Conor Maynard

Arin Segal
A Teen View
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2012

At 19, Conor Maynard is stealing the hearts of girls all over the world. After posting videos on YouTube, he was discovered by Ne-Yo and was later signed to his label. Conor has collaborated with Pharrell and Ne-Yo, among some of his other musical heroes, and says that “it was an amazing way to learn.” His debut album, Contrast, went to number one in the UK and will be released in the US on January 8th, 2013. Currently in the US doing some press, I had a chance to talk with Conor about his music. Check out our interview and if you want your city to be one of the ones that Conor visits on his US tour, check out the Mayniac Map —

Arin: What got you started in music and interested in music?
Conor: I always used to listen to all different types of music growing up. What really started my interest in being a part of it, I remember, I was 15 years old and I was walking down the road after school one day and I was singing this song — kind of just messing about — and this girl overheard me singing and came up to me and was like do that again. So I sang again and she did the whole crazy girl reaction and yeah… I think that urged me to maybe do something with it because I thought if I’m getting that kind of reaction with people when they hear my voice, maybe I should do something.

A: The album is out overseas already, but doesn’t come out in the US until January 8th. Although people can listen to some of the music online already, what can fans expect to hear?
C: I think for me it’s all different types of music on the album. What I’ve tried to do is try to create an album where there’s different types of music for everyone. The reason I named it Contrast is because it has some of that contrast within the music and I think, for me, I wanna try and attract as many people as possible to enjoy the album. There’s something on there for everyone, definitely.

A: Your fans, the ‘Mayniacs,’ gave themselves that name, but how fitting is that?
C: Very fitting. They literally are mental. They like to chase me, scream, take pictures in a bunch of random places, make me sign the most random places. They are definitely maniacs. I’d expect nothing less from them, so it’s all good.

A: What has been one of the craziest fan encounters for you?
C: I remember I was actually followed into the guys’ toilets by a female fan once who wanted an autograph and I was like, ‘this is a bit of an awkward time; maybe you should wait outside and not come in here.’

A: I saw you say that your motto is ‘It’s better to fail at originality than to succeed at imitation.’ Where did you ‘come up’ with that and how does it shape what you do?
C: I think, for me with my music, I never want to try and copy anyone, I always wanted to have my own original style [and] my own input to the music industry. I wanted to have something to give and I think that’s why, for me, I never wanted to try and copy anyone else. I wanted to try and be original and that motto came from that. I tried to stick by it when creating the album and performing and all that.

A: This has definitely been a big year for you with your career, so what have been some of the highlights?
C: It’s been an incredible year so far. I think some of the people I’ve gotten to work with — that’s definitely one of the highlights. Winning MTV’s BrandNew for 2012, that was insane as well. I think, for me eventually though, it all led up to my album going to number one in the UK. I think that was one of the most ‘pinch myself’ kind of insane moments so far. So hopefully, the next milestone can be to get that in different countries around the world. That would be insane.

A: Who are some artists that you still would love to work with?
C: I’m a big fan of Drake; I think his music is incredible. And also, someone who’s on the other side of the spectrum is John Mayer. I love his music as well, so to work with him would be crazy.

A: If you could tour with anyone who would it be?
C: I know that Ne-Yo is going on tour next year; so I would love to go on tour with him [and] support him because obviously I know him quite well already, so that would be a lot of fun.

A: If you can accomplish anything through music, what do you want to accomplish?
C: I think to inspire others to do what they want to do. I think for me… Obviously, a lot of people know the whole YouTube story of myself; it was something I just did by myself. I didn’t have any help when I first started and I think if I can inspire others to really go out there and fight for what they wanna do, then that would be amazing.





Arin Segal
A Teen View

Associate at Prodigy Sports. Contributor to Front Office Sports. Likes include traveling, sports, music and finding photogenic coffee shops.