A TASTE FOR LIFE | SEPTEMBER -Conversation in Nature

Lessons from the Tree

Whispers through the seasons

Karen Hoffman
A Taste for Life
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2024


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I was minding my own business, taking a little walk. Suddenly, a breeze swept by me, creating quite a scene as the recently-changed leaves fell from my favorite oak tree. I had already gotten used to the plinking sounds of the acorns, falling and landing on rocks or twigs. Once in a while, I could watch an acorn drop without hearing any noise as it fell cushioned in a pile of leaves or grass. But today it was all about the leaves. Each had its own unique experience and story and it was like they were shouting at me: “Stop. Don’t walk past us. We want to talk with you too. We have something to say.”

So often, I had listened to the tree, and her acorns. It was only on the rare occasion when I would take my time using my eyes in a deep and keen way, that I would fully notice the leaves.

“What do you want to share with me today?” I asked.

I listened and I watched. I followed various colors and shapes of leaves as they fell from the tree.

It was in those very moments, in the tranquil gift of an ordinary autumn day, that I learned the important lessons from the tree itself.



Karen Hoffman
A Taste for Life

I focus on Words that Matter®- like gratitude, compassion, kindness. Life experiences & nature inspire me. Writer; CEO Living on Purpose; Morning Altars Teacher