Is Life a Balance Sheet or a Harmonious Symphony?
How to best ensure you’re filling your own cup along life’s journey
Last week, while I was traveling to visit family, Jason Edmunds offered an invitation to reflect on a balanced life. Irony — to say the least — as I was spending a mere four days trying to see family members that could easily account for four generations and over two dozen loved ones. It’s hard to find balance when you live 1500 miles from most of your family — and you enjoy spending time with almost all of them. So, I started writing about it on my flight home. Thanks, Jason! Your prompts were much more exciting than the in-flight entertainment.
As infants, we play and sleep — not able to provide any type of balance for our parents.
As toddlers, we learn the word balance — as our life-stage implies, we toddle and stumble. We learn to walk and then run, all within the guardrails of finding balance.
As teens we’re invincible. We stay up late at night, defying our own circadian rhythm. We sleep until afternoon if our daily activities allow. We try to balance so many facets of life — school, homework, play; the incessant pressures inherent with being a social teen, trying to fit in, to both lead and follow…