
Arin Segal
A Teen View
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2012

The world first saw Shealeigh on Ellen and that was enough to get people hooked. This talented 13-year old just won Radio Disney’s ‘Next Big Thing’ and her debut single ‘Strangely Beautiful’ just came out. Her talent is enormous and it is hard to believe she is only 13. She is definitely one to watch. Make sure to check out her new song and send her a message on Facebook or Twitter letting her know what you think!

Arin: What got you started in music?
Shealeigh: I think it has always just fascinated me in the most wonderful way. My family played a lot of music around the house and it was something that made me smile, no matter how I was feeling.

A: When was that moment when you realized music was what you wanted to do?
S: I was actually at a Beyonce concert when I was about 10 years old and she started singing Halo, a capella, and that was one of my favorite songs. I looked around me and I saw people just beaming at her, because she put on such a great show and sounded so beautiful. I just knew that if I could do the same thing, I would be happy for as long as I lived.

A: You are so young, but what have you learned so far from the industry?
S: I think mostly staying true to yourself is super important in anything that you do. If it’s not who you are, then it’s not real and that’s just not fun.

A: What is your biggest goal with music?
S: I would love to record an album, go on a world tour, and I would absolutely love to win a Grammy.

A: What is your favorite song?
S: Enchanted by Taylor Swift.

A: What was your reaction to winning Next Big Thing?
S: I was so happy. I think that’s the only way to truly describe what I felt inside that entire day. I just had such a great time performing and the entire experience was magical. I believed that no matter which way it went, I was just so happy to be there.

A: How can fans send you a message through social networking?
S: You can tweet me at @ShealeighDaily or send me a message on!



Arin Segal
A Teen View

Associate at Prodigy Sports. Contributor to Front Office Sports. Likes include traveling, sports, music and finding photogenic coffee shops.