A Little Girl’s Fairy Tale

Marci Renée
A Taste for Life
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2022
Photo by Daniel Kempe on Unsplash

I guess it’s every little girl’s dream — a fairy-tale wedding.

When did I first envision that big day? When did I first imagine what it would be like?

I guess I had the same dream as every other little girl in the world.

One day, I would find my Prince Charming. He would sweep me off my feet, and I would spend the rest of my days with him.

I don’t recall when I first began picturing what that big day would be like. I do remember flipping through my mother’s photo albums and admiring gorgeous, white gowns of lace and beads in the wedding magazines of the grocery stores.

Yes, like every other little girl in the world, I dreamed.

What would my Prince Charming look like? Certainly he would be “tall, dark, and handsome.” That’s what everyone seemed to say. I guess that’s what I imagined too. Tall and handsome for sure, but I wasn’t worried about the hair color or skin tone.

Mainly, I could see children — lots of children in my future. Babies, babies, babies . . . I wanted a lot of them.

Marriage would last forever for me. Even though I had lived through the trauma of two divorces, one at the age of two and the other at the age of ten, I wasn’t about to follow that same path.

My marriage and family would be forever united.

On that big day, whenever and wherever it was, I pictured my mother and father walking me down the aisle, kissing me tenderly on the cheek, and handing me over to the man with whom I would spend the rest of my life.

Yes, just like every other little girl in the world, I dreamed.

Was it only a figment of my imagination or would this fairy tale become a reality?

(Chapter excerpt of an upcoming book—The American Cowboy Fires Up the French Wedding.)

—Marci Renée

The Cultural Story-Weaver




Marci Renée
A Taste for Life

Published author, writing coach, global nomad, language nerd, translator, wife of a French chef, mother of 4 wild boys. Find me at www.culturalstoryweaver.com