Why I am Flipping for Flipgrid

Melissa White
A Teacher's Hat
Published in
5 min readJul 4, 2018

Why I Flipgrid.

Teachers: do you have teacher troubles? Flipgrid has solutions!

Hey Teachers! Do you have the kind of teacher troubles that pop up day after day? The questions that linger without a solution? That is why I am here with 10 ways Flipgrid can solve them!

In my work as an instructional coach I often work with teachers who want to try something new, but…how? When? What if? There is always a hesitation to give precious time to something that might not work. When I saw Flipgrid, not only did I instantly see how powerful it would be for students, but I saw the huge advantages for teachers, too!

Flipgrid is a FREE tool that allows teachers to upload discussion-style questions and students to answer by adding video responses. It helps teachers use technology in the right way. Holly Clark, an educational strategist for EdTechTeam, which bills itself as a global network of educational technologists, believes there are three simple things teachers should be doing with technology in order to use it to its fullest:

  • make student thinking visible,
  • give every student a voice, and
  • easily share work.

Flipgrid allows this to happen.

You should be hearing from every kid, all day…What do you know? What do you not know? And how can I adjust my instruction in real time to meet your needs? How can I hear from every kid in my classroom? — Clark

She uses Flipgrid as a tool to help her do this.

It is simple to navigate, and its potential for impact on teaching and learning is strong and wide. I loved it so much I made a video about it! You can watch it here:

Teacher Trouble #1: Did the students get it or not? I think they got it? Or most of them seemed to? Or did they not get it at all!?

FlipGrid Solution: Flipgrid gives teachers an easy way to get individual feedback from their students. It makes for an easy formative assessment. Student voice, straight to you!

Teacher Trouble #2: How can I reach the quiet kids who aren’t comfortable answering in front of a large group? I want to know what they are thinking, but I hate to put them on the spot!

Flipgrid Solution: This is what makes Flipgrid so powerful for students. All students have a voice and a space for that voice.

They can re-record if they need and have time to prepare and think.

They can even record as a group.

Teacher Trouble #3: How am I supposed to integrate technology and teach students to use it if I’m not good with technology?

Flipgrid Solution: The intuitive nature of the site makes it easy for even the smallest of hands or the most worried about technology to navigate.

Teacher Trouble #4: How can I use technology if I only have one device

Flipgrid Solution: You just need one device! Have students rotate using your device(s). Or, the first time you use it, call students up one-by-one and project your device. Kids love to hear each other’s answers!

Teacher Trouble #5: How can I find the time to communicate and share with parents?

Flipgrid Solution: Flipgrid makes it easy to share individual responses or a whole grid with parents. Teachers in our building had students record a special message for parents that they played to start parent-teacher conferences.

Teacher Trouble #6: I work with busy adults- how can I have get through my content, get teacher feedback and answer their questions in my limited time?

Flipgrid Solution: Flipgrid is a great way for teacher leaders to get feedback from adults after a Professional Development session. We used Flipgrid after a Science PD and were able to then reply back to teachers to answer their questions.

Teacher Trouble #7: How do I find the time to do all of my writing and reading conferences?

Flipgrid Solution: Have students read into the grid for fluency or accuracy. Have them read their favorite part of their writing, or a part that they are struggling with so you can give them feedback that they can then watch and listen to!

Teacher Trouble #8: How can I encourage my students to explain their thinking and ideas and then find a way to meet with each student or group?

Flipgrid Solution: With Flipgrid, students can explain their thinking or ideas for teachers, who can then listen and respond at a later time. We used this during Genius Hour for one class, and it gave students an opportunity to explain their plan and also gave the teacher an opportunity to touch base with each group.

Teacher Trouble #9: How can I help my students share their ideas with other students or audiences?

Flipgrid Solution: Let kids watch each other’s grids! Have a grid for book recommendations, author’s chair, or how-to explanations.

Kids love seeing themselves on the big screen, so try putting their grid up on the projector and let your class view their grid.

Teacher Trouble #10: How do I decide what to try when there is so much out there, I don’t know where or how to start?

Flipgrid Solution: Flipgrid has a team of supporters who are ready to help and champion teachers who are trying this one small thing called Flipgrid.

Image from Pinterest

Editor’s Note:

Since I joined the online teaching community in September, I have heard of many technology tools yet Flipgrid is the one I seen the most enthusiasm for. If I mention it to an educator I am talking to for the first time, it’s like an instant connection is formed between us. It has built a growing community of supporters in the education realm and I am glad to have learned of it from my experienced peers. I am excited to bring it into my own classroom and Melissa’s Q&A are super helpful in this regards. I have used more passive offline strategies such as the Sticky system to keep students engaged and meet them in their own ways, but Flipgrid takes it to a whole new level that I look forward to adapting it in all subjects I teach.


Passut, J. “Technology Can Give All Students a Voice.” Technology Solutions That Drive Education, 13 Feb. 2018, edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2018/02/technology-can-give-all-students-voice.



Melissa White
A Teacher's Hat

Teacher. Instructional Coach. Learner. Creator. Reader. Encouraging teachers to try #onesmallthing