Writing Prompts | A Taste for Life

Weekend Challenge: #11

A Taste for Life Prompts — 20th to 22nd May 2022.

Jason Edmunds
A Taste for Life


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash (cropped)

Your weekly edition of writing prompts from A Taste for Life. Do you like writing challenges or prompts? Consider writing stories for a Taste for Life.

I am looking forward to reading your creative stories.

Weekend Challenge #11 Prompts:

Visual prompts:
Prompt 1:

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash (cropped)

Prompt 2:

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Prompt 3:

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels (cropped)

Word prompts:

Prompt 1: Woo … hoo!

Prompt 2: “Being me” (inspired by International Being You Day, 22 May)

Prompt 3: Life’s ups and downs

Prompt 4: “It is yummy…”

Video prompt:

Your submission story should follow the following guidelines:

  1. Be inspired by, and related to, a prompt
  2. Be between 1 and 4 minutes long
  3. Submitted as a draft
  4. You can submit more than one story
  5. We accept poetry, fiction, and non-fiction stories/articles
  6. No racism or hate stories will be published
  7. Adhere to Medium Rules and Terms of Service.

Monthly theme and prompts for May 2022

Interested to contribute stories to “A Taste for Life?” Respond to this post with your username.

Tagging regular story contributors below.

Bernie Pullen | Dad Bod Life | Eko BP | Izanamikun| Jillian Amatt | Osan Fernando| Marianne Irvine | Mary Ingram | Mypen Soul Writes| Sabrina Johnson | Tessie Brooks | Theresa Tyler | Vishali

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Jason Edmunds
A Taste for Life

I enjoy socialising, experimenting in the kitchen, reading, writing and walking.