Neon Hitch

Arin Segal
A Teen View
Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2012

Back in December, I saw Neon Hitch when she played Phooson with Gym Class Heroes. I knew she had a phenomenal voice and was a really cool person. We had the opportunity to catch up recently and talk about her plans for this year. She has a unique sound and you can expect to hear a great album coming later in 2012, but before you get the full album check out my personal favorite song, ‘Poisoned With Love’, which you may remember from an episode of ‘Teen Wolf!’

Arin: How has your music been and what are you most looking forward to this year?
Neon: I’m really excited about performing at the NBA Pre-Game show this weekend with Gym Class Heroes, I’m very excited about all the shows we have coming up and I’m very excited about the release of my new single, ‘Love U Betta.’ I heard it on the radio once, and it was the best feeling ever.

A: What can people expect to see from you this year aside from the single that’s already out?
N: Lots of performances, you guys have got to come to a show, I’m bringing the party. I’ve go two djembe players and it’s me and my boys and were about to do a whole radio promo tour and then hopefully a bunch of festivals in the summer.

A: Your song ‘Poisoned With Love’ was on an episode of Teen Wolf, so what was it like to hear that song on the show?
N: That was so beautiful, I loved the way that they used it in with the scene. It was fantastic.

A: If you could pick another show to have a song on, do you have your top shows?
N: I feel like ‘Poisoned With Love’ would fit perfectly on Twilight. I think that would be a fantastic combination.

A: Who is an artist that you would love to collaborate with if you had the opportunity?
N: The Beatles, but I can’t. Somebody who I would also love to collaborate with is Madonna.

A: How have you been using your social networks to spread the word about yourself and your music?
N: I love connecting with fans on a personal level. People hit me up and I always try to reply to as many people as I can and Facebook and twitter are such great resources for that, I love connecting with the fans.

A: You have a unique look so where do you find inspiration for outfits?
N: Outfits, I think you just don’t follow any rules and my mood changes every day so the things I wear change every day and it’s usually pretty colorful and rather flamboyant, but it still has my tribal/gypsy element. I make a lot of my own clothes so I have the freedom to wear whatever I want because I just create it from scratch.

A: What plays the biggest influence on the music you make?
N: I would have to say my upbringing. Traveling the world, leaving home, running away to India, having the adventures that I’ve had have been a huge inspiration, lyrically, for me and that’s added a lot to my music.

A: Are there any charities or nonprofits that you are involved with or want to get involved with?
N: I want to do anything to help children. Children who are being physically abused, children who have cancer, children who have no homes, have no money. I feel so strongly about helping kids everywhere in the whole world so anything I can do for a child I will do.

A: Do you have a dream venue to play?
N: I already played Madison Square Garden and that was definitely on my list so I got to tick that off which was fantastic. I would like to go and perform in a bunch of children’s hospitals, I feel like that would be a dream.

A: If someone were to come to your show, what could they expect?
N: It’s definitely an adventure. It’s a wild, tribal, party and I like the audience to be involved rather than me to put the show on and them to just watch, I like it to be like everybody is a part of the performance.

A: If someone were to grab your iPod and look at you’re most played artists, who would show up?
N: It would probably be a lot of The Beatles and probably a lot of Billie Holiday. I listen to a lot of Billie Holiday, mostly old music. Also I guess one of the most recent is Drake; I’ve been obsessed with Drake recently.

A: What is your biggest goal with your music in general?
N: My biggest goal is to reach the world with my music and to just be in a position where I can do something to help and if I can make some kids around the world feel good and give them positive energy then I feel like I’ve succeeded.

A: If you could send any message to teens or young adults or anyone reading the interview, what would it be?
N: My advice would be, whatever anybody tells you, you have to believe in yourself and if you know what you want you’re halfway there. You just have to believe in yourself so strongly and you can make anything happen and be yourself, don’t every try to be somebody else because there is already somebody else, but there’s only one you.



Arin Segal
A Teen View

Associate at Prodigy Sports. Contributor to Front Office Sports. Likes include traveling, sports, music and finding photogenic coffee shops.