Eliminated Dancer 7/29 — So You Think You Can Dance

Arin Segal
A Teen View
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2011

Jess LeProtto and Jordan Casanova were recently voted off So You Think You Can Dance. They answered my questions on Lady Gaga and their charity work.

Q: What was it like to stand on stage being critiqued by Lady Gaga?

Jordan: I never would have thought in my whole life that Lady Gaga would sit in front of me and tell me things about the way I dance, so for me, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was so excited and so thrilled that she came, because she comes from such an interesting background and she’s so interesting. She dresses interesting. She talks interesting. Everything about her is again so interesting, so I was so intrigued by what she was going to say. And once she started giving her comments, I like probably peed in my pants, but you just couldn’t tell on stage. She’s amazing and I was so happy to have her there.
Jess: The first time that we heard Lady Gaga would be on the show, it was just a rumor. So we were all like, uh huh, yes, okay, all right. But this went by week after week and we found out Lady Gaga would be on the show, it was like, wow, they really got her on the show. So I was really excited. And for a public who knows her so well, you never know. You can never know what she’s going to dress like. And when she made that entrance on Wednesday night in that flamboyant outfit that everyone is so used to seeing her dressed just like that, it was crazy. It was absolutely nuts.
I think her presence on the show is very professional. She is coming from a background from humble beginnings to where she is now, she’s a humongous super star, so she knows so much about this business. She knows so much about performing that her critiques and comments were so useful and helpful to us throughout the night. So I was really fortunate to be in the same room as Lady Gaga.

Q: Are there any charities or organizations that either of you are involved with right now or plan to become involved with?

Jordan: Actually, my junior year of high school, I entered in the Spotlight Awards, this music center in LA. It’s an organization that works on keeping the arts in school because of budget cuts and money problems, people have been taking out art classes and singing classes. It frustrates me because that’s what we love and that’s what we love to do. It should be appreciated just as much as academics and so I’m a big part of that and I would love to get more into it and really work on keeping the arts in school these days.
Jess: I’m not part of the charity now, but I think what Jordan said is true. I think any type of charity that supports the performing arts is especially important that I would love to be a part of and many other charities as well. I know Nigel has talked about the DizzyFeet Foundation so much on the show and I feel like it’s a great charity that so many people should be a part of. So hopefully I’ll like to be part of that charity and you never know. You never know. It’s just others through life is just a joy and a privilege.



Arin Segal
A Teen View

Associate at Prodigy Sports. Contributor to Front Office Sports. Likes include traveling, sports, music and finding photogenic coffee shops.