Installing Swift 3.0 preview on a Raspberry Pi 2/3 with Raspbian

Claudio Carnino
A Swift misadventure
2 min readJul 11, 2016

We’re halfway trough our journey of controlling electric circuits and hardware with Swift and a Raspberry Pi. If you missed anything, here lie the answers to your questions.

Ssh into your RPi:

ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
(password raspberry)

Open the apt sources file:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Uncomment the last line:

deb-src jessie main contrib non-free rpi

Update your system and install some required packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install clang git

Installing Swift 3.0 build at root level. We’re going to use Joe Bell’s incremental builds:

cd ~
sudo tar -xzpf swift-3.0-2016-11-03-armv7-ubuntu14.04.tar.gz -C /
rm swift-3.0-2016-11-03-armv7-ubuntu14.04.tar.gz

You have installed Swift!! Now start screaming like Steve Ballmer in a moment of uncontrolled excitement.

Let’s write our first Swift script to see that it’s actually working:

mkdir swifttest
cd swifttest
nano main.swift

Add this simple hello world (which ironically doesn’t say “hello world”):

import Glibc
import Foundation
let currentDate = NSDate()
print(“My first Swift binary! Executed at \(currentDate)”)

Compile and run:

swiftc main.swift

Well done! You’re ready for the world. Now go and write beautiful swift code. Or turn some LED on with Swift!

To get my latest Swift misadventures subscribe to the publication. Cheers.

