Book Review: The Confession By Chad Miller — Submerged Family Secrets Surface

Frank Racioppi
Hit Pause For Life
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2024


For an author looking to make a living from writing books, staying true to your genre is rule number one.

Authors should follow specific rules for each genre. Mysteries keep the readers guessing as to the identity of the killer. In romance, the couple-to-be must face several obstacles before reaching relationship nirvana. In science fiction, the science must have a veneer of plausibility.

Author Chad Miller has been writing dark fiction, horror, and mysteries for over 25 years. Deeply inspired by the works of Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker, and Kurt Vonnegut, he’s been studying to create his unique voice.

Over that time period, Miller has certainly mastered his craft. In December 2023, I reviewed Miller’s Prisoner Of Despair. The novel is subtitled “A Dark Historical Mystery.”

So, in that novel we see the dexterity of Miller, carefully mixing his ingredients from disparate genres into a novel. Miller’s recipe results in a novel that is disturbing, captivating, confounding, but ultimately satisfying.

Now, in The Confession, Miller again mixes and matches genres with a master’s hands. In this dark historical fiction thriller and whodunit, Miller brings us some returning characters from Prisoner of Despair.

The plot is straightforward, yet hides an undercurrent of terror and psychopathic revenge fantasy turned horrible reality.



Frank Racioppi
Hit Pause For Life

I am a South Jersey-based writer who manages Podcast Reports on Blogger and have a book available on Amazon about podcasts and podcasting called “Ear Worthy.”