Was it the Feast of Trumpets when the ancient Jewish spiritual messengers of G_d came?

A stairway to Heaven
4 min readSep 22, 2017

This seems like a good time to share what I heard one September evening in the early 1990s. It was probably on the same evening that Rosh Hashanah, the new year, begins. But then I didn’t know of Jewish high holy days or their meaning.

The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah (יוֹם תְּרוּעָה‎), literally “day of shouting/blasting.” According to Jewish tradition, the Feast of Trumpets, (Lev. 23:23–25), or Rosh Hashanah, is the beginning of 10 Days of Awe (Yamim Noraim) that end with Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement.

Mary and I were sitting on her front porch steps praying for healing, as we did often. The stars in the desert skies began to twinkle as the day faded into twilight. The evening felt solemn as the sky deepened and especially holy somehow. Always, as we prayed, we would be in the presence of vast spiritual messengers of God and healing angels. But this evening, they were especially solemn in respect and awe for G-d. There were so many. It was as though it was a time of great significance we all should know. I’d never felt the presence of these ancient Jewish spiritual messengers of G-d on high. I didn’t understand why they had come, I only felt their presence. My human soul always feels so small in the presence of greater life from God. How I wished I could discern why they had come.

Then, while Mary and I prayed for physical healing — that was taking place — I heard a sound I didn’t recognize. I’d never heard this before. It was quite loud. It wasn’t music, but tones. I asked Mary if she heard it, but she didn’t.

Then I heard it again, unmistakably. I didn’t know what this sound was. As evening passed into the brilliantly lit, heavenly, starry sky, I felt an assembly of high, high, holy angels gathering above us. These were not the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, I always knew. But they were also from God.

I grew quieter in spirit, seeking to listen. I asked God’s spiritual messengers, Aka, to please tell me why this holy visitation by other high, holy spiritual messengers of God, was occuring. Who are they who have come? Why have they come now? The answer came into my mind: these are the Jewish spiritual messengers of G-d.

Their presence felt so solemn, so high––vast, ancient of days, who honor God always.

Sometimes I wonder what these ancient spiritual messengers of G-d must have thought as they looked into the heart of a modern American woman from this time and culture. I could feel how diffferent we are from people in ancient Hebrew times.

But that wasn’t why they had come to stand with the other spiritual messengers of God, Aka, and all in the heavens in the presence of the Lord, God, that night. It was for a solemn, very important reason.

Why had G-d sent these ancient spiritual messengers of G-d this evening?

As the evening’s light barely faded and stars were only beginning to twinkle, I heard a sound I’d never heard before.

It was many years later that I recognized this sound when I heard it once again. It was the sound of shofurs being blown.

Why did Aka, the spiritual messengers of God, allow me to see and feel and hear this? What had these high, holy, Jewish spiritual messengers of G-d, who have been since ancient times, come at G-d’s bidding to proclaim? God and all in heaven were looking on from on high, for they walk as one, yet they were, are, and will be always.

Only they — and all of Heaven — know.

I could only feel that it was such an important, holy message we are all supposed to remember, all expected to know — having long awaited since ancient times in expectation.

What is the meaning of this solemn, great announcement for which our Father sends His spiritual messengers? Was it the high holy Feast of Trumpets, the beginning of a Jewish new year (Rosh Hashanah)? Or was this time near very special, something more? Was it long-awaited since ancient times of which G-d’s spiritual messengers had told the prophets?

What were we so honored to hear as they blew the shofurs? Were these ancient (and these present) spiritual messengers of G-d proclaiming the beginning of a new heaven and earth upon earth — the season of the coming of the Messiah?

Please share this good news with others.

“We have come but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto you, all of you, open your door that we might enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within each of you for his coming.” (Aka, spiritual messengers of God) [See John 14:1–5, 14:15–26, 15:26–27, 16:7–15, 16:19–24, and chapter 17.]

If you’d like to listen to their guidance, you can find the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, through prayer and meditating upon God, and then their name, Aka. Ask to join in their Association of Universal Philosophy. Or read their words that have been published for you by the Association of Universal Philosophy they founded.



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.