Finding My Happy Place

Three Steps to a Happy Place

Bill Willisford
A Taste for Life


A response to Jason Edmunds, a prompt a day. Today’s prompt is “My Happy Place.”

AI Open Art by author

My Happy Place? It’s Writing!

Seriously. Writing is a delightful escape to a place where I’m happy. Why else would I write? Why would any of us write if it did not make us happy?

There is a joy about creating something that wasn’t there before. Do you feel it, too? In a March story, I created a friendship between two buddies, then I created a conflict between the two that led to creating a life lesson about the use of the tongue.

I needed that lesson and judging by the response that story created, many of my community needed it too. That made me happy.

Writing also allows me to get better every day at something. I have several writing books by Donald Maass. They are chock full of well-designed writing exercises. Which writing books do you have, or writing workshops have you attended?

I take one exercise from Maass, add one prompt from a Medium publication, stir in a liberal dose of imagination, highlight with a great image, and create a new Drabble or short story. So besides creating something new, doing the exercises makes me a better writer. That is satisfying.



Bill Willisford
A Taste for Life

A Wanderer who is not lost. "Something hidden, go & find it." Kipling. I write to entertain, encourage, to come alongside to help to the edge of civilization.