Staying Cool In A Hectic World

Lessons from a simple pause

Shubha Apte
A Taste for Life


Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

Are you too busy to notice the little joys in life?

The Constant Hustle

The importance of taking a pause to stay cool and get in the zone cannot be felt until you experience it.

We are so dreadfully busy that from the time we get up until we hit the bed at night, we simply roll from one activity to the next. The mind works like a train running at high speed without breaking even for a minute sometimes.

When rushing through the day, we even miss the time to savor and celebrate good moments.

My Personal Experience

I remember when I had a 9-to-5 job, and my role required me to travel almost thrice during the week. My hectic lifestyle stressed me out and left me frustrated.

I would wake up every morning with a headache, get easily irritated, and snap at people around me when something I wanted did not happen how I desired.

Wisdom From An Elder

My domestic help, an elderly lady, one day requested me to take a break and be at home. She had worked for us for several years and knew me well. While I was surprised at her request and was in a fix to succumb to her wishes or not, I did agree to oblige and stay at home.

In the afternoon, she served me a cup of green tea and asked me to sit in the greenery of my balcony garden. Trust me, while drinking the tea and admiring the plants in my garden, I felt so relaxed and stress-free. There were beautiful flowers blooming, which I had missed because of my busyness.

At 4 pm, my son would come back home from school, and while I was sitting in the balcony sipping my tea, I saw him come along with his school buddies. They were laughing, joking, and having so much fun. Watching him and the kids brought a smile to my face.

For me, it was a special moment to watch my son in such a playful, happy spirit. When he rang the bell and I opened the door for him, he was surprised and hugged me tightly. He rarely saw me at home when he returned from school, and today was a surprise for him.

My domestic help’s wisdom in suggesting that I take a break was invaluable. She taught me a lesson in pressing the pause button, which I desperately needed but hadn’t realized.

Realization And Reflections

From this and similar experiences, I realized that we miss many beautiful things in life. It is essential to pause to stay cool, reflect, and enjoy these small things.

Such breaks of stepping outside your routines take care of yourself and allow you time to think and discover what has contributed positively to your life. It helps improve your mental and physical well-being and your performance at work.

After I experienced the importance of taking a break, some of my favourite ways to pause have been the following:

  1. A long walk in nature

2. Writing in my journal

3. Playing the piano and listening to music

4. Sitting in the balcony garden without any devices, just sipping a hot cup of chai

Taking a pause can recharge your spirit and rejuvenate your mind. It’s not just about taking a break but finding joy in the moments we often overlook.


“Every person needs to take one day away. A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future. Jobs, family, employers, and friends can exist one day without any one of us, and if our egos permit us to confess, they could exist eternally in our absence. Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.”-Maya Angelou

In conclusion, the art of staying cool and collected in our fast-paced lives is intricately linked to the ability to pause and reflect.

These moments of stillness allow us to appreciate the beauty around us and connect with ourselves and our loved ones. Intentionally integrating pauses into our daily routine nurtures our well-being and fosters a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Thank you Jason Edmunds for the writing prompt “ staying cool,” it reminded me of how I learned to press the pause button for staying cool and stress free.



Shubha Apte
A Taste for Life

A self-improvement advocate, my journey unfolds through , travel, and life experiences, and insights gained navigating the corporate world. www.shubhaapte.com