
Arin Segal
A Teen View
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2012

Sometimes we are given options that could change our lives in an instant. KDrew knowingly passed a few of those up so he could his build his own career without the backing of a huge record label. Instead he created Indie Music Group with the help of a few friends and self released his own material. Starting in late 2011, he released the first of a 7 series set of EP’s entitled “Free”. The first three are out now and available for download and I would highly suggest grabbing a copy. The songs are a perfect blend of fun beats, catchy lyrics and interesting sounds. It’s the perfect music to throw on when you head to the gym or drive around with some friends. We chatted about his career and plans for 2012.

Arin: What got you inspired to start making music in the first place?
Kevin: My father was always into music, he did a lot of cover bands, he was in like four different bands, he also has a DJ company so growing up and being around that all the time, it was one of those things where I didn’t know any different. I guess it was just one of those things where I knew I was going to wind-up doing music, so really I just have to thank my dad.

A: You did a seven-part EP where a new part comes out through May of 2012, so what was the reason for doing that rather than a full length or single EP?
K: For so long I was putting out remixes of records and just a couple of original records and I built up my fan base and they stuck by me and really just pushed my name out there and I have the best fans so I just thought, you know what, it’s been almost two years since I put out an original record and I’ve built up my catalogue to an immense amount of songs and I was just like you know what let me just put something together so I can just see my fan base with music and at the same time, be relevant in 2011/12, because people just put out so much material all the time and when you put out one song its like it kinda just gets lost so I just felt like alright, I have all these records, let me just give it to my fans and at the same time flood all the YouTube channels and all the blogs that download music.

A: Instead of taking a few opportunities to work with major labels, you have been growing yourself as an artist on your own, how has that process worked for you?
K:It’s been the most rewarding thing in the entire world because it’s just me and my buddies, we have like a house and ever since day one its just been kind of like a sports team where you practice together, and then you play together and then when you win a game it’s like the most rewarding thing because you know it’s you and your efforts, like you and your team what you guys put into it and I think it translates over very well into what we’re doing now and you know, I just got a feature on MTV.com on the homepage and the music page is number-one of the video and I know that it’s me and my team’s work and the fans as well, but it’s just so much more rewarding at the end of the day to know that you really put your 100% all into everything that you put out there.

A: What is your favorite song off the EPs that have come out so far?
K: That’s a very, very tough question, I don’t know, I put so much time and effort into each song, so I can’t really say because what I do is in the moment. I put my whole heart into the song and when I’m done with the song, I don’t go back, like I haven’t listened to the three EPs since I finished them, so in the moment the song is my favorite song but I couldn’t even tell you at this point. Maybe ‘One,’ but I like all the records.

A: Which song was the hardest to write or record?
K: I think it would probably be ‘Not Afraid To Fall,’ just because I wrote that record about bullying and all that stuff because when I was in middle school, I did like a bunch of plays and all that stuff and got picked on so that one I kind of dived a little bit more into the personal side of things, so that was probably one of the harder records to record and write.

A: Are there any charities or nonprofits that you are involved with or want to join up with?
K: Yeah, I’ve done stuff with the Humane Society and there’s also this AIDS foundation and they help little kids that are born with it, there’s a ton of different organizations that I would love to get involved with, but I really want to get a bigger voice and make a bigger difference because right now it’s tough because I’m balancing so many different things, so I just hope when I do get the chance I really can make a big difference and really help a foundation that can make a difference in the world.

A: Do you have any goals for 2012?
K: It’s definitely to have a healthy, happy just successful year. I could have all the goals that I wanted to, but I think it’s just to have a happy, healthy, positive year because I think the second you start putting these different goals out there, you just don’t know where you’re going to end up, so I look at it if I’m positive, if I’m working hard, I will get everything I need to get from that.



Arin Segal
A Teen View

Associate at Prodigy Sports. Contributor to Front Office Sports. Likes include traveling, sports, music and finding photogenic coffee shops.