be held in His gentle arms — and as was said unto the one known as John the Baptist, “For was he not of Isaiah and Moses and of all mankind before him?” — was he not sent, therefore, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah? Yet, do you denounce and deny these words? And we say unto thee in this manner. We are here but for one purpose, for the coming of the Messiah, for we reach outward for the need of your souls, to prepare a way upon your earth for this time. [See Exodus 3:1–18, 12:14, 13:21–22, 14:15–20, 20:1–21, 33:5–23, 34:1–35, 36:8–9, 37:1–24, 40:34–38, Deuteronomy 31:9, 24–27, 34:1–5, and John 1:1–34.]

And as we have said before, he has been born upon your earth. And as the Lord has sent him into the desert to be guarded, the time grows nearer. Must our Lord take him back to protect him? Or will thee stretch out thy arms and prepare a way within thyself? [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

Soul Ray grows very weary; therefore, we should say unto thee — now is the time of the Cherub. [See Genesis 3:23–24, Exodus 13:21–22, 14:19–20, 33:7–11, 34:28–35, 36:8–9, 37:8–9, 40:34–38, and The Revelation 14:1–16, 19:1–16, 19:4–6, chapters 21–22.]

Ray was given 30 more years of life in which he served God withthis gift he had been given. Then he passed on October 5, 2000, which are during the holy Days of Awe or of Repentance – right before the Day of Atonement (which some call, Judgement Day).

March 3, 1972: Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee in these words. Thy have asked before from which we came. And we shall say unto thee in this manner. As soul Ray was reborn, and in this manner, so were we, for as has been said before, soul Ray is I and I am he. For as he prayed unto his Lord for death, and this was given, but as he looked back upon his body and looked into our Lord’s eyes and knew that with the gift that was given he should return and give it unto others, but he had to give it in this manner, with love, with compassion at all times -- this word you use so often, yet know so little about, this small word of yours, love, you cannot give it unless it is done freely. For in giving this, each step that thy take thy grow closer unto our Father. Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully, but the day shall come that thy shall....

But remember these words, we shall allow nothing or no one from either side of the curtain to interfere with this work, for it is far too important. We have given unto thee, as our Father has done unto all mankind, free choice. But we have also given unto thy keeping a prophet, a man who should stand before God as he stands before you....

We have worked long and hard to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. And so shall you all. Thy have asked in your minds, “What are these who speak to us?” And we shall answer in this manner -- for the spirits who should enter and become one, and therefore, become your Messiah and ours, have asked unto our Lord to send those who stood beside them before to prepare a way. And we chose this one thy call thy prophet to work through, as once before in the one thy know as John the Baptist. Give praise unto thy Lord, thy God, and our Lord, your Father, your God shall give praise unto His children, and they shall become mighty both in heaven and earth. But remember, no man shall know of heaven that does not know of earth, and no man shall know of earth that does not know of heaven. But we say hark unto thee, why should you believe the words we speak of your earthly things and not believe these things we speak unto thee of heaven, as thy would call it?

And they say, you say unto us, are they angels? Are they archangels? And we should say unto thee, these are words of yours. But we should answer in this manner, we stand in pure light before our Father and yours. We have found it necessary to speak in your tongue, of your language. But go forward; bear this yoke of love, and our Father shall reward into each of thee in thy own way.

June 16, 1972: “Yes, Aka. [5–7–71–001] is here tonight and she would like a life reading.”

We see thy need, and therefore, should answer in this manner. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same, and therefore, that that that which thy should ask for, the records, shall be opened.

For this one, we should reach back, far back, for there is no time in this element.

We should reach into the time of the Horse, and therefore, should find this one in the soul form, yet not to enter — of the spirit form, as you would know it, of energy form — searching and watching of mankind, and yet, afraid, afraid to leave the Father. Yet, knowing that the true way, of that of returning back to the Father, must be done.

And therefore, we find this one entering into the body form of the man-animal, of the woman form. And therefore, we should say that as these things came forth, and came into fulfillment, we find the problem here that still reaching back out of the body form into energy, afraid to face that which was needed, and leaving this body to wander endlessly upon the earth. And therefore, the body, without the soul and spirit, did enter into the worship of the evil one, and therefore, built the first karma upon this soul.

We find not again until the rise of Atlantis the entry again. This time we find, on the third continent of Atlantis, this one working within, as a child of nine, working within the temple of the worship of One, and therefore, using her clairvoyant abilities.

Therefore, we find the elder, one fo the elders of the temple, showing kindness unto this one. And as days passed into years, a love formed. But as in those days, a woman of the temple could not wed. This in itself was wrong. But man sometimes stumbles in his search for perfection. So this one left of the temple to wed of this elder, yet used for many years this same power, this same ability of searching into the truth, into the universal minds of the same. This one, at this time out quite a normal life span for the times, and reached back unto the soul form, natural, and had overcome the karma of before.

Now, we find this one again in the time of the Essenes. And as thy were friends with the one known as John the Baptist. Thy watched and helped in his studies and growth, and therefore, was to give birth unto one of his disciples — and, as this one came from the wilderness unto man to give the gift of the ointed [anointed] One, did know of her mind of this which would happen, that man would do unto this one, and was present of the day that the ointed One came forward unto this one, John the Baptist, to be baptized unto the same. And yet, as your heart lingered to stay unto this one, of John the Baptist, he did send you forth to serve to the one of Jesus of Nazareth. And therefore, you should not meet of this one again until he was cast into the cell for the last time. And as your desire to make his needs easier, you had become a servant in the king’s household. And as he was brought forward to be beheaded, and as this should happen, thy cursed again all things upon your Earth.

“Why should this one,” you said to yourself, “who had given so much, be destroyed in the eyes of man?”

And then, the Lord, God, spoke unto thee and said “DO YOU NOT KNOW?”

And you looked upon Him in bewilderment.

And then He pointed unto the east, unto the Anointed One, and said unto thee, “THAT THE SCRIPTURE MUST BE FULFILLED, SO IT SHALL BE. AND YE SHALL BE PRESENT UNTO THE CRUCIFIXION OF THIS, THE OINTED ONE.”

Thy left of the household and your heart was sad.

As thy wandered, then once again, as the one known as Jesus made unto his last journey into that of Jerusalem, thy thought unto thyself, “I must warn this one.”And thy ran forward and said, “Master, Master, go not unto this, for thy shall not return.”

And he stopped and looked deep into your eyes, and said, “Worry not, for I shall return, and I shall [leave] within thee the spirit, the spirit of my Father,” and then turned and walked away.

And thy heart was heavy, and thy knew not which way to turn. And again thy Father spoke unto thee, and said, “CAN THY NOT SEE?”

And thy said unto thy Father, “Why must these things be so? Why must this happen?”


And so thy did. And of that morn thy saw of the ointed One come forward. And thy stood and watched as the hands and feet were staked unto the cross. And thy walked forward and bent in prayer and in humbleness. But as thy walked forward, one drop of blood fell upon thy forehead, and thy looked up and knew what God had said, that it was not an ending, but a beginning of the same.

Many miles and many lives thy have lived since this time. But remember, thy were chosen to count the drops of blood, and thy were chosen to carry One forever. Thy should reach upon thy forehead, and therefore, should feel the love that was given unto your Father that day.

But as we have said before, we have come, not to make mankind great in the eyes of other men. We have come once again that those drops of blood should not be spilt in vain. We have come to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, reach unto thy forehead, for it shall be there. Prepare that way within thyself as before. For now we have returned first one [the prophet] unto thy keeping, and soon another [the Messiah]. But this time there shall be no dungeon. This time there shall be no crucifixion.

If what we have done and the time that we should have left to prepare this is used well by all, mankind shall rise above himself, and when the coming, that that shall be written in the sky, is felt in full, then all of mankind shall feel truth and humbleness. And upon your earth shall dwell a thousand years of peace, but not as you count, but as our Father counts.

But remember, those thousand years shall be different unto each one. Your years of peace could start at this moment. Find that peace within yourself, that love that was given within this drop of blood, and return it into your fellow man in the manner that it was given.

We know thy do not understand fully these things we have given unto your keeping, but thy shall. For as before, thy reached and sought for the meaning of true love, and our Father spoke unto thee, so He shall once again. Thy life has not been in vain, for once again those thy dwelt with thy dwell again. And so it shall be again.

There are many other parts, and many other lives and in-between lives that could be brought forth. But we have chosen in this manner, that thy should learn from the same and seek meaning into thy heart to give it in this manner.

July 30, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. That that you have brought before God in honesty shall be given in honesty, for thy have prayed unto the Lord, and the Lord has seen fit unto thee to place forth His blessings within thee. And these blessings shall shine forth as many great stones [stars?] for all to see.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [7–30–73–001], who is here tonight, has asked for a life reading….”

We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we should say unto thee into these words. We have before us the records of time. This soul within itself is not of the old soul. This soul did not choose entry until the time of Egyptan, and in its later periods. Thy had ventured forth and become, come one within the same of the White Brotherhood, therefore, to give teaching into those students who should come before you.

One came before you who should be called Jude. And you looked upon this one and said unto Jude, “And so you shall be the teacher of the Master yet to come.”

And Jude was small at that time, yet but a child. And she could not understand in full meaning that unto which you had seen. But yet, as she grew into young womanhood she would make her first journey into the land of Israel. And as the Israelites knew not fully of the intent of the Essenes, therefore, you hid your identity and dwelt forth in the town of Yoshon. This in itself lay within that of the Lost Sea.

And soon word came unto you that two had been born, first, of John the Baptist, second, of the one known as Jesus, and both were to flee into the Egyptan. Therefore, yourself and soul Jude did journey back unto this land, and therefore, gave knowledge and teachings unto the same. You journeyed far into the land which is now known as India, Persia, into the lower continents of Africa. You journeyed across into the Americans, and then back again into proportions that thy would know as Russia, and then back into this proportion known as China, the youth always learning. And soon you knew that your student was now your master.

As you journeyed homeward unto this land of Israel to go forth into Nazareth, on the wayside, your time had come near. And the youth rushed forward to lay hands upon you. And you spoke your last words unto this one, and said, “Nay, not, master, for it is but a short sleep and there is much I should learn from our Father.”

And therefore, as the entry of the Lord had come forth within this one, you knew of what you had said, and [s]he promised unto you that this brethren of John the Baptist, even though his destiny had been laid beforth [beforehand] and his death unto Herod, that he would have at least a decent burial.

And then the Lord looked up upon you and the skies opened and you were lifted forward, yet youth came forth back into your body. And as you stood with the other masters, tears fell from your face.

And yet they said, “How could this be? Why should you shed tears?”

And you said unto this one, “Because of his pain.”

And yet, the Lord spoke again unto you and said unto you, “For man to know the true meaning of the resurrection they must first know that my son is of their blood, that he may bleed and weep the same as them. But fear not, for though he shall weaken in the last moments, all shall be as it has been written.

And as you heard those last words echoing through the earth you said unto the Lord, “Lord, I know it is not my time for returning to earth, but could I travel with spirit unto this one?”

And the Lord bid you, “YES.”

And as this one appeared on the American continent to start his treacherous, long journey from village to village, from town site to town site, and as all made him welcome as he had never been welcome in his homeland, you saw that that the Lord was wise, for even though the Lord had shed his blood upon the Skull [Hill of the Skull], the Lord had favored him in the eyes of those who should never forget him and should await his day of coming. And therefore, in the eagle’s nest, and you saw the Eagle score [soar], you bid him farewell and walked back into the planes. You walked long, for you had learned that the mightiest of all that if he should truly love his God and mankind, his choice must be to return to God’s beloved earth.

And so thy look upon the earth and knew that this was the time of re-entry. But the land had become covered with blood. The Spaniards had begun to slaughter the people who had waited. And so you thought unto yourself, “I must stop this. I must spare this. For I shall come forth unto the Indian nations that they shall not lose faith, that they shall surely know that the Messiah shall come.”

And so you came upon the earth, yet a babe, yet old and wise. And as you grew you gave counsel unto many and told of the coming and of the day of the coming. Yet many misinterpreted your words and tried to bring you forth yourself as a messiah that had been promised unto them.

And so thy did flow unto Black Mesa. And in your flight you walked before the clans and the clans knew of you. And you said unto them, “I am here only to prepare a way within my people, that they should not lose faith.”

And so it was that each clan sent forth their runners. And so it was that the spirit dance was brought forth in truth, the dance of promise, the dance of hope, the songs of peace. And from you came the visions unto many chiefs and many medicine men. You dwelt unto this land until your departure once again.

And so you looked upon the earth once again. And this time you saw once again, in the land of the Spaniards had conquered those of the French would conquer again. Your heart was heavy for your people, and so you did enter again. And as a child you walked forth, for in your heart was left a promise, the promise of the Lady of Guadalupe. But even though the promise was fulfilled, and even though the Spaniards were gone, and the French were gone, there came unto your land those of the Americans who raided of the borders and killed and hunted of the Apache, those of the Pelicano tribes. All these things you had seen, and yet, to die in the far away land once again.

Yet death was not death, but stepping of a step beyond, for the paintings you had painted within your mind, within your heart, and so as you had painted upon rocks and canvas, you brought them forth unto this time.

But we should say unto you unto these words, that as man should ride upon the river, and he should run the same river over and over down in his boat through the rapids, past the falls, into the clear water, and yet into the sea itself — and if he should do so day by day, then one day he becomes careless and he forgets from where he came, and where he has been, and that that he has to do. And so his craft crashes against the rapids, and his body is thrown over the waterfalls, and piece by piece his many parts should flow into the ocean. But just in the same moment he could have been careless and lost his soul, and his spirit, and his immortal body. For there shall be many who shall say unto you, do of this and do of that; there shall be mothers and daughters, there shall be those who should hold you to the earth and bind you in such a manner that your soul can no longer fly free and give birth unto that unto which the Lord has placed within your hands.

There is beauty in sorrow, as you have seen. And there is sorrow in beauty, as you have seen. But all parts are part of God, and all parts are part of man down his wandering, watery path to the sea. And if he should reach the continents of the land, he should take all of these with him and the memory of all.

But we say unto you, you are of all parts of what you have been before. This has brought you forth to this time, to this place. Give praise unto your Lord.

But we shall say unto you into these words. We cannot interfere with you free choice. God has given this in the beginning, and God shall not take it away.

But we are here but for one purpose. That purpose within itself is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Each reading that we have used soul Ray’s body has been for that purpose. We chose of this body because deep within it lay the wisdom, and the memory of where it had been, within the soul and spirit form and the immortal body. But yet, we knew it had much to learn, much to remember. We placed within his hands and his mind that to teach, and that to heal, and that to teach unto others.

We lay before you your free choice. You have seen unto where you have been. You may go unto many others, and many others will tell you other tales. But we say unto you, a prophet shall be known by his deeds, not by how loud or coarse he can talk, or by how much profanity he can throw upon others, for a true prophet should only have time for that that lies before him….

“She has one final question, Aka. She asks, ‘Will I visit the holy land?’”

Thy have already visited the holy land, for do you not know of where you have been, that that land that thy stand on is as holy in God’s eyes as any land? Yet you seek out to walk in the footsteps of the one known as Jesus. Walk upon this earth, upon this mountain, and here you shall find a treasure that thy shall find no other place.

But seek out that that thy heart guides and directs thee. And she shall say unto thee unto these words, “Blessed be the name of the Lord,” for the Lord shall give His thanks unto man, and man shall give his thanks unto the Lord.

October 5, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For we shall answer through the parable of the two brothers; you have called them Cain and Abel.

And Cain labored in the fields, and he did his labor that he might bring forth unto God the bounty of his fruit of his labor. And Abel labored in the fields, yet Abel was a dreamer. And those things that came easy for Abel came very hard for Cain. And so, therefore, there was conflict between the two.

And Cain slayed Abel and went before the Lord in the lie.

Yet the Lord did not slay Cain; He sent him forth, that he may teach unto others of his own folly.

But we should say unto thee unto these words. Unto each of you there is that of Cain, there is that of Abel, for the Lord in His wisdom knew that it took both parts to make a whole man. Too often each of you seek out to destroy a part of you that you think in your mind is not fitting or un-godlike. And too often you judge unto others that part of them that you do not like in yourselves.

Before you cast judgment upon another, look unto yourself and say unto these words, “Do I myself possess these same qualities?” In this manner, you may learn from the folly of others, but you may also learn from the folly of yourselves.

Though another should strike you with a stone, and you should fall dead upon the ground, if in truth your heart is in that of God, there is no death, for there is everlasting life. But in truth, if your heart is not in God, there is still life, but therefore, within the same, this one would become a lost soul.

So look within yourselves and see. First give judgment into yourselves. For as your Father has given unto you free will, give wisdom unto yourself. Seek out those hidden places within you. Take your toil in a loving manner. For remember, nothing is hidden, for what has been hidden, light shall light be shown upon, what is covered shall be uncovered, for now is the time of the Cherub.

Many of you have thought unto your minds, “This is the later days.” And we say unto you, this can be you later days, or this can be your new beginning.

But remember unto these words. Your earth was here long before man, and it shall be here long after man has perished.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [3–9–73–001].”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. Therefore, we have the records before us. And we see thy need unto this soul.


We find this soul, entry of the same, in that proportion and the entry in the land you now call Persia. At this time, this land within itself was but an isle. You must realize that the people or this isle made their living from that of the fishing trade.

Yes, we see this.

And you have chosen, as a [follower], that of a fisherman. Yet you are a dreamer. You continually fumble and foul the nets of your father until he becomes angry with you and sends you into shame to assist the women of the village.

Yet your dreams become stronger. But the shame your father has cast upon you, your mind reaches out to the fisherman’s nets each night, and each day the fish are driven away.

The men of the village say that you are responsible for the same, and therefore, you are placed within a craft, given provisions for three days, and sent adrift.

The storms rush upon you, and you fear within yourself for your life. Yet, your thoughts go back to that unto which you had done unto these people, and that that they had done unto you. You had been taught since childhood of the God of One, and your entity brought forth was very close unto the Godhead itself. And you said unto yourself, “If this is what they have cast me into for death, then let me have death.”

But the ocean rose and great waves picked upon the earth of the ocean and drove the small craft across the mighty sea. Day by day you traveled until thirst had driven you into madness. You could see land, yet the wave would not let you touch land. And yet, death would not come.

This brought you forth unto the American continent in that proportion now known as Yucatan. The land in itself at this time was basically uninhabited; the people, very backward, not developed. Yet, they nursed you back to health. And soon you learned of their language. And you learned of the red land unto which the flying vessels came forward and made captives of these people.

And so you banded the men together, that you may capture one of their vessels. And you made plans. And so you took the best specimens from the village and used them for bait, much as you had seen your father do when he cast his net.

But you knew in your mind that you must separate the other vessels, and have one single vessel land, that you may attack it. A huge pit was dug near the village. You implanted false trees, that the craft itself had but one clearing to land in, in that in the area where you had placed the pit. You labored long.

Then the word went out unto the other villages that they too could lure the other crafts away by placing themselves as bait.

And the day came forth. And as the craft landed, the pit gave way, and the timbers you had placed falsely were flung upon it. And then you began to wait, and abandoned the village and covered that of the great pit. You watched as the other vessels circled over the area until you knew that the occupants, inside, themselves had died, and soon the search for the lost craft was given up.

And then you expanded the pit, took away the debris, and entered.

From the diagrams within you learned that of navigation, for parts of the same you had been taught by your father. Soon you mastered the ship and its weaponry. And soon you had captured other vessels by luring them away one by one. And soon you were making attacks on the continent of Atlantis.

Yet all these things you had done for vengeance, that you might return unto your homeland as a conqueror.

And so it came, the day that you did go unto the homeland, and your thoughts were to destroy the people. But then your thoughts were, “How can they see me as a great person if I destroy them? So I shall bring my crafts forth and bear them gifts.”

Yet, when you landed, the people were frightened and they ran. Among them was your mother and father. In your anger, you did destroy them.

But while your ships were ground-bound, the mighty wave again slashed forth and destroyed your ships. And yet, there was one small parcel of land that you alone were spared upon. You looked upon the earth as the wave receded, and the land was barren. Yet, in the storehouses food was preserved.

You built again a small craft and set asail [sail], and the wave again brought you forth. Yet you had prayed for death.

At this time, the waves and the destruction had come forth upon all the earth, and the storms lasted unto 40 days and 40 nights. You saw the crafts pass above you, those known as the arks. Yet they paid no attention to you. And again you were crazed by thirst and hunger, but yet death would not come unto you.

And you came forth [only] to land of Egyptan. And yet, you were young of body, but yet you had lived, in your years, of 2,000. And your thoughts were in yourself. “I shall destroy unto myself.” Yet no man, no matter where you went, would bear arm against you.

Until one day, half out of your mind, you entered into the Temple of Beauty, and shouted, therefore, unto the priest.

Yet, the priest, Ra-Tai, came forth and said, “You seek of death. Yet you bear the mark of Cain, and therefore, death cannot come unto you.”

Your wits came back about you, for you knew the man spoke the truth. And you said unto this one, “If I should bear the mark of Cain, then how may I take this from me?”

And the wise one said unto you these words, “Remember where you have been. Remember unto those acts you have done unto others into which you have used your God-given ability to harm unto others. You used of the people of that far-away land, unto which many now dwell of the Atlanteans, to destroy your own people, your own kind. You have forgotten that giving was more important than receiving.

But you said unto him, “But when I landed our craft, my thoughts were to give unto my people, but yet, they were afraid.”

And he placed his hand upon you and said, “Look up into the heavens and see of that unto which the Lord, God, has given. Do you fear Him, for He is mightier than you? And He has seen fit that you live. If you want death, as you would know it, you must first know of life. If you want heaven, you must first know of life.”

You left the land of Egyptan and traveled northward, always seeking out death. Yet death would not come unto you.

But word and messages you heard of the people known as the Essenes, and you thought unto yourself, “If I cannot have death, then I shall have of life, but I have wasted all of my life. Now I shall learn what this life is about.” And so there you went forth to study.

And they sent you from there back into the land of Egyptan, and unto the land of Tibetan, and you studied.

Yet, you had learned of the coming of the one known as Jesus Christ and the one known as John the Baptist, and the preparation made across the land for their coming. Yet, your appearance was that of a young man; yet you still aged.

And you looked forth unto their coming that you may learn from them. First you went unto John the Baptist and said, “Why must I live? Why can I not know of death as other men? How can I remove the mark of Cain from me?”

And John the Baptist reached forth and said, “Bear your yoke with love, and not with hate, and the Prince of Peace shall soon come upon the earth. Go unto him and speak that that you had denied when you spoke to him before.”

And you said unto them, “But I have not seen this one before.”

And John the Baptist said unto you, “You have seen him in many forms, for he is the Prince of Salem, the Prince of Peace. He is the one that Abraham gave tribute unto, for he had no beginning and no ending. He shall be born as I was born. And so it has happened, for in truth we are cousins. But in truth, he has stepped beyond, for he has stepped in the footsteps of Buddha, he has stepped in the footsteps of the one known as the Eastern Star. Go unto this one, for he shall soon return back. Go unto the city of Jerusalem, and you shall find, there in the olive groves, he who shall be giving of healing, and ask the healing for of yourself.”

And so you ventured forth. Yet, though you saw that this one, John the Baptist, was soon to die, you spoke not of this with him.

And so you ventured forth unto the land of Jerusalem. And there you met the one called the Teacher, or Rabbi. Yet when you saw him you knew of him of many times. And you went forth and you kneeled before him. And you said unto him, “Oh Lord, remove this, this yoke, this mark upon me. Forgive me for that that I have done unto others, for I bear sorrow within my heart in truth.”

And he looked upon you and said, “Then come forth, and I shall put ointment upon your forehead.” And as his fingers touched your forehead you began to age, and death came unto you.

But as you were aging and your death was coming forth he spoke unto you these words. “Go unto the land of Salem, go unto the land of the American. Go unto the land you have been to, that of Yucatan. Go unto the land of the Black Mesa. Choose each of these entries. You shall see the Eagle fly. When you see the Eagle fly the second time you shall have a vision. You shall be surrounded by blue light, and I shall appear unto you. This shall be a sign unto you that the Eagle is here to prepare the way.”

At times, you now on this earth plane of this time, you, more than all others, should know that the mark of the Beast that can be placed upon man; therefore, do not use the abilities given unto you in folly, or once again the mark of Cain, the mark of the Beast, shall be placed upon you. Bring forth this that you have seen, for we are here but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Your abilities of the mind have been restored, but remember unto these words, that that the Lord has given, the Lord can taketh away. For the half-times are over.

We have placed the bread and the wine at your feet. We have shown you where you have been, that you should know where you are going. Cast aside these follies. Think back upon this time we have told you as a lad, as a fisherman’s son.

May 7, 1975: “Thank you, Aka. [8–15–74–002…Tucson] asks, “Please give guidance and direction for the entity at this time — name: [Caliasaus, Previus] or Previous.’”

We find no entity at this time to give guidance to.

We shall give thee guidance unto this manner, and unto this way. For the land unto which thy stand has been laid waste by thieves too long. We should mold unto thy mind and into thyself the makings of a teacher, much as the teachers thy have at hand. Each step that has been taken has been taken with your specific guidance in mind and development and growth. Yet we come to put flowers where no flowers have blossomed in a long, long time. And so it shall be. We shall answer your question only in parts, for there is not time at the present time to answer in full.

We shall tell of thee in this manner. You were born in the Year of the Horse, in the land of Atlantis. Your mother, therefore, and your father, being both of the priesthood, did go, venture forth into the land of Egyptan. And you were raised in the Temple of the Beauty, there where your mother and your father both worked. Many incarnations were brought forth from the man–animal and the mutates of the great war. Yet, to prevent a war you did venture forth into the land of the Eagle to learn and develop, and therefore, you wore the white robe, which later was known as the Brotherhood of the same.

You sought re-entry in the time of the preparation for the coming of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. You worked closely by the side of the man known as John the Baptist, and did learneth many things and wonders from this one. Yet again that time has arisen.

You wished to see the time of the walking upon the American Continent of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And so it was granted. You did come unto the land you stand now, and he did walk upon the land. And you did journey unto the land of the Black Mesa, and therefore, did see the eagle in flight. And he did say unto you, “When the eagle flies again you shall know of my cometh again upon the Earth, and you shall know of the kingdom of God within all man is at but hand. Go, therefore, and prepare a way for me.”

And so you chose entry at this time, at this place. Yet many small problems have arisen, and you wonder why they have arisen. In your own life and the choice you have made, you wonder why you have been pushed, and you have chosen this, yet to find your way unto the doorway that you stand now. All has been only to answer that which you asked for. You must not let the confusion that lies around you govern your life.

June 7, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord — and glory unto His children, for the Lord has seen and the Lord is pleased. For as the autumn winds should come and the leaves should fall from the tree, so should the blessings of the Lord come unto His children.

We say unto you these words. To know where you have been is to know where you are going, but to dwell upon the past is not a good thing, because you can become so involved in the past that you cannot see the future. A lesson learned from the past is a lesson learned from the future. It is like a gift carried forward from lifetime to lifetime.

For as the one known as Jesus of Nazara did walk upon the Earth, [in] the land of Israel, of Egypt, of Persia, of the land you know as India, and as he walked upon the North and South American continents, and as he journeyed forth and brought the words of God unto man, and brought the coveth, therefore, unto the same, he said unto you these words, “I have come not to change the laws of Moses, but to fulfill the prophesies of the same.”

And we say unto you, we have come not to change the Law of Moses, but we have come for this time. Moses’ laws were for of his time. Yet the Ten Commandments were for all time, for they were the words and [the] laws of God.

And as the tablets were brought forth upon the two continents, even then the preparation was being made for the coming of the Messiah upon the Earth.

We say unto you, watch the sky and watch the leaves as the autumn should fall. Each day his presence shall grow stronger in your hearts. As we have said before, we came not to change the prophecy, but to bring the fulfillment of the prophecy of the same, and the promise made unto the Lord, God, unto His children, of a new heaven and a new earth, and the thousand years of peace and love and tranquility upon the Earth.

But we say unto you, now is the time that Lucifer must be chained.

Build the links of the chain, one by one, two by two, three by three. Multiply them, and he who should come as the Anti-Christ shall be defeated before he sets a foot upon the Earth, for his beginning and his ending has already been written. Let not the mark of the Beast appear upon your foreheads. Continue your work. We shall provide for your needs. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

New enlightenment and new methods of healing shall now be implanted unto soul Ray, and the gift of the mastery shall come in full.

Wounds have healed; and healing from the Lord, God, has placed His hand upon the ministers, the teachers and the student-teachers, the shepherds and the prophet, and all is in fulfillment. You have reached the river. Now is the time that the river should flow unto the ocean. And the souls of man shall be as the pebbles of the ocean. And so shall the words be spoken and reach the many lands.

Multiply your number. Increase your teachers. Go into your courses; look unto them, improve upon them.

Improve upon the newsletter. Bring forth advertisement unto your newsletter. Bring forth, in full, the vitamin and mineral supplements and formulas that have been placed unto soul Ray’s mind. For we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pollution and pestilence shall follow his path. With the formulas at hand, these problems can be overcome. Further information shall be given unto soul Ray. [See The Revelation 6:1–11.]

All thing that we have said and promised unto you we have fulfilled, but only we could fulfill them with the permission of our Father, our God, and yours. For when we were sent to you He did say, “LET THOSE WHO KNOW THE ONE WHO SHOULD COME THE BEST COME FORTH AND PREPARE THE WAY.” [See John 14:15–21, 15:26.]

And so it has been.

We say unto you, we gave unto your hands the miracle of the candelabra. Now, increase the candelabras once again by thirteen, and the cup shall runneth over.

We see the leaves that fall and the questions in your minds.

We say unto the shepherds, carry your staff in a proud manner, for it shall be the staff of Moses.

We say unto the ministers, carry your candelabras, for they shall be as the candelabras of Isaiah. But as a coveth was given unto Abraham, so must the candelabras reach around the world, linking hands one unto another.

We say unto the teachers, prepare thyselves as that that should become ministers.

We say unto the students, prepare thyselves that thy may become teachers. But remember unto these words. The student shall never be greater than the teacher, nor the teacher greater than the student. But if you have but one teardrop to give, give that, and it shall be enough. If you have many, then give of these.

New financial means shall be provided for the material needs of the work. Soon will be the time that your newsletter shall be placed forth in the hands of all mankind. Now is the time that you must reach out.

But in the months that shall come forth, bring forth The Psychic Gift before the Dawn, for it shall be another chapter in the Book with wings. And wings shall be placed to the Rose without Thorns.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [6–7–75–001].”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We find this one a late entry.

He did not enter in the time that you would know as the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. He was born as a Roman. His family were farmers. But even as a child he dreamed of becoming a soldier. And so he did come forth into the Roman army, and he was then placed in the fortress inside of Jerusalem.

And the day that came forth that Jesus of Nazara should be tried, he did stand forth, and said, “Here Jew, I shall give you a crown.” And he did make the crown of the thorns and place them upon the head. And he, therefore, went forth as the whip-master behind this one. And he did set with the centurion and his fellow soldiers.

Yet, when the sky grew dark, as they rolled the lot for the robe, he did become very fearful and say unto the other soldiers, “Then it is true. He, in truth, is the son of God.” And he did try to flee, but as he tried to flee, a drop of blood struck his hand. At first it felt like fire and brimstone, and he did run to the watering troughs of the well to wash his hands, but the blood would not come off.

And the rains did come, and the rains did not wash him clean. And he did flee the land and go unto the land of Egyptian. And he did wash his hands in the Nile, and yet, the mark of the blood did remain. And he did go from magician to magician that they may remove the mark, but when each saw the mark they shook their heads and turned away.

And he did go unto the temple of the White Brotherhood. And they said unto him, “Should the mark upon your hand be removed, then you must come again and prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. When the Eagle flies again, of the second time, you shall be there. And we say unto you, even though his head has been cut away, he has not died. [Editor’s note: John the Baptist]. For from the beginning no power upon the Earth could destroy his form, for he should change his form as you would turn a stone. When the Eagle comes again you shall reject him as you have rejected the Son of God. You shall restrain and make bondage around yourself. But if you should remove the mark of the Beast, you must do it in the servitude of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. And it must be done with love from within.”

We have brought you forth unto this time, unto this day, unto this place. We have not interfered in your decision making. The decision you must make must come from within. But the decision shall be your own.

It has been written, “Ask and you shall receive.” [See John 16: 9–24.]

You have asked, and you have received.

You may say unto yourself, “How can I believe of such?”

And we shall say unto you, for three days and three nights we shall implant dreams in your mind of your own past. You shall see the blood of Christ. You shall see where you have been, and where you are going. As then, and as now, the choice is yours.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

One in our Council spoke to you then. He should speak once again, and he shall be by your side for the three days and three nights.

But we say unto you, once your decision has come forth, bring it forth in fulfillment.

And we, in turn, shall blesseth the child yet born — regardless of your decision.

June 12, 1976: “Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [7–303–4], who is here tonight….”

Yes, we have before us, the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We should find this one in the first entry in the land of the Egyptan. Her family had journeyed from the land of Ur, and there she was brought forth.

In this time, the Egyptan had enslaved the people of Israel. And as Moses did come forth and say unto the Pharaoh, “Set my people free,” and as Pharaoh did plot to slay the first-born — and she being the first born — and as Moses did say, “You have said it, not I,” her father, who was a script [scribe] stood nearby and knew of the truth of Moses’ words. And so he did come forth unto the house of Moses and say, “I have not sinned against your people nor your God, nor has my child. Cannot your God be merciful and spare this, my child?”

And Moses did give unto him the blood of a lamb, and he said unto him, “Go forth, and unto all houses who death should pass by, paint around the doorway with the blood of the lamb.

And throughout the night he did do of such, yet the pail did not runneth dry. And toward morning, when death was reigning throughout all of the land, he thought in his mind, “I shall go forth and save the Pharaoh’s son.” As he approached the steps the guards did challenge him, and he said unto them, “Do you know not of me?”

And they said, “Yes, but you carry the blood that was given unto you by the Israelites, so you are one of them,” and they did slay him. And as the pail flowed over his body where it was spilt, they saw before their eyes his wounds was healed and he did rise, and turn from the house of Pharaoh, and take his family and join Moses and their people.

On the journey, the child began to mature. And when they reached the mountain, unto which Moses was to venture forth into for his forty days and forty nights, as the people did change their ways and did bring forth false idols, you were tempted to join them because it was merrymaking and you were young. But your father said, “Nay, for it has been God who has brought us here, and God who shall deliver us, not this, of a golden calf.”

And you did see Moses descend from the mountain with the tablets in his hand. And he said unto the people, “You are not worthy of these.” And he did cast them forth and great fire did come forth.

And then he did lead the people, always with the light of God before them. And God did give them bread when there was no bread.

He did satisfy your thirst when there was no water. And you did grow into full womanhood and did marry the son of Aaron. But he was the second son. And as the descendants of Aaron were to become the priests, and as the firstborn of Aaron would come forth upon his father’s death to become the high priest, you did whisper into your husband’s ear, “Why, because of just chance, should you not be the high priest?” [See Leviticus 10:1.]

And you walked away form your husband back to your pail of water. And when you looked into the water there was blood. And the blood did seep out and you remembered the story your father had told you. And there did an angel appear before you and did say unto you, “Shall you let your greed rule you? For look into the heavens.”

And you looked there, and there was a great eagle in the heavens.

And the angel did say unto you, “For all of your lifetimes, watch for the flight of the eagle. You shall return many times. Pick up never again this, of the bucket of blood, for the time comes soon when one shall [come] and say unto thee, in another lifetime, ‘For our Father asks not for the blood of the lamb,’ yet the lamb shall be slaughtered.”

And so your days did pass and you did bear sons and daughters. And the oldest son of Aaron’s wife bare no fruit of any type. And so you saw your first-born, a son, become the priest. And you said unto him, “Our prophesy shall be fulfilled. For soon shall come David.”

And he looked long at you. But before your death you did see David become the King of Israel. And upon your deathbed your son did come unto you to tell you the day that David did stand at the Ark, and how rain was provided for the land.

And you did say unto him, “From the seed of David shall come forth one who shall be known [of] Jesus of Nazara.”

And so it has been.

You slept, but you saw.

And as you saw the eagle begin to take flight once again above the land, you went unto the Masters and you said, “I must return unto the land.”

And you did so, once again as a girl child. And you became one of those, and your people were one of those, of the Estenes [Essenes]. And you saw one young lad who was different, yet he learneth of all things. When you asked of him, they did say unto you, “For he shall come from the wilderness to prepare the way, and his name shall be, Beloved.”

And you saw this one climb unto the mountain top, and the eagle did descend and they did become one. And he came from the mountain top and began to baptize in water.

And he did marry unto you unto one of the sons of the fisherman known as Peter.

And then, there were rumors among of those of the Estenes [Essenes] of the return of one of their own, the Ointed [Anointed] One, the one that this one was preparing a way for.

And as he came forth, John the Baptist did say, “For he is the one you have waited for. Go with him.”

Your husband and yourself was in the camp of Jesus the night the news was brought of his imprisonment, and you did rush forth — only in time to see the beheading of this one. Yet the head fall upon the ground, and the dogs did devour the body; yet, from it rose a huge eagle, and the dogs and the animals were frightened.

It was not long before you were to see the crucifixion of the one known as Jesus. As the skies did darken, the eagle did appear. And for three days you saw the eagle. And upon the third day, as the resurrection came forth, the disciples looked into the heavens and said, “He has waited upon you.”

And he said, “Yes, and he now goes forth unto another land to prepare the way for me.”

None could understand his meaning.

Your death came forth, and you were brought forth into this land. And you heard the rumors of the eagle’s flight, and of the man who had brought forth miracles and kindness and great knowledge. And somewhere within your being you knew you had knowledge of this. You lived out your life, only to pass over once again.

But your one wish was to be within the flight of the Eagle, and so it was granted unto you, this time. You have cometh unto the Eagle’s nest. You have made your vows for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We say unto you, think back unto the time of the spilling of the blood. We say unto you, we wish not the blood of the Lamb, nor does our Father. We wish not the spilling of the blood of man in any form.

Glory be the name of our Father; glory be the name of the people.

But madness, the madness that passed before your eyes from the spilling of blood shall cometh once again. Remember our words.

September 17, 1976: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for we shall say unto thee the Parable of the Earth, and its Being.

For as God sent the Seven Spirits unto the Earth, and after much toil upon their part, the Earth was created, and all those things of their kind was placed upon the Earth. And man did come upon the Earth.

And as time passed, and as the Seven Spirits did see unto the folly of man, they did meet together and say unto themselves, “Why has the Lord, our God, created us? And why has He sent us forth to create, under His instruction, all of these things, [that] this man, as He calls him, who resembles us, who is of our kind — yet the folly of him? The Lord has sent teachers unto the Earth of their kind, yet they see them not. Instead they look for sensationalism. They look [with] things that are shrouded by many words. They look for the mystery of all things, and hidden meanings. Yet what the Lord, the Lord has placed before them is in the simplest form. Why should the Lord continue with such as thy?”

They thought long as they observed the Earth. “We have placed a balance unto the earth, a balance of life, and man has continued to change this balance. We have placed a balance into the earth’s form, and man in his quest has continued to change this. Even the things we have placed into the outer atmosphere to protect man, he wishes to change this. Where [would] he stop in his heaven and earth?”






But still they stood, and they said, “But look Lord, You have sent unto the land Your first begotten son, and they have crucified him. And You now plan that the Earth should be chosen again for the birth and return of the Messiah. And You have sent your masters forth to prepare the way. Yet look, Lord, look as they prepare the way. Their own apostles have turned against them. Their own apostles have decided that their thoughts are the only thoughts. And the apostles fight among themselves. Little has changed since the time of Jesus and this time. Little has changed since you did send John the Baptist forth to prepare the way, and he was betrayed and his head severed and fed to the dogs. You, oh, Lord, have asked much of us. But You ask much of the ones You asked to prepare the way. Where is the justice in this?”





And the Seven Spirits said unto the Lord, “That we may learn, that we may serve, let us go forth and enter into the twelve as You do enter, and it shall become Thirteen.”


And as they entered, and as the Council began the pilgrimage upon your Earth upon the day in your year of 1970, April the 3rd, the Council did break through and become known.

And then one, and then all of the spirits did say unto the Lord, “Look, oh, Lord, for ministers are coming forth. Yet, each of them shall betray him in their lifetime. And each of them shall go forth. Yet he knows this; why does not he act?”

And the Lord, God, said, “PATIENCE UNTO THEE, AND WATCH.”

And then he did bring forth unto the shepherds. And then he did bring forth unto the Teachers’ courses, that new seed should be planted.

And yet, he did look forth and see that still this was not enough. You of this earth-plane are inquisitive, and you like mysteries.

We say unto you, each of you, place yourself in this instrument of God’s place. Place yourself there for a little while, each of you, who say, “I cannot complete this course,” and those who complete it for title, and those who reach for ministry without substance.

We say unto you, those [who] have now completed the course, who have waited for the instructions of the minister to start, prove of yourselves as teachers and then the instructions of the ministry may start.

Of those who have agreed to take minister’s or teacher’s positions, let them comply. Many of you shall say, “I shall not have the time.” But we say unto you, you cannot afford to not have the time. Leaders will be needed in many places. If they think only of themselves, your people shall return back unto the Stone Age.

The Fifth Seal has not only been opened, but it shall not be long until the Fifth Angel has completed his walk. And woe be upon thee as the Sixth shall be opened, and the time of the Anti-Christ shall be there, and the mark of the Beast shall be that in your hearts — that you shall place there yourselves. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, chapters 7, 12:13–17, chapter 13, 14:1–16, chapters 16, 18–19, 20:1–6, chapter 21 and 22:11–17.]

We say unto thee of the time of Noah, when his words were cast into the wind by the people, he spoke of the mark, yet they heeded him not.

A thousand years of peace has been promised unto you, a new heaven and a new earth, but only when mankind can accept of this and these things.

A shepherd should tend his flock, not one but all of them. In failing to do this, he should place his staff upon the ground and walk away, or come into whole­ness and in the realization.

There are those of you who we have named as teachers because of the potential, therefore, within the same. And you have become lazy and not complied. Either pick up the staff and continue, or step aside, for we shall weed the garden, and none from either side shall interfere with this work.

For we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, that the thousand years of peace may reign upon the earth, that the new heaven and the new earth shall become unto reality.

These are not our words, but the words of the Lord, our God, Almighty.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

We know you have many questions, but instead of asking questions, take of what we have said and give it thought and you shall find the answers.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The great Sword is poised, striking, striking, striking. And one side shall cut away man, and the other side shall cut away the land. Where desert once stood, it shall become fertile. Where forest stood desert shall reign. And man shall thirst for the words and the compassion of his Lord. We have brought the wine and the bread. We have even given you the yeast. [See Genesis, chapter 3, The Revelation, chapter 19 and John 5:19–37, 6:26–64.]

The Dead Sea Scrolls

October 1, 1976: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For we shall say unto thee the parable of a time we would say the Estene or the Essene group did exist upon your earth.

They had separated themselves for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, and in this manner, special schools were set aside for the development of the two chosen ones, the one who would come and prepare the way, and the one you would know as Jesus of Nazareth. All was in preparation; the Lord had spoken unto the parents of John the Baptist, and so He had spoken unto Mary and Joseph.

Yet, as the time of birth for both grew near, great jealousy arose from the ruling body. Each did think that their way was the correct way. Each would stone the other.

And it did pass that John the Baptist did come forth and be betrayed, and be beheaded and his head thrown unto the dogs. And it did come to pass that Jesus of Nazareth did come forth upon the Earth, and he was betrayed by Judas.

Yet the greatest sin of all lie within those who should prepare the way, for instead of staying to the jobs that they had before them, each sought to glorify himself and herself. And they did condemn the one known as Jesus because he did not allow the stoning of Mary Magdalene. Yet Mary Magdalene, on her own, did bring forth the Christian movement, as you would call it.

There are those of you who would say that the one known as Jesus and God are the same. We say unto you, what foolish children you have been. And Jesus of Nazareth would say unto you, “What foolish children you have been.” And the Lord, in His usual way, would but chuckle. For the Lord, God, is God, and Jesus of Nazareth was His first begotten son, from Adam unto Jesus, from lifetime unto lifetime.

Yet we say unto you, it is a greater gift to forgive than it is to criticize. It is a greater gift by far to fall down and rise than it is to have never fallen at all.

Quite often you say unto us, “You speak as in riddles.” We say unto you, look within, into that hidden place within your mind, the hidden place that we can see, and the Lord, God, can see. And then, for those who have not broken the Ten Commandments, let them cast the first stone. Our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold. But let one religion cast a stone against another, and they have sinned against our Father.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You have spoken of the Ten Commandments before, and there is one in my mind, the commandment that you shall keep the seventh day holy, and I wonder if you can tell us how that applies to this time?”

We shall say unto you, let the seventh day be as all days. Why should one day be holier than another? Are you to be the hypocrite, who would put on his finery and go into your temples, your churches, to stand with your heads bowed, not to the Lord, but unto yourselves, just to be seen there, just so that thy neighbor should look at thee and say, what a fine person this is? Do you place in the communion cup your tithings, or do you place yourself?

The seventh day should be laid aside for rest. But we say unto you, if thy brother falls into the lake and is drowning should you wait unto the first day to pull him out of the lake? He should surely be dead by then. There are certain tasks that even upon the seventh should be brought forth. All days should be brought forth in holiness before the Lord.

We shall answer your question farther in this manner. There are some here who have come forth in idle curiosity. Some say, “Look, for within that body substance the Lord has taken hold, and we may gaze at Him,” as though they had come forth into that which you would call a zoo. We should say unto them, which is caged — you or we? Which has built the yoke that they cannot remove around their necks?

We say unto you, we have brought you forth unto this day, unto this time for a purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Yet you play games with us. We tire of such. We do not sleep. As the Lord wearies, so do we weary. Yet the Lord has placed His hands many times upon this small earth to bring communion unto it, to bring the seventh day, that it may all be kept holy.

February 4, 1977: “Thank you, Aka. Aka, I have a request for a life reading from [9–358–1].”

Yes we see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we should find the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records before us.

We find this one, in the first entry, in your land of Yahweh. She came as the first child unto the head of the council of the planetary system of Yahweh. And there was great rejoicing throughout the land. And the parents did dowen upon her many gifts. And friends did give dowen upon her many gifts.

And yet, as the wars were about to begin, and as the wars did come forth year after year, she grew into young womanhood. And as plans were made to leave these planets and the ships were made ready, she was chosen to go on the long voyage, [with] this land you call Earth. And she did travel with her father. And the time did come when war came upon this land.

Many times she had thought of marriage; yet within her work she wanted a person who could be as her father, yet she found none. And as the decision was made that some ships should go forth unto other lands, her father did call her to him, and he did say unto her, “I must send you from this land, that you may bear seed upon other lands.”

This she could not believe — to be separated. Yet, her father insisted. She left the land to venture forth unto the planet, [Quadren], there to live out her life. She did marry and bring forth children. Yet the link with her father, the mind link, was to remain. And even though she had been told that her father had chosen to stay that the others might go and live, and seed, her heart could never forgive.

And she waited reentry. And she did come into the land of Atlantis, and then did venture forth once again into the land of Egyptan, and there she did study under the great priest, Ra-Tai. And once again she was taken into the land of the Eagle. The Eagle received her as his own. And then, once again as war was to come, he sent her forth and said, “Plant your seed.”

Again she felt that she was being sent away because of a lack of love. Yet she went forth to bear children once again. But in her heart she vowed to bear no more children.

And then again, in the entry, as that of Jesus of Nazara did walk the land, she had walked with one known as John the Baptist. And once again, the knowledge and the feelings of the love of a father and a daughter came into fullness.

But John sent her forth and said, “Go and follow that of Jesus.”

And she said, “Nay, for you are the true Messiah.”

And he said, “Nay, for I am but here to prepare a way. Go now, for my head should soon fall, and this I do not want you to see. For I have sent you from me many times in the worst of tasks, yet that you should see the better side of the times. I send you not from me because I do not love you; I send you from me that you may grow and learn from the Master.”

And she said unto him, “How can this be so, when you are the Master?”

And he said unto her, “For, from the old times I have known you, and you were my daughter. The day will come when I should not have to send you. And you shall know that you are my daughter. The Lord has promised this. Yet, when that time comes, doubt shall come into your mind, and the decision then will be yours to stay or go. Yet the love I have, and have had throughout all these centuries, I shall have for you then, and you shall know of me, and I shall know of you.” And so, you did depart.

And when you heard the story of beheading, your heart was heavy. And you went in to the Master, of Jesus of Nazara, and did say, “Why cannot my father and I be together? Why should we be tormented?”

And Jesus did lay his hand upon your cheek and say, “The time shall come when I should leave you. But I leave you not because I do not love you; I leave you because I love you. And John did leave you because he loved you. And we both shall return unto you in a different time. Yet, when that time comes you shall know us not. It will only be then, when you can find us in your heart, when you can find within yourself the ability to say, ‘I love you,’ and feel it throughout your being.”

Because of the heavy work and burden of responsibility placed upon you in your other lifetimes, you have been afraid to face them in this lifetime.

There is much more we could elaborate on. There are many other lifetimes. We have brought forth unto you those that are most important. Within you possess this, the abilities your father had in the land of Yahweh, for he did train you then.

Your sister of this lifetime was a sister of before. And your brother, but you know this.

From these things we have said unto you, you will bring forth much memory. Make them separate, and then [yours] in truth can come down.

But we say unto you that spring shall come and many pathways shall be open unto you. The decisions that you make you must make them. We are not allowed to interfere.

You have many loyalties. You and you alone must make these decisions of where to place them best, and where to place the love that you hold bound up within your heart. You are afraid this time to reach out for that love. You are afraid that once again it shall be taken from you. This time, the only one that can take this love from is yourself. And the only one that can build upon it and let it blossom is yourself. That of the psychic knowledge has come unto your being. As he who should come did promise unto you that your father would be returned unto you, so the promise has been kept. But love is the answer, if it is not misguided. The choice is yours. Knowledge lays at your feet. It is your choice how to use it.

This is all on this subject at this time. When a full understanding should blossom and more knowledge should be asked for, it should come.

The flight of the Eagle has come with many heartaches, through many centuries of your time, not without purpose. For now, as it was then, it must reach and touch the multitudes. If you can learn that even though the sharing of love takes nothing from the love that was promised unto you, place your cup before you, and we shall fill it.

April 7, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

For in the days of the one thy should call, John the Baptist, as John had seen in the stars that the time was so that he should venture forth to prepare the way, he came forth in the land, as thy would know it, as the Dead Sea. And as he entered, and went forth unto the Jordan River, he began to baptize and to preach. And he said unto them, “Repent, for the one who shall come after me shall baptize of the spirit.”

And none could understand of his words. Yet many began to follow, and many asked him who he was.

And he did say unto them, “I am John.”

And they asked him if he were the prophets of old? And he did look upon them and say, “Nay, I have been here as long as ye.”

They did not understand these words he had spoken.

And then, as he baptized, he did baptize the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And he said unto Jesus, “Thy should baptize me.”

And Jesus said unto him, “Nay, baptize me, John.”

And John did baptize him. And as he brought him forth, he told unto his disciples to follow Jesus. [See John 1:15–51 and 3:22–36.]

And then, as the twelve were brought together, they did go forth, each one at a time, to be baptized again by John.

And John the Beloved came unto John, and looked unto him and said, “Oh, Master, baptize me.”

And he looked unto John and said, “And you shall be with your true master to the very end; forsake him not. Stand beneath the cross, and you shall receive the final baptism. For one drop of blood shall fall upon your head, and the blood of his body shall represent the spirit that shall baptize for thereafter.”

And John the Beloved became frightened, and he ran back unto Jesus and said, “Master, why do they call him John, the Baptist?”

And Jesus laughed in his usual way, and said, “Pray be it, John. But does he not baptize you and I? Has he not brought unto you the spirit of God? Has he not prepared the way for you and I, and all who shall come after us?”

But John the Beloved said, “But yet, Master, but I see death in his eyes.”

And Jesus looked sad then, and said, “Yes, these things shall be so, but the baptisms shall continue unto I return again.”

And so it has been throughout time, that the baptisms that you receive now, and the marks that are placed upon your forehead, therefore, never shall be the marks of [peace] placed there, for in the baptism you have accepted the mark of Christ, the mark of God, and therefore, the Anti-Christ can never mark thee.

July 21, 1978: “Yes, Aka. [9–372–2…El Paso] asks, ‘My love and thanks to you. What is there from my previous lives that I need to understand, and know more fully to help myself and others?’”

We shall say unto you unto these words. The life that has been given unto you was given that you too should complete your work in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Once before, a man known as John the Baptist did say unto you, “Come, and be transformed, and we shall prepare the way for the coming.” And you did walk with him, and let this be so. He has asked you again, “Come, walk with me.” Make this fulfillment, and the knowledge that you need also shall come into fulfillment….

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Study the words that we have brought unto thee. And remember these words, “Thy shall have no other Lord, no other God, before Me. Thy shall covet no thing that belongs unto thy brothren.” And the Lord should speak unto His things, for there should be no other power before the Lord’s, and no other dominion before the Lord’s.

For those who should forget these words, the words given unto Moses and handed from the hand of the Lord, our God − the Ten Commandments − hold them sacred. Teach them unto your children.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

February 2, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Father; glory be the name of His children.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the land of Atlantis.

For as the time before the great destruction of the land occurred, there lived there a prophet. And the prophet said unto them, “Heed my words, and let us prepare for this time. Let us take our food and our storages into a safe land, and let us prepare all the islands, therefore, upon the Earth, and place, therefore, within the safest land where our people may survive, that our knowledge might survive.”

Yet none would heed their words.

Yet the priests, Ra-Tai and Ar-Tan [Arcan?] went about their work. And the greater of knowledge was transferred into the land, as you would know it now as Egyptan, and that that you know now as the southern part of the American continent. And they did take the knowledge forth unto the people upon these continents.

And [these] people upon these continents did defy them, and say, “Why should we take your burden? You, who have ruled the Earth, why should we help you now?”

And then, close to the later days, all knew that if the knowledge that they possessed, the full knowledge, fell into the wrong hands, there would be a complete destruction of mankind by warfare. And so they did bury this knowledge in three places upon the world. Yet the grain and provisions, that too was placed into safe hands.

Yet, it was not a hundred years after the destruction that mankind did fall away from all knowledge.

It was not until the one you know as Jesus of Nazara did walk upon this continent, and the continent and lands of the European countries, was the fullness of the knowledge that had been, known unto man. But even yet, it was rejected, as he walked forth upon the land, and made way, and did bring forth disciples. And yet there were many who came forth to kill his disciples and proclaim that they were the disciples. And they did change and alter and profane all things.

We say unto you, once again you are facing a time when great destruction shall become forth upon your Earth. We have spoken to you in many words, and in many parables, to prepare you for these things. We have told you to bind together and grow in strength. We have told you that the great Sword hovers above you; where no water flowed water shall flow, and the desert[s] shall become green and bountiful, and land shall alter and change its shape. All of this is about you.

There is the Sword that should cut two ways. One shall cut away and reshape the earth; the other shall cut away and reshape mankind.

At first it shall seem for the worst of all things, for it shall be the best of times and the worst of times. And many gratifying substances shall come from the same. But as we have promised, for those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, their needs shall be fulfilled.

We have told you the parables of the food and wine that was provided by God, but left behind. Now we tell you, now is the time. Prepare this way now, for those who should approach your country in peace shall soon strike forth with their sabers and their daggers upon the backs of mankind.

The weather changes that are occurring are both of nature and man-made. Yet they shall, as you would say, get out of hand.

The time shall come when God shall place all things in righteous[ness].

Many of those of the Anti-Christ shall take advantage of this time, and they shall say, “For look, I am your savior, follow me.”

We say unto you, we have come unto you in peace. We have come unto you with the love of our Father. We have come with the only riches we have to bear — the love, the understanding, the hope, the compassion of God.

We asked you, now, take haste. But within the haste, do not cast away good judgment….

We shall also answer your question in this manner. The preparation to move the people from the land of the Tucsons shall be soon at hand. Many shall not leave this land. And this land must be made ready in such a manner that both bomb shelters and food storage shall be made available. You must remember, there are greater weapons at this time than atomic power. Soundproofing of these should be of a great importance. The [newer] weaponry of laser, ultrasound, shall all be brought forth in this new conflict. Plan well. Organize well, for those who should organize. And then, it should come time soon when also you should make ready that your families shall be moved. Soon, land shall be made available in the Globe region. Further information on this shall be given as it is needed. You should use your own judgment.

[We should say unto Luke [1–1–3] and James [1–1–5], it is now apparent that as the new, as you would call them, greenhouses shall be made available, both foliage for animal and man may be grown. We would also suggest that this also soon should be made a time. But we should say unto you, rely now on the prophet and the knowledge we shall place within his mind, that all things shall come together.

For those who should live within the land of the El Paso regions, therefore, within the same, first, as you would know it, a natural catastrophe shall strike the land. Provisions and readiness should be made ready in these regions, from twofold. You shall gather knowledge from the first of this reading.

For those who should live within the land of the Phoenix, there shall be land in this area that shall stand even after the destruction. That land shall be in the land of the Queen Creek and Gilbert regions, and in certain proportions, therefore, in what is known as Peoria.

In that land of the California region, take from all these that we have said, and land shall be made available for you also. But remember, you shall all live together in peace, or you shall die in a wasted land separately. And your children’s children shall perish before they are born.

We say, therefore, unto Paul and Ruth, continue with these of the restoration plans that soul Ray has in his mind, and the land you dwell upon shall be made safe.

March 2, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee the parable.

In the land of Israel the Lord, thy God, brought forth unto two miracles, the miracle of the birth of John the Baptist and the miracle of the birth of Jesus of Nazara.

When that that was prophesied was about to come true, and before the birth did happen, it went forth upon the land that these two joyful events would happen.

And many women were scornful and said, “Why should the Lord choose these women and not me? Why should I not bear this child? Why can I not be the person who history shall remember throughout all time?”

And this question was brought before the rabbis. And the rabbis did say unto them, “For Elizabeth, who should bear John, has been with him many times. She shall not live to see him beheaded, but she shall see him prepare the way. And Elizabeth shall be of a sistern in another time, and she shall not live to see the fulfillment, but she shall go upon the other side to assist him.

“And Mary’s time shall have been completed, for she shall dwell in the house of the Lord after she should see her son crucified.”

The gift that we have given not all of you would be capable of bearing the yoke.

And the rabbi asked each of those women if they could see their sons beheaded or crucified. And none of them could understand this, and they said, “Why? Why should these evil things befall these great ones who should come upon the earth? And why should not Elizabeth see the glory of her son? And why should she not, in the second coming, see the glory of her brothern? Why should it not be written as such?”

The rabbis could not answer. None could answer.

And after John was beheaded, John’s followers came unto him, to Jesus of Nazara, and said, “All that has been prophesized has come true. Should you then, Master, be crucified?”

And he looked long unto their eyes and said, “My Father’s will shall be done — not that I want to depart from you, but to show you the fulfillment of your life — to show you that through death and resurrection shall be as you should die and pass away, in three days, so the body shall be made whole again if it is your desire.”

And so the time came, and the crucifixion was brought forth. And he who was the Prince of Salem, who in another time there was no record of his birth nor of his death, yet all of the Levi paid tribute, therefore, unto him. And Abraham did pay tribute into him. Yet, when he appeared before his apostles, they knew him not. And yet he had to manifest the wounds to prove to them that he was who he was. And Thomas, the doubter, still doubted.

You say unto us, “What purpose is that of this parable?” And we say unto you, only through your faith shall you know of the heaven and the earth, and only through your faith can the preparation for the coming of the Messiah be fulfilled.

We have told you of the quiet place within your mind, the quiet place where God dwells within you. Take that moment and look into that quiet place, and the knowledge you seek shall be there — there by the quiet pool where the candle is always lit, and where the roses always bloom, and the water is always pure.

But if you should know of the knowledge we speak of, then no matter how much you have to face, you shall face it with a joyous heart, and love and companionship for one another. Take one moment and think of the pain of Elizabeth. Feel her pain. For she is here now, not in body form, but in that of the spirit, to prepare the way for the coming; yet she is here in gladness of all things that came before her, for it is not of yesterday that she looks at, but of the tomorrows that are yet to come. We say unto you, who have picked up the Rose without Thorns and read the dedication therein, you shall know of the whole of this that we speak.

Bind together. If you must, to do this, reach and feel her pain as it was, and yet, see her joy as it is now — and the joy that you shall know. As a man plants a field and sees it ripen upon the earth and come into fulfillment, always to know that that that he has grown has provided him with new seeds for the next year — look into your minds and see this field. Look into your minds and feel this peace of mind that we shall extend out to you from this day forth, if only you shall ask. Open the door that we may enter. Let us place in your hearts the love of our Father, and the love thy could feel for thy brothern and sistern.

When you became angry, when you become discouraged, when you become confused, stop just that moment, and allow us to enter. Allow us to show you the quiet place of God within you, and you shall feel the strength within yourselves. Bind together. Come as one.

“Sangre de Christo” (Blood of Christ) mountains

May 11, 1979: Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee, as we have said before, your atmospheric conditions are changing. Where no water flowed water now flows, and the desert[s] shall bloom and become whole unto the people. These things we have said unto you before. Now you shall see the fulfillment of the same.

We have told you of the sword that should cut two ways, that that should cut away land and people. And the sword on one side shall slice down, and those who possess no souls and the spiritual substance of the same, shall be slain from the Earth, and the heavens, and they shall be no more. And the land shall split away, and tornados and hurricane[s] and volcanoes, and earthquake shall ravish the land. But the Lord, God, shall lay down His hand and place the protection for the people.

For those who should walk in the righteousness of the Lord, and should seek, in truth, to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors, so shall they be spared. For those who should seek vengeance, and should make war and plan war, at first it should seem as though they shall succeed, and then, the Lord’s hand shall come forth again, and the land shall be split away. All, of these things that we have told you before, is before you.

We should say unto you the parable of the small stream on the top of a mountain that as the snow melted and the rainfall, it started its journey down the mountain. It felt good and wonderful, for it was clean of body, and it knew it brought forth life. Halfway down the mountain man had built and polluted into the stream. As the stream left this pollution to continue its journey, it felt despair, for why had the Lord allowed this to happen, allowed this to happen into a clean substance? For the spring, for many centuries, and many eons, had made the same journey. And it had provided for the people. It could not understand why the people would pollute, and harm it.

And the stream, as it reached toward the river and the lakes, it spoke unto the lakes and unto the rivers and said, “How can I bring such forth unto you, for I have always brought forth pure, clean water?”

And the lake said unto the stream, “Do not be of despair, for that that man shall lay upon the Earth, so shall he reap.”

But the little stream, still wanting to serve mankind, could not understand this. And the river said, “Why do you despair so, for at the beginning you are clean. What makes it different how you should return into my body?”

And the stream said, “But I have always given you the best of my body.”

And the stream prayed unto the Lord, and said, “0h, Lord, I should begin with a clean body. Why should it pollute? Why should anyone be allowed to do this unto others? For those who live beyond the lakes expect to receive me in my cleanness, for they have seen me in the beginning, and they expect to receive me as I become part of the river and one day part of the great lake. Should I become completely lost in this pollution?”



But the stream said, “Why should it be allowed to override my free choice, which is to be clean from beginning to the end?”



For some of you, once again you shall say we have spoken as unto riddles. But we say unto you, nay. We gave you in the beginning of this reading that that could take place upon your Earth. We have also given you an answer of that that you may do of your own free choice to change the Earth — for your Father is listening.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [6–290–5]; she’s here tonight. She said, ‘Would you please give me a life reading? Thank you.’”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Yes, we have the records before us.


In the Year of the Dragon, in the Month of the Horse, in the Day of the Grasshopper, this one came forth into the land of Ur. And because of the great knowledge which was shared between the people, she could not understand why she had not arrived upon the Earth long before this. And so, therefore, she went unto her father, who should walk with her and gain permission to go into the inter [inner] temple, unto the wise ones, and therefore, to receive an answer.

And the wise one said, “We see that of which you seek. But that you might know fully, soon one shall come that can answer your question.”

And as the days passed, you grow very anxious.

And then, throughout the land the message was that that this one had arrived. You looked upon him and said, “He looks familiar, so familiar. Father, why do I know this one, yet I have not met him?”

And your father said unto you, “The answer might come from him, for he comes from the land of Yahweh, where all our descendents bore from. For he was in the beginning, and he shall be in the ending.”

And as the evening grew close, and the many people gathered round to listen to his speech, he turned and looked upon you, and said, “Come.”

And all the nobles were shocked that here this great one should take this small girl, to speak unto her. And he said unto her, “You wish to know where you have come from, and why you feel that this is not your first incarnation upon the Earth. Once long ago — ” as he drew upon the sand he showed a solar system, and planets and suns, and he said unto you as he pointed unto one of the planets, “here is where you dwell[ed]. You were one of those who never left the planets before they were destroyed. But your heart and soul went with us unto this land. And I say unto you, we shall meet again, in the land — and I shall come forth and speak unto you and you shall know of me.”

You lived out your life, bore children in multitudes, and did plenish the Earth.

You did not come forth until this time of the birth of what you call Christianity. And you and your husband had heard of this one called John the Baptist. And the urgency between you to go forth unto him. And as you walked forth there he stood, in the water, baptizing. And he looked up into you and said, “Why have you taken so long; do you not know of me?”

You knew of him.

And he baptized you.

And you said unto him, “For what purpose shall this life of mine be served?”

And he said unto you, “For the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.”

And then walked forth that one known as Jesus, of Nazara. And you knew, as John spoke, that this was the one who should come after John.

And as he baptized him, and the Lord, God, said unto all who could hear, “FOR THIS IS MY FIRST BORN SON WHO I DEARLY LOVE.”

And John turned unto you and said, “Follow this one. And one day I shall meet with you again and I shall baptize you again.”

You lived other lifetimes between this period. They were important, for all of them brought you to this place, here and now.

And once again, you [were] baptized in the light of God. And once again you are here, at this time and in this place, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

For those who have eyes let them see, for we shall uncover that that has been hidden. For those who have ears to hear let them hear, for within this reading many shall find a truth for themselves within it.

We have given unto you that that is needed for this time and this place. You have never been a prince or princess. You have never been that of great wealth. You have served the Lord, God, and served Him well. And the Lord, God, looks upon you, His child, and says unto you, “THIS IS MY CHILD WHO I AM WELL PLEASED.”

Now we say unto all of you, ask and you shall receive.

Glory be the name of that that is to come, and that that has been. But all that has been shall be all parts of that that is to come.

In a very few days you shall have within your hands a new book. Each book shall be part of a whole, and they shall be, all together, the Book with wings. Pick it up, and it shall fit with the Rose without Thorns. And it shall be another part of a whole.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

April 4, 1980: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you unto this way, for we see thy need. And we shall say unto thee the parable.

In the time of this that you would call the [Essenes] — and of these had come together for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, and that also [of] the coming of John the Baptist.

And all did come together. But those who prepared the way for John, and worked with John, became so obsessed with his preparation that when John said, “Follow that of Jesus of Nazara,” many quarreled. Many were sure that John was the Messiah. Yet he said, “No.” And upon John’s death, many stories were told that Jesus had had John put to death so that he might become the greater.

Judas came to Jesus and said, “Why do you not go and destroy the walls where he is imprisoned?”

And Jesus said back unto him, “For John’s time is now complete and he shall go unto another land. And soon so shall mine be.”

Judas mistook the words that he said. He thought to force Jesus into becoming a worldly king, and therefore, he did go forth and betray him.

All these things that Jesus did, and Judas did, and John did, were as it would be so.

But remember, Jesus was crucified in the eyes of the people for crimes he did not commit. Not once did he steal, nor lie, nor once did he break the commandments of the Lord, nor did John. Yet, they were punished; they paid with their lives.

You come forth now to say that you shall celebrate the crucifixion. And we say to you, who shall celebrate John’s death?

All has come forth for this time, once again. When greatness of the world and the Lord shall be made mighty, a way shall be prepared. All these things we say unto you, but they cannot be prepared upon lies and deceit. Love one another as ye would love this one. Come together as brotheren and sisteren. Do not take from this as a selfish thing, as Judas did. Take from it and know that it is the kingdom of God we speak, and the world we speak of is your world, your earthly plane.

We have come not to make kings upon the Earth. We have come not to place our hands upon one or another and say, “Hold this one in a righteous manner.” We say, hold yourselves in a righteous manner. We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, or the prophecies of Isaiah, or the coveth [covenant] given unto you from Jesus; yet we have come that a new covenant may be placed upon the earth and in the heavens and universe. We have come to prepare a way for the coming of a messiah.

We have come unto you not to bring hate upon the world, but love. We have come unto you, not to bring suspicion, or make liars of you. We came for none of those purposes.

Take from our words; as we have said before, that that shall be as a food to you. Know that from where we are, these things that you are going through have long been in past tense; yet for us once again, that we may succeed in our task, we say unto you, open the door that we may enter.

And now we say unto you, of the spring of life in the valley, where the water flows and begins to seep into the ground, there a pool of 16-by-30 measures should be placed. This pool should be made from 4 to 8 foot, and should be lined with stone and mortar that the water may come from the springs of life and flow out.

And yet, we shall say unto you, that of the prophet unto you, the robe shall be changed. The robe that is now shall be encased and placed nearby the spring. A new robe, and it shall bear only white, shall be brought forth. For now, a ten-year period has passed, and now we shall take you forth into newer things and transitions. And angels shall walk upon the Earth and talk to many. For now the armies of heaven shall descend upon you to make way and to prepare for the coming. Many shall hear voices, but we say unto you, make certain that these are the armies of God, not the armies of Lucifer. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

July 18, 1980: “Yes, Aka. [12–425–2] who is working on a new pamphlet asks, ‘Is the Eagle the same as Aton? If not, what, if any, was the connection?’”

(Chuckle) The Eagle came to you in many names. Some would call him John the Baptist. But in the beginning he came and used the name we use now, Aka. For we should say unto you, for he and we are the same, yet apart. For when the Lord should put a mission upon the Earth, that that you would call, the master, is chosen to return to the Earth, to be born and go through all the trials and tribulations, and then, those of us from this side are there to guide him. It is our choice and his.

You have other questions. Glory be the name of the Lord.

“Yes, Aka, I don’t mean to be dense, but I still don’t know if the Eagle ever used the name, Aton.”

We have told you, no.

“Thank you, Aka.”

January 30, 1981: “Yes, Aka. [13–432–1] asks, ‘My questions is, how can I find peace of mind?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Peace of mind comes in many ways, spiritually, physically. You are alone and feel cast aside, yet all around you are those who love you and care. Yet you will not allow them to help you.

There are those who would use you at this time, and will try to use you. Beware of those. Know your friends and know your enemies.

But peace of mind shall be brought into you heart and your soul, for what you have long sought is a spiritual need. It cannot be bought nor sold; it must enter in the heart as a free gift. It is not a gift you can give another. It is like love — when given it must be accepted in such a manner that it is cherished above and beyond all other things. But we say unto you, you are not alone; we walk with you. No one cast you out. Fear not, for a new time is just above you, and its beginning shall be a fullness of life that you have waited for. We cannot force upon you that that you ask for. Reach out your hands, your heart, your mind, the soul within you, and let it flow. And that that you ask for shall be given.

You feel part of that gift now entering you. You feel a peace you have not known entering you. All of these things have happened for a reason; do you not know this? If God had no use for you, He would not have brought you here. Had you not been before in the preparation, you would not be here now. For in another time, when that one known as John the Baptist came forth, and most thought him mad — and he as a rabbi who shouted, “Make way,” — you looked and you saw within him a brethren. You did follow him, clear to the beheading. And then you went unto Jesus of Nazara, and said, “Oh Lord, why have you allowed this to be so?”

And he said unto you, “Carry this weight for us, both him and I, for soon, I too must be about my Father’s business.”

These things were not known to you until now, for you had not asked.

The great spiritual need, the void which has been within you, may now be filled, and your cup shall runneth over. And many things shall come about. Be patient. Take no actions. Be patient.

April 3, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you these words, and in this way. For, in a time the Lord, God, had made the plans that His son should come unto you, and, therefore, He did choose one who would come forth for the preparation of the same. This one’s name, as you would know him, would be called, John the Baptist. “The Baptist” was placed as an after-name upon him because he went before and in front of all others, and did baptize unto the Lord, God. And he told them, “I am here to prepare the way.” Many gathered from far lands to come unto him, to receive the baptism of the spirits of God.

He abided by all the laws of Moses. And he was there for the fulfillment of the prophesies of Isaiah. Yet he had come as the sons of man did descend upon the Earth. He had come from another planet in another galaxy, known as Yahweh, named after the Lord, God.

From lifetime unto lifetime he came to prepare the way. And from lifetime unto lifetime he felt failure. And yet, before him, as he baptized the one known as Jesus, and all that had come before this, he felt that this time success. For at long last his journey would end. At long last his quest would be fulfilled, his destiny.

Yet, he had seen all things, even before he was born, as the one known as Mary, the mother, did come unto her cousin, Elizabeth, and John was in the womb of Elizabeth. He knew then that for a short distance was the one he would go before, and great joy filled John.

And so, the day that came forth of his baptism of Jesus, he felt at that time his total journey was done. He cared not how he would die, as long as he could see that what he had done was a righteous thing before God. And hell feared him, even when he put him in a dungeon. He even feared him when he cut away his head, and left it to the dogs.

It was not long after death that John knew his journey was but to begin again, for after the crucifixion, and even before it, he had wandered into a new land. And the tips of the Eagle began to spread across your North American Continent and South American Continent, for he was there for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

And he thought, “Here, in this place, where they had accepted Jesus, the Messiah, in such great multitudes, they shall never wander from the ways and his teachings.” And so, when he reached Black Mesa, to spread his wings, again he felt fulfillment, and thought his quest was ended. And at that time, he saw once again that [he had] yet, it was the beginning.

He went forth once again, from what you would know as Salem, through your famous Spanish Inquest, through the Roman rise and fall, to find himself from body to body, until even he had become to where [that] all that was past he would forget, for his quest had become an unfulfilling thing.

And then he came forth for rebirth. And then came the day, the day that you are about to celebrate, the 3rd day of April, 1970, the day of resurrection, for all that he had been would be resurrected back unto him, and all of his heritage would be restored unto him. That day when we came unto you, and spoke, we said unto you, “We have come but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.”

We have told you a story of a time, of a place. It is much as you read the Akashic records; it is as though the wind has taken time, and yet, it never ends. We told you of the times when we had touched your earth and the heavens above, and the many planets and galaxies. We have even told you when we walked the earth. But most important, we have tried to explain to you that, in the task of the preparation, from the beginning until now, our time has been but for the same purpose. Many have gathered to hear our words — and hear the words of God.

Many have believed us, and many have shunned the words. But the Lord, God, has not been displeased. Now, above all other times, His gladness, as a bouquet of roses, as a healing well, has been passed on to you. Into the hearts of each of you, we see your souls, the souls that you have prepared to place before God, as an offering unto Him.

As we said before, we do not ask for the blood of the Lamb. There are many times when you have thought that we had asked for your blood, yet we had not. The fulfillment of the soul is a cup who runneth over, a horn of plenty, that for what you take from it may be replaced in full.

The baptism of your soul unto God is a beautiful thing between you and God — and the light of the Lord at your doorstep. For you have not left Him outside, but you have beckoned Him to come in to that quiet place within yourself, where a candle burns, where a cool pool runs clear, for you have said to the Lord, God, “Enter into the temple,” the temple of God, which is yourselves.

For those of you who have worked but one day, the Lord would bow upon His knees to give you thanks. For some of you who have worked so long, through the 11 years, who have wavered many times, but stayed, the Lord says unto you, “You have our undivided love.” For in each of you, you have given all you have. You have given love unto God, the most important commodity that you possess.

We say unto you, take this day and make it holy unto yourselves, and never forget. For the Rose shall be placed in each of you, [it] shall be stamped into your souls, for you have picked up the flowers at your feet and have passed them on to others.

You have gone unto the mountaintops and to the seas. You have crossed the seas and spread the word[s].

We say unto you, remember this, the Anti-Christ cannot hurt you, cannot harm you, cannot place his mark upon you. For you, through your own turmoil, through the struggles you have gone through, have proven yourselves worthy of the love of God. Many times we have said to you, “This word you use so often, yet did not know the meaning of.” And we told you to stand beneath the cross; the cross is the crucifixion of yourself. “And feel the blood,” the blood was your own blood that ran through your veins. The life was your own life. Now you shall know the true meaning of this word.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

There are many questions which you wish answered; in your next reading we shall answer more.

Some of you say, “Why have all things been taken? Why have I been uprooted from my land and brought to this place?”

And we say to you, it was but the test of your soul. If you shall go about your task each day and be as a mirror, reflecting out unto others that great warm fire which burns within you, giving it to others as it has been given to you, then forever will the gift be given, the gift of love. Bring this into your hearts. You shall waver, you shall doubt, yet you shall return back unto yourself.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. The course of your history is now about to change. Great things shall come forth in the next year, and great catastrophes.

Birth of John the Baptist

May 1, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you unto these words. There was a time upon your Earth when the one known as John the Baptist came forth. And he was born of Elizabeth, and he was taught and schooled in that of the Essenes. When John came forth, there were those who would follow him, and those who would help prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

From the four corners of the Earth, yet they knew not what they waited for, in every land he would make his presence known. For in each land, they thought he had come only to them. Yet he knew this was not true. From Elizabeth’s womb he would walk and touch the people of the Earth, and [would] prepare them for the coming of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. To each person who met him saw him different, and some thought of him as Elijah, and some thought of him as other great prophets of the past. For John knew from where he had come, and he knew where he would go.

Now in the preparation, John chose disciples and taught them these things that he knew, and taught them to baptize. There were many of his followers who thought him to be the messiah, yet he was the first to tell them, nay. He was there but to prepare the way. For John had been in many lands before, in many lives, in many places.

And there had been happy times in the lives that he had lived, and sadness.

There was a time, in the Land of the Eagle, when John could fulfill all of his needs — the needs of a man, the needs of a prophet, the needs of a scientist, as you would know [it], the needs of an engineer, for all the knowledge that he had brought forth.

And in this time, there was one who came from the land of Ur, for she and her husband and her children had raised flocks and the land that was theirs had been taken from them. And so they came into the land of the Eagle. And there they found great contentment and harmony. And they continued in their learning process of the spirit, the body, the soul.

Once again, they reappear, in the time between times, in the time of Elijah. Now Elijah, as a prophet, came forth as a man, and therefore, to prepare the way. Yet as a man he bore a daughter. Elijah, in his great fondness for roses, named his daughter, Rose. And he did see her wed. Now, as Elijah, the closeness of a daughter and father was a great bond, and he did promise her that in another time they would come together.

And so, in the time of that that you [have] known of the life of John the Baptist, this did come forth — not as a daughter, but as a cousin, a cousin of both John, and a cousin of Jesus of Nazara. And when the time came forth that John was executed, confusion began in her mind, for she ran back to Jesus of Nazara, and she [could] not understand why he could allow this to happen.

And Jesus said unto her, “Can you not see that we are both about our Father’s work, and what is written cannot be changed. What was promised must be fulfilled.”

She could not fully understand then. She could not understand the persecution and the changes that were made around her. Nor could she understand when she followed Jesus, as John had told her, only to see him crucified.

After the crucifixion, she found herself in a time, and this time is known as Joan of Arc unto most of you. And she found herself as a peasant girl. And she found herself being talked to — first, by John, who she would believe beyond all others, and then by Jesus, and then the Lord Himself did appear unto her. She ended her life being burnt at the stake — not fantasy, but truth. And then and only then did she understand why these things before had come about.

And now we find her once again, in the land of the Eagle, afraid. For the husband who is hers now is the husband of before, who through his wisdom and kindness has brought great love. Yet, as the memories have stirred within her, a total confusion has set within, an un-understanding. And now, at the time when you are ready to break and shatter apart, we tell you, God is reaping His harvest. He has brought you here for [the] purpose. Stand firm, and learn. But He has not just brought you, He has brought your husband and your children, all for a reason.

Now John would tell you these words. You are made of better stuff than to break.

And now you know where you have been, and you will have some idea of where you are going. This is not a parable, but a truth.

But in a sense, it is a parable for all of you. For we have said unto you, all, look at your feet and see the flowers that have been placed there. Do not walk upon them; do not stomp and trample them into the ground. If you need to pick some pick them, for they will replace themselves so that others may appreciate them also. The flowers are the blessings of God that are placed around you every moment of the day.

Man and woman are like instruments, a musical instrument. When they are tuned properly, that of the music that comes from them is the music of the soul and the spirit, and all plays in tune. When it is out of tune, it puts off what you call, bad vibration, or confused vibration.

There are those upon your Earth who put forth bad vibration, for that is their wish. There are others who put forth confused vibration, for they know not where they have been or why there are here. And there are those who would put confusing vibrations only for confusion’s sake.

We say unto you, love one another, and the vibration about you shall be of total love’s. If you build your house from the foundation up with love and care, nothing can destroy it. And remember these words, “for not the smallest thing shall fall upon the earth without our Father’s permission and knowledge.” Yet He has given you free choice — a very precious gift of life, death, and life again, all by your own choice.

Can you not see? Can you not hear?

Do you not know what love is?

Can you not love one another? Can you not take the time from your lives to express this love?

Can you not take the time to know that God is love? He has loved you for so long; can not you return this love? Can you not swallow your self-pride? Are you so important that you cannot bow your head and say, thank you, to one another? For it is not the greatest deeds upon the Earth that count. For it is the story that Jesus told you of the widow who had but three cents, And he said unto you, “She has given more than all the rest, for she has given all she had with love.”

This word you use so often, yet when we mention it to you it disturbs you, for you feel that by showing love you will show weakness. And we say unto you, by showing love you shall have strength. By showing hope, you shall be rich. By having faith, you shall have everything. But without love you shall have nothing. And if you cannot show it, one unto another, you have lost your ways.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God.

John the Baptist (right) spends time with Christ in the house of his parents

June 8, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, unto this parable. A small boy sits under a tree, and watched his father work. All day his father stood behind the oxen as the oxen pulled the plow. There were many times when the plow hit rocks and his father was thrown to and fro. And soon it became time for the midday meal. And the father came over under the tree, and the lad said, “Father, why did God place rocks in our field?”

The father thought, and he said, “My son, as you grow up you shall find many obstacles which you shall come against. Some will be very good experiences. Some shall be bad. They are like the rocks in the field.”

The lad looked back at his father, and he said, “Yes, father, but that does not answer my question. Why did God put rocks in our field and not in all the others?”

The father thought. He had no answer.

That night after his work, the father went to his teacher, the Rabbi, and said, “Rabbi, why did God place so many rocks in my field?”

The Rabbi thought and thought, but could come up with no good answer. And he said unto the father and the child, “I shall take this up with the other teachers.”

And so, when the time came when all those traveled into the land of Judea, into the city of Jerusalem, the Rabbi went before all the Rabbis and found them talking with a small lad no more than twelve. And he at first forgot his questions, and then suddenly he said, “If this one is a gifted one, then he shall have the answer.” He said, “Why did the Lord place so many rocks in this one’s field?”

The young lad turned to him with kind and gentle eyes, and said unto him, “Have you ever known my Father to place any yoke too heavy for one to bear? In some fields there are more rocks that others, because this one has more obstacles to overcome than others. But the real truth of it is this, God did not place more rocks in the farmer’s field. The farmer chose the field with more rocks. Should he wish to have less rocks, let him sell his land and buy land with less rocks.”

The Rabbi thought. “But where would he get the money, the extra money to buy such a field?”

And the lad looked at him and said, “For whatever you shall ask in my Father’s name, so shall it be given.”

After the festival was over, the Rabbi returned home, and there he met the man and the young boy. And he told them what he had been told by the young lad. The young lad looked for a long time, almost like he knew from the wisdom that he was receiving, and he said unto his father, “I should find this one. I, Andrew, shall find him and serve him, for he shall have many answers.”

As time went by, both boys grew into maturity, and the time came when Andrew was serving the one known as John the Baptist, and Jesus came forth to be baptized. After the baptism, John turned to Andrew and said, “Go then, and follow him, for he shall give you the knowledge that you seek.”

You shall ask us why we have told you this story. What does it have to do with you in this day and in this time? And we say unto you, each of you have chosen your own rocky fields. Each of you seeks the answer to come from someone else, when the real answer in already in your hearts and souls. Remember, no one else chose your field for you. You chose it for yourself. If you do not like it, it is written, “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” This does not mean a part of your body, this means a part, and part that of yourself or something around you, that you do not need in your life. If it has come into your awareness and bears you harm, remove it from you. If some says, “Keep it,”nay, do not keep it. It is not them who it bothers, but you. And remember, God wants His children to be happy and to laugh. You cannot laugh while your eye hurts.

Ray smells a rose in front of a church he built and dedicated to God, where all faiths are welcome

October 9, 1981: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, as your world stands aside to mourn the death of this one known as Anwar Sadat, we have spoke to you before of this day. We have spoken to you of those of the “Black September,” those who would violate the Commandment, “Thou shall not commit murder.”

We say unto you, as we have said before, the fuse had been lit [from] France and it shall burn unto Israel. For those who should work, and do the work of the Anti-Christ, are about their master’s bidding, to [subvert] and take by violence, and to bring forth the mark of the Beast upon the unwilling.

For those who can hear, let them hear. For those who can see, let them see. For now you shall see, very soon, the name of the Beast and the name of the Anti-Christ.

As we have said before, [that] the Eagle [U.S.A.] should spread its wings — and in doing so it shall protect the Christ child — for you stand at the threshold of the beginning and the ending. For the things we have told you to prepare for are now at hand. [See The Revelation, chapters 12 and 13.]

Now, beyond all times, you must bind together. Lay aside your petty grievances. Know that this is a time when the half-times are behind you.

As the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, soon shall be the Sixth. And then the Seventh. Should the Sixth [Seventh?] Seal be opened, woe be most of mankind. For you see before you the two karmas of Abraham [Isaac and Ishmael?], much as you saw before you Cain and Abel. And now you see the descendants of Cain, and what they are capable of doing.

And there are those who gather around the Lord and say unto Him, “How long must we wait, oh Lord?” [See The Revelation, chapters 6 through 8, and Genesis, chapters 4 and 15 through 25.]

And we say, unto the fullest time of the Lord, thy God.

For we shall send forth upon the third day a rose to be born and lain in the land of Egypt. And he shall rise, to walk with the Messiah. But before this time, in the fulfillment of these things, war lies before you.

We say to you — bind together.

As Judas walked among Christ and in the time of Christ, and so did John the Baptist have his Judas, so it is once again. There shall be many who shall strive, now more than any other time, to strike down your freedom of choice. There will be those who shall both try, from without and from within, to destroy this work. But we bring forth a new Sword, and it shall cut away the untruth, and lay forth the truth. And for those of the men and women and children of God’s, and God’s people, it shall stop the mark from being placed upon them, on one side; on the other side of the Sword, it shall cut away [at] those who should infiltrate you, and try to destroy you. [See The Revelation, chapters 18, 19 through 22.]

But we shall not take from you the freedom of choice. Should you care to walk with the Anti-Christ, this is your choice. If you should care to walk with the Judas, this is your choice. If you should care to walk with those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, this shall be your choice — a freedom of choice, the most precious gift the Lord, God, has given you. Hold it dearly. Do not allow it to be taken from you.

For those who hold it in a righteous manner, we go before you to prepare a way, as we come before the Messiah to prepare a way.

Roses shall sprout upon the earth where blood has flown….

Pray for your world. Pray for the deliverance of the souls that shall be slain uselessly upon the face of the earth. But pray mostly for unity among yourselves. [Note: A long pause.]

Limestone relief of John the Baptist from Zakynthos, Byzantine and Christian Museum, Greece, by Tilemahos Efthimiadis from Athens, Greece — Limestone panel with the figure of St Jogn (the Baptist) in relief. Early 17th c.Uploaded by Marcus Cyron, CC BY-SA 2.0,

July 1, 1983: “Yes, Aka, I have a request from [10–381–1…Tucson]. She asks for a life reading or assistance in that direction.”

We shall say unto you, little has been written and little knowledge has been given of the days that the one known as Jesus did apprentice with his father, Joseph, as a carpenter. But we say unto you, look into the life of Joseph’s, and you shall see into your own life. And look unto that that he was involved in, and the writing, that you would know, of the Dead Sea Scrolls. For most people have thought that these scriptures were all written after the death of the one known as Jesus, and we say, nay. The writing started long before his birth. The first scripture, you shall find of evidence in Daniel, and therefore, you shall find Daniel speaking of the one known as John the Baptist and of his coming. And you shall, therefore, find of one of his followers that he did not send with Jesus, who also apprenticed with John the Baptist, and later, he apprenticed at the same time with that of Jesus of Nazara. He later did come forth into the land of the new land, for as John was transferred in time and space, so was this one. And the voyage across this you know as your American continents, that John did come forth to prepare the way, this is why you find such a great familiarity now.

We shall say unto you, you who have no race, yet you who has but color, you have been many races, many times, and many colors. You have been all of the five. And that is what has brought you to the place here and now. We shall say unto you, as you know of these things, so should you know of that which you must do in the preparation. We have spoke to you before, now we speak again. There is a place to apply yourself.

Salome with John the Baptist’s head, by Charles Mellin (1597–1649)

August 5, 1983: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, she asks, ‘What became of Salome after the death of John the Baptist?’”

There became a time when she came forth unto this of the Earth, as you know it, of the Americans, to once again, to follow and to serve with him. And yet, she is here once again. It is not necessary that she be remembered as Salome, only as a tool of God at a time and a place.

St. John the Baptist Preaching, c. 1665, by Mattia Preti

December 16, 1983: “Thank you, Aka. [2–30–2] asks, ‘After rereading the last two readings, it appears that you are trying to tell us that the only way we can know if you are telling us is that transfer is in our hearts; is this what you are trying to say?’”

Yes. From within yourselves.

Long ago, the one known as John the Baptist did come forth, and he did say unto them, who would listen, to turn around, to look within themselves. As he baptized with water, he said the one who would come after him would baptize of the Spirit. And so it still is this day.

As you make ready in the hearts men the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, it is with the baptism of your spirit that you shall know one another….

John and Jesus

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Ruth asks, ‘Since this is the Advent season please tell us of the early life of John the Baptist.’”

(Chuckle.) We shall say unto you these things, for as you know, soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray. And as I am soul Ray, so am I and he both John, being the same.

Contrary to the thoughts of most, John was not the most [saintly] of lads.

One day, John went forth unto Nicodemus’s date orchard. And there, he did climb forth and harvest most of the crop. And he did set forth a peddler’s stand and undersold all the other. He had a thriving business until Nicodemus found him. And there was placed in the Bible once and for all, “If you spared the rod you would spoil the child.”

Honey was another of his favorites. He soon found that the bees did not sting him, but let him freely take all the honey he wanted. [Yataweh] was the keeper of the bees, and many a day he did turn his back and allow John to steal honey from him. It was not long until all the boys in the Essene camp thought John was the greatest.

Jude, which was one of John’s teachers, took John unto his mother, Elizabeth, and said, “Is it not written that, ‘Thy shall not steal?’”

And Elizabeth, who had pampered John mightily, knew that it was time that she corrected her son. And she said, “Bring forth unto me a staff,” and told John to bend, therefore, unto a chair.

John, as he was bending, said, “But Mother, there is a great difference in borrowing and stealing.”

Elizabeth looked unto John and said, “Yes, but when should we repay him?”

And John said unto her, “It’s, Mother, when my cousin who is the heir of the throne becomes the king.”

None of them knew that John knew that he was the heir himself to the throne of Israel, and that there were only two true heirs to the throne left. They were so astounded of his knowledge that they forgot to beat him that day.

And I know that in another lifetime Elizabeth spent many times keeping John from getting his just dues. Yet his knowledge, from childhood, of where he had been and where he was going astounded all. For they knew within their heart’s eye − for here in truth was the prophet, Isaiah, and they were not sure, that both Abraham and Isaiah lived within him.

There are many stories we could tell you. But the stories we have told you are the stories that you know him by now. He is man. He is prophet. He loves to tease and be teased. He loves to laugh, but never to laugh at others, to laugh with them. He will go many miles out of his way to see that an injustice is undone. The wisdom of the ages lies within his mind, yet he tells you and shares with you that which you need to know. As you have known him as friend and brother, so you have known him now.

Is there so much difference? Would he not throw you into the water and baptize you now, and laugh when he did so?

Now is the time to waken soul Ray from his slumber….

[We should say unto you these words before we part.] Rejoice, as John rejoiced the first day that Mary came unto her cousin, Elizabeth, and he saw, therefore, his cousin and the Messiah, and knew that it was all so. Rejoice, and know that the Messiah is with you, for he lives upon the Earth. He breathes the same air you breathe.

And his time will come, if you make it so.

But rejoice, as he will rejoice with you, for as you shall have a Christmas tree so shall he. As he gives presents and you give presents, in your mind’s eye, be as the shepherd boy. Reserve your greatest gift that you might give it unto him.

We say unto you, shalom. Lehaim!

John the Baptist in the wilderness

January 6, 1984: “I have a question from [12–423–1]. And she asks, ‘What in my past life will help me now?’ She would appreciate anything on this.”

We shall go unto a time, into the time of the great land of Egyptan when the lands of Atlantis were falling, when both you and that of your husband of this time had ventured forth unto the Land of the Eagle. That of mineralogy, and that of the productivity of growth, plant growth, comes from that time. You shared these things with that of the one known now as [13–431–1]. And she was your daughter, in the sense of a word, and she was your son, in the sense of a word.

Great knowledge has been left in your mind from time to time. It now it comes out in the printed word. It shall serve many purposes. And do not grow weary that the time of your lectures and time to speak have been delayed, for there is a time for all things. And soon that time shall be made. But look unto soul Ray, for he now looks beyond that time unto many other times.

We say unto you that into the time of John the Baptist is a time which you remember, because at times you thought him mad, and other times you thought him the Messiah. But the most important thing that you have brought from those times is the compassion of heart which is within you. You push forth [a] hard crust, an exterior crust, which is not your true identity. Lay it aside now; it serves no purpose. Approach your fellow man with an open arm, and you [also] shall receive the love and respect due unto you.

We say unto you, do the same with this small one who has great love for you, as a daughter now.

What has been many times shall be again. But shall we wait until that of the Earth is not a fit place to dwell when we come together? Soul Ray looks into his heart and soul and sees where he may use you the best to serve mankind. Listen unto him; listen unto his counsel.

Now we say unto all of you, our words are sometimes lengthy, and sometimes seem unmeaning. Yet the Lord, we say unto you, knows of all things − and knowing of all things, knows of love.

January 13, 1984: “Thank you, Aka. I have a question, ‘How did John the Baptist escape the slaughter of the innocents?”

He did not. He died.

“I do not understand you; the children were slaughtered because of King Herod’s order.”

Destroy this temple and we shall replace it in three days.

September 28, 1984: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [16–484–1] asks…’Any guidance that you could produce will be most appreciated.’”

We would suggest that you go back to your teaching role, and let that be fruitful. For labor to be fruitful, it must feed the soul, as well as the mind, and it must be in a way that you gain knowledge yourself. If this is the direction which you wish, pick it up and take it. Some of the greatest positions in history, of mankind, were those of teachers. Think of Jude, the teacher of Jesus of Nazara. Think of Zechariah. Think of the teachers of John the Baptist. Think, and know that we teach. Some of what we teach is accepted, some is disregarded, but that is the way of things.

John the Baptist’s head with Salome

November 16, 1984: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [2–30–2] asks, ‘For the forthcoming pamphlet, did John the Baptist know Salome before the occasion of his beheading? If so, please give the particulars.’”

We shall answer into this manner. Beware of the wrath of a jealous woman. That is the particulars, and that is the answer.

May 3, 1985: “Thank you, Aka. [17–503–1…New Mexico] asks, ‘I would like a life reading.”

Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. And we shall give you that which you desire.

And we say unto you, the one that is here with you now, that you look so much alike, you were sisters in time, in the time [long] past of Atlantis.

But we speak before Atlantis, before [Lemura]. We go unto the continent known as [Yataway]. In that area, in the location where Argentina is now, a larger continent, separate from the other parts, stood and spread downward toward what is now known as your South Pole, and covered that vicinity. Large forests grew on the land, and it was abundant of all things and all kinds of things.

And man knew not of hunger or thirst.

And then, one day came from the heavens the great ships as they began to descend upon the Earth. You, your sister, and your people, therefore, greeted these people and these ships as a prophecy that had been given to you. You treated them as a gift from God. Yet, at first there were those who gave you kindness and gentleness. And then there were those who would enslave you.

You had heard of the camp of their great leader. And surely, of the kindness that had come from him and others like him − and you were sure that if he knew of the injustice he would make it right. And so you went forth. And there you found that of their leader, and you spoke of the injustice among your people.

He listened carefully, and then he said to you, “Let us go, back to your land.” He did so, and he did make things right for that time. And justice came forth upon the land, and peace once again.

Yet, you knew there were those who had come in the ships that would harm you. So you made a pact with your sister and you moved closer to the camp of the leader.

And so, as the wars came, the leader asked if you would go, and to separate from your sister, and go upon one of the mighty ships, because, to populate the other earths it would take part of your kind, and part of theirs. And so you agreed to, even though the fear of leaving the land was great.

There you were to meet the man that is now known to be your husband, for he was one who had come from the heavens. You felt greatly honored. You lived out your life; you bore[d] many children. But both you and your husband had spoke to each other that upon death you would want to return to this planet, called Earth. And so it was, that you passed and passed again back to the planet, Earth.

You have seen [it] many times. You have been on the Earth in the time of Atlantis, of Egyptan.

And you were sure that in the time when the one known as John the Baptist walked the Earth and as you followed him that that time was now. You were glad because you saw your sister. You made a pact with your sister that you would return in the next period of time of times to prepare the way, to heal the sick.

And so it came about. Once again your sister and you, your son, and your children are all upon the Earth at the same time, the same moment.

What have you to learn from the past? Quite simple, you have had a great talent, a gift of God. Doorways have opened to you, that you may see the fullness of this. Your promise that you asked for has been fulfilled, for your sister and you are now in this house together.

The time is but at hand − a beginning of times, not the ending of times.

We have not tried to frighten you, nor have we tried to frighten your sister, for she has dreamed dreams and become afraid. And you have dreamed dreams and have become afraid. We are only increasing your abilities to learn. Come together in counsel with your sister, and plan and make your decisions of that and the directions which you shall travel. We are not here to frighten you; we are not here to impose our wills upon you. God gave unto you and your sister the freedom of choice. And that is the way it must be. We are not saying to give up anything. We are not saying to you to change. We are only saying to you, allow us to continue to open both of your minds, and let you make the decisions.

I know that the life reading that you are receiving is a little unusual because it has been two life readings in one.

May 16, 1986: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you unto these words. If the right hand offend thee cast it aside. These words have been spoken many times, and you do not fully understand that unto which we speak.

If you had a cow who gave but sour milk, then that cow would have offended you. It would be of no use, it would be a burden. Possessions are only that. If that which you own, or have, becomes too great a burden to keep, it is not a pleasure anymore. It has lost its worth. It has lost that which it is, or can be, or could be, or shall ever become.

Understand, there shall be those who shall need their Achilles heels. They need to hold onto something that would be worthless to anyone else, even if it costs them dearly, because they either love it and need it to survive − that is a need; that is not an of­fending thing. No one else may need this object, only they, to give them peace of mind.

Do not judge others, “leste ye be judged.” You have heard this also many times. The meaning is quite simple.

[For a] man who walked down the street, he staggered, and everyone looked and said, “Look at that man, he is drunk. He is a drunkard upon the street. He should not be there; he should be in prison.” No one has stopped to see if the man is ill. No one has stopped to see if he can see at all, if he is blind. They judge. And by judging they have placed a standard that they all shall be judged with. They are putting up the rules, you would say.

Sometimes these rules, these yardsticks that we place upon ourselves, when turned inward we cannot measure up to them. So judge not yet you be judged.

It is said, the Lord, thy God, is a merciful God. And He loves His children. Yet, the sun and rain shall shine on all. It quite simply means that freedom of choice has been given unto you. You may [stand] in the rain or you may stand in the sunshine. It is your choice. ­

If you do not like the place you stand, then sell your house, sell these things that [coveth] you, and look beyond it. For these things that [coveth] you are but a burden unto you. They bring you no happiness nor joy. It is better to have loved for five minutes or even one, than never to have loved at all. For the lover shall know the joy of love. For those who shall be afraid shall never know the joy, nor the sadness, [nor] the gladness, nor even the desperation that love can bring into your heart.

Remember, the Lord, God, wishes only but one thing, that you be happy. He has given you the heaven and the earth. He has given you all things, therefore, and dominion over all. He has given you the tools to build you anything you wish, to make you happy. If where you stand is an unhappy place, do not stand there, but move aside.

To be transformed means to turn around. The one known as John the Baptist said, many times, “Be transformed.” Turn around, if you are going in the wrong way. But what John spoke of was the world of God. And he wished [for] those who wished to see that world to turn around and look within and see the world of God within them.

John, drank no wine. John, was a vegetarian, as you would call it in this time and place. He did so because he believed that this was the manner into which he could cleanse his body, and think well. Yet, Jesus of Nazara ate meat of all kinds, took wine, and enjoyed all the Earthly things. Was one a sinner and the other saint? Was one a fool? Nay. They were but human, with human frailties. And the beautiful part of the human is that he is of God. And being of God he can make mistakes. The Lord God, from the Old Testament to your New, has shown you that He too had learned. Have not one of you who have children ever made a mistake in your judgment with the child? Have you not scolded a child when you should have praised them?

We say unto you, it is said that more may be caught with honey than vinegar. Yet, both are needed for the well being of your health and your frames of mind.

We say, “Do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you.” And it has been said, “I give you one more commandment, ‘Love [ye] one and another as into thyself.’” The meaning is quite simple. Love each other and love yourself. God made you special and good. He made you as Himself, that you might make mistakes and learn from the mistakes.

But if you work each day with a thought that you shall strive for the love that God gives unto you, one-tenth of that love, if you could project that out into those who you would deal with each day.

If a person comes unto you and says, “I shall take your money,” should you stand there and allow him to do this? No. God is not saying this, when He said, “If a person offends you, turn the other cheek.” What He is saying is − you must understand that the transcribing of the Greek word from the Asiatic word, and the Arabian word, and the Egyptian word, each time has lost its meaning − and the meaning is quite simple. If a person comes to you and offends you, tell them, “You have of­fended me by that which you do.” But do not turn and offend them. Look upon them and say, “You have of­fended me; go ye and offend me no more.” There is nothing wrong by telling someone this.

But if you create great anger, and this anger possesses you, and you lose all those things that love you, you have gained nothing with your anger. You have not even removed that which offends you, because you have offended yourself. You have judged yourself. You have placed judgment. Leave judgment to God. We beg of you.

If you came upon a beautiful rose and it was the last rose that would ever blossom on this Earth, if you grasp it in your hands to possess it, it would crumble into dust, and you would never have a rose again. All that would be left is the thought in your mind. So look upon the rose, enjoy the rose. It was meant for your laughter, your delight, and your happiness. All flowers are placed to put gladness in you.

It is like the fruit of a tree, if you pick the fruit too early, it serves no purpose to you. If you pick the fruit too late, it is already in the fermentation state. If you pick the fruit at the right time, but before you pick the fruit you must nurture the tree that it comes from. [Give] gladness and tidings, and it shall be given back.

October 28, 1988: “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13–432–4] who is here tonight. And she asks, ‘May I have a life reading at this time? If not, may I have the guidance needed at this time?’”

We see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same. And we shall say unto you, let us give you that that you need for this time, and we shall give you the other at a different time.

And we shall take you back into the time that this land stood magnificent before the world, and it had glory before the world. You lived not in a far place from here. You and your people had settled along one of the great rivers that flowed into the ocean, which you now call the Gila. You and your people had flourished because you were one of the Rainbow people. And all knew that the Rainbow people were God’s chosen. And you gloried in that.

You were but a broom maker, a broom-maker’s wife. You brought forth the material from the fields that these could be built. Your family lived well because your brooms were exported into many parts of the known world at that time because of their great fiber and long use. And the brand that your husband used as his trademark were that of two upside-down hammers with a nail in the center. And wherever anyone saw this, they knew that the workmanship was of the best quality.

Your life [had] allowed you to do much studying. And that time, at the age we find you, was a time that you had raised your children and fulfilled the needs of the body, and you had desire to fill the needs of the spirit, you and your husband. And you journeyed forth, and went [unto] the great cities and to the great temples upon the land. And you went unto the isles of San Diegos, and you learned there from the people. But you were greatly amazed, for you saw all colors, all races of men living in true harmony. And you knew, in truth, that the words of the Nakuna were true, for they gave forth the way and the path to that of the [Shining] Mountain. And you knew that those of the gods were there to teach your people and guide them.

We take you forth in time and space into the time which you know as the Christian era, a time of the birth of Jesus of Nazara, of Bethlehem, for you, too, one of the children who would be spared from the sword. Because you were a male, had they found you you would have died. You joined those that were known as Joseph and Mary, your parents and you and others that made the flight into Egypt where sanction was given. You learned at the same teacher’s hand as that of Jesus. You knew one side of you saw the boy to play with, the other side of you saw a Messiah, because you fished and walked and swam in the rivers and did all the things that boys do. But as word came that you could both return back into your own land, instead of going back into your own home, you went unto Jerusalem, the city, to live. And there you married. And in your own way you forgot your experiences of youth. And you really did not notice; you had heard the stories, many stories, of the miracles performed by this one. But you had also heard of the miracles performed by the one known as John the Baptist, and some said that he was [the] Messiah; yet he was to say he was not.

And so, on the day of the palms, when he came into the city, and into the temple, and he drove away the money changers, your heart leaped forth as you saw him. And you ran forth and you said, “My friend!”

And he ran forth and embraced you. And you sat and talked and you visited. You thought of the days that you spent as a child, and for a while both of you were caught up in this great excitement. But he said unto you, “I have loved your friendship and I shall always cherish it, but I leave now to go about my Father’s work. And as I do so, you will think me mad. And by tomorrow you will be among those who denounce me.”

And so it was. As they stripped and whipped him, and crowned him with thorns, and crucified him, you wanted to know him not. Yet, that within you said, “Let me go forth and proclaim my friend, his innocence.”

After the death, and the resurrection, you had journeyed with your family to the Sea of Galilee. And there you saw him walk and talk. And you went forth unto him and you said, “I am ashamed; I have denounced you. I said I did not know you.”

And he laughed and he said unto you, “Sometimes, my friend, I would not know myself, so it is all right if you [did] not know me for a little while.” And he bent and he kissed your forehead and said, “Go, and find peace in your house.”

You were not to see him again.

Your days passed. And you left the body − not to enter it again until you came again into the American Revolution time. And this time, you are a very strong believer in the freedom that was being fought for, and the belief. And you went unto your master and said, “Master, release me. Allow me to go and fight for this great cause, that all men would be considered equal before God and man.”

But your master said unto you, “They do not want slaves.”

But as the days passed your master changed his mind. And he took you, and he himself went forth, and joined in the fighting. He was slain, but as he lay dying he took pen in hand and wrote your papers of freedom. For even as a black man, who had been taken from his homeland and brought into this one, justice and liberty for all meant a great deal to you.

You went on to be one of the true, great free men of that time. And even though before you were made slave you had been of a different religion, you saw that that you thought was good within the Quaker religion, and you joined that and took it into your heart. And when asked, “Would you fight again,” even though you had taken the vows not to fight, of nonviolent ways, you said, “If ever I am called upon to keep this country free I shall do so.”

And now, we find you in this time. You are not black; you are white. And you have had all the privileges, but yet, you have found that color has made no difference. In your own way, you have found your own means of slavery. And you have broken the shackles once again for freedom. And once again you have sought your spiritual growth.

We say unto you, take up the Rose [A Rose without Thorns]. Take up the bread and the wine. Allow them to grow. But do more than allow; make them so. Use the same energy that you put into becoming that of your own trade into making the land free for all….

You do not have to go anywhere to find the answer; it is but before you. Seek. The field is fertile here. Allow your soul to sink into the ground and become part of.

Please join in association with the spiritual messengers of God in the Association they asked us to form.

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Read about A Stairway to Heaven

A man died and went before one with more love in his eyes than anyone he’d ever seen. He was given a gift and the choice to stay there or to return to his body. If he returned, he was asked to give this gift freely to others in the same manner of love it had been given to him.

Read books by the spiritual messengers of God.

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The words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom they were spoken



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.