Matt Woods: EP Review & Interview

Arin Segal
A Teen View
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2012

There has been a joke lately that another British Invasion is going on and to some degree I agree. Not only are boy bands popping up, talented singer/songwriters are joining the mix. There is a reason I love my twitter and it’s not because I’m constantly messaging or following people, but on occasion, a musician will start following me so I always check them out. Matt Woods started following me on day and I checked out his music and was taken aback. How does someone with so much talent not have exposure in the US yet? His EP ‘Icarus’ is available now and I had the opportunity to exchange a few questions with him over email. Make sure to read the interview and listen to his music below!

Arin: What got you interested in music originally?
Matt: I grew up in one of those families that were always singing. A bit like the von Trapps… or the seven dwarfs. I have just loved music for as long as I can remember.

A: What is your process for writing music?
M: I like to start with a concept, a lyric and a little melody. Once I have these I let the rest of the song fall into place in its own time.

A: Who are some of your biggest influences?
M: Ray Charles and van Morrison, Ray LaMontagne and Mumford & Sons.

A: What is your favorite part about playing live?
M: I know it might sound cheesy, but you know when music can make you feel these intense emotions? I love these moments in live performance when you can feel the tension in the room, and I feel that I might have affected these same emotions in people. Well, that and all the crazy chicas.

A: If you could tour in any country, where would it be?
M: Australia for the Sun, Belgium for the Beer, or Spain for Penelope Cruz.

A: What is your biggest goal for this year with music?
M: The bar keeps rising to be honest. I want to just let the whole project keep growing organically. It’s funny because at the start of the year my biggest ambition was to get signed, but there is so much to be gained from working independently that I’m not sure if I want that right away. Let’s just get me some BBC Radio play by the end of the year; that will do!

A: What is your favorite song that you have written?
M: That is a really hard question. Even just from the 4 on the EP.. um.. I guess I would pick Spare Me Love, but don’t tell the other songs!

A: How do you use social networking to connect with fans and what is the best way for someone to catch your attention?
M: I have all the Twitter and Facebook pages. I do try to reply to all my followers on Twitter. I think this is important — although I’m not sure it will be possible forever!

A: Are there any charities or non profits that you are involved with?
M: Yes, I have recently started to get involved with Nordoff Robbins. This is such an amazing project! It is an absolute pleasure and a privilege to be involved.



Arin Segal
A Teen View

Associate at Prodigy Sports. Contributor to Front Office Sports. Likes include traveling, sports, music and finding photogenic coffee shops.