A Teacher’s Hat: December 2018 Letter

Kriti Khare
A Teacher's Hat
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1 min readDec 14, 2018
Image from Pinterest

Dear friends,

December is here and I am sorry for being a little late in acknowledging that. Life as a student teacher is a full-time journey of growth and I hope to find some time this month or next to tell you about it.

This month in our book club, we are reading Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking fast and slow. We are posting the readings for each day on Twitter and there will be a related post about it sometime soon.

We did not do a lot of writing last month and I will not promise a lot for this month either. That is because it is that time of the year when we should relax and rejuvenate ourselves. That means spending time with family and doing what we love.

I will be taking part in Design your Destiny as a review of the year and you are welcome to take a look at it too. :)

Have a great December!

See you in the new year. :)





Kriti Khare
A Teacher's Hat

Preservice Teacher in Computing Science & Math, Reader, Writer, Educator, Researcher, Bullet journalist, Editor of A Teacher's Hat. www.armedwithabook.com