A Taste for Life|Community|Self-Improvement|Weekly Prompts

We are All Connected by Accident

What is your role in this?


Photo by Samantha Weisburg on Unsplash

The Unfortunate Connection

Whether you want it or not, we are all connected to someone or something which cements our participation within the collective of humans on this planet. If you are one who believes that living as an island suits you just fine, which is a fardel if you ask me, then albeit, continue on with your “alone” existence. However, as social beings, I am guessing some interaction is preferable, given our choice.

We are connected by a myriad of ways; familial, work, community groups, church/religious organizations, politically (don’t ask me about my affiliation, I don’t believe it really matters in most contexts), or culturally.

Purposeful Connection

In the image above provided by Jason Edmunds for Visual Prompt 7 this week, the actors/artists are engaging in a public display of feeling one another’s presence. It



Cheryl Laroche (aka Jezebelle Darling)
A Taste for Life

Empathically gifted, interested in pleasures of the soul, having an unquenchable yearning for knowledge about humankind and the psychology research behind it.