A Taste for Life | Writing Prompts

Weekend Challenge: # 32

Weekly writing prompts from a Taste for Life.

Jason Edmunds
A Taste for Life
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2022


Image by Bernd Everding from Pixabay

I’m on a half-term holiday break this week. I am relaxing and enjoying the freedom. I got busy with this week’s prompts earlier this morning.

So, without further ado here they are. A Taste for Life`s Story Submission Guidelines is below the prompts.

Word/phrase prompts:

Prompt 1: Dignity

Prompt 2: Chains

Prompt 3: Dark clouds

Prompt 4: Memories

Prompt 5: Sing (Inspired by World Singing Day, 15th October)

Visual prompts:

Prompt 6:

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Prompt 7:

Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash

Prompt 8: Inspired by World Food Day, 16th October



Jason Edmunds
A Taste for Life

I enjoy socialising, experimenting in the kitchen, reading, writing and walking.