A Teacher’s Hat: January 2019 Letter

Kriti Khare
A Teacher's Hat
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2 min readJan 2, 2019
Image from Pinterest

Dear friends,

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and were able to get some much deserved rest. As we begin 2019, I want to take a quick look back at how 2018 was for A Teacher’s Hat and how far we have come.

I started writing on A Teacher’s Hat in November 2017. I was writing closely with a dear friend of mine and in March 2018, our team of two expanded to three when Andrew Mills joined us. June 2018 saw the team grow with Aaron Harwood, Ginger Schwartz, HOLLY TREECE, Melissa White, Valérie Jean, Robyn Busekrus, Alicia Woody and S Johnston. I am happy that today these wonderful educators contribute to the publication.

I have thrived for at least 4 articles a month in the past year. This was often a very ambitious goal and between school, work and home life, not the easiest to achieve. Hence, in 2019, I hope that you, our dearest readers, will be patient with us as we write to bring the best of our works to you through A Teacher’s Hat.

My word for 2019 is balance. It is to remind me that my expectations for myself cannot often meet my capability to work without sacrificing things that are dear to me, such as time with family and friends. Think classic workaholic. :) I will be working on bringing this balance in my work as editor and writer at A Teacher’s Hat.

Balance; Images from Pinterest; Collage made using Collage Maker

Talk to you soon in an article! Thank you for your love and support and bringing A Teacher’s Hat to where it is today.



PS: Please do not hesitate to share ideas about what you would like to read about! In the comments below, tell us what you are curious to learn more about in 2019.



Kriti Khare
A Teacher's Hat

Preservice Teacher in Computing Science & Math, Reader, Writer, Educator, Researcher, Bullet journalist, Editor of A Teacher's Hat. www.armedwithabook.com