Weekend Challenge/Life

Life Is Like Playing Snakes And Ladder, Fate Depends On The Dice

In response to A Taste of Life Weekend Challenge: #31/Visual Prompt 6

Osan Fernando
A Taste for Life


Photo by VD Photography on Unsplash

“The gods throw the dice and they don’t ask whether we want to be in the game or not.” ~ Paulo Coelho

Our everyday life is unpredictable. We planned life to the dot but it won’t work out our way. Life is so bossy, he’s the boss.

Sometimes we claimed the day with all our powers to be the best but our powers were not good enough to conquer the negativity out there.

Life rolls the dice. What we get is not always what our heart desires or what we worked for or what we think we deserved. The side of the dice that comes out is the surprise of our lives.

The best throw of the dice is to throw them away…..English Proverbs


Every day as I step out of the house, I hope for the best. When the dice of the day rolled, I got 1️⃣. And I asked – what went wrong? Did I hurt anybody? The dice said – NO! It’s not just your day.

Every day as I arrive at work, I hope for a better day. When the dice of the day rolled, I got 2️⃣. And I asked – Have I done something bad? Why am I only getting the crumbs? The dice said- NO! Be grateful it’s 2️⃣ better than 1️⃣.

Every day as I start my work, I hope for a good day. When the dice of the day rolled, cheapskate came. And I asked – Doesn’t she know that the rent has been raised and the prices of everything have skyrocketed? The dice said – meet her halfway, like 3️⃣ or 4️⃣.

Every day as the day goes by, I pray for a stress-free day. When the dice of the day rolled, I got heavy calcular deposits. And I said – what I need is a bank deposit not calcular deposits. The dice said – can’t you see it’s 5️⃣. You’re almost there. No pain, no gain.

Then one day, I woke up at the wrong side of the bed, the sky was so gray. It’s a meh day, I could feel it. My right foot wanted to go out but the left foot wanted to stay. When the dice of the day rolled out, it turned out to be 6️⃣. Huh?!?! I was in a panic. I transformed into a Superwoman before it changes its mind.

“So, what exactly are the rewards of resentment? It is always a relief to know that the reason we have failed in life is not that we lack the talent, energy, or determination to succeed, but because of a factor that is beyond our control and that has loaded the dice decisively against us.” ~ Theodore Dalrymple

🙏 & 💪

On whatever side of the dice life puts us, we must remember that we are human beings blessed with resiliency, hope and positivity. It’s just a number.

Whatever the situation is, we can still work it out and make it work.

I know…our only enemy is time. We can run and run in circles and throw the dice as many as we want, only to realize that another day has passed and we are running out of time.




Osan Fernando
A Taste for Life

A wanderer, a puzzle, a scribbler, a dentist who loves to write anything under the sun & travel anywhere without the sun. osannity25@gmail.com