Weekend Challenge/Dreams/Writing Prompt

Try And Try Until The Right Door Opens

The word prompt- My Dreams is pulling me in two directions, one towards my dreams in life and the other one towards my dreams as in the opposite of nightmares -I have chosen the latter

Osan Fernando
A Taste for Life


Photo by Marco Lastella on Unsplash

Do you have a dream that keeps on pressing the replay button?
Pre-empting a good night’s sleep and so fond of rewind mode?
Like a broken record that keeps on playing and has no intention to stop?
That became an annoyance, a nuisance, and drives you crazy thinking about what it means?

Then, you are not alone. I have this recurring dream of opening doors after doors after doors and then closing them for I am about to enter the wrong room.


I saw a Door
I knock on the Door
I open the Door
I close the Door
The Door

(from a stand-up Filipino comedian)

The Doors

Doors represent opportunities, hope, new beginnings, and transformation.
Opening a door means opening a piece of important information to achieve a goal. Closing a door means the want for control and power over our own life.

Dreaming of multiple doors may mean a need for change, to deal with our demons. It may be about choices that may be right in front of our eyes. More doors=more choices.

Dreaming of choosing the wrong doors means new beginnings. It means the depth of our consciousness. That we are making new discoveries about ourselves and unwrapping our potential. It may also mean that something is missing in our lives. It may also mean we accidentally opened ourselves up to problems but don’t want to deal with them.

Spiritually, it may mean that when one door closes on us, don’t give up. Open the second, third, or even the fourth one. God wants us to be patient until the right one comes along. A closed door doesn’t mean it’s over but it means — just go on, move forward.

So…which is which in my dream?

Rather than confuse myself and ask those meanings —” what are you talking about” when I dream of those doors again…… it’s time for me to be wiser.

Be curious to the least. Curiosity may kill the cat but ignorance excuses no one. Upon opening the door, I’ll enter, look around and investigate. And not close the door.

And just hope it won’t turn into my worst nightmare.

A Taste for Life Weekend Challenge: #19- Word prompt — -My dreams.



Osan Fernando
A Taste for Life

A wanderer, a puzzle, a scribbler, a dentist who loves to write anything under the sun & travel anywhere without the sun. osannity25@gmail.com