So You Think You Can Dance 8/23

Arin Segal
A Teen View
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2012

For me, summer has always meant watching So You Think You Can Dance religiously. It has always been a show I can count on to not only find amazing music, but also to see some inspirational and insane choreography. Normally during each season, I participate in weekly calls with each pair of eliminated dancers; but due to travel and college preparations, I missed most of the calls this season. I was glad to finally jump on the call last week with George and Audrey who were both phenomenal dancers. This season has truly been a pleasure to watch so make sure to tune into the final two episodes! Both dancers answered two of my questions below.

Arin: I was just wondering what is one thing that you just hope to accomplish, like in the end, with dance? Like, is there a certain goal you have in mind?

George: I just hope to remain dancing around the world. I just like to travel and as long as I’m making money doing what I love to do, it’s a dream come true. I will never have to work a day in my life as long as I’m dancing.

Audrey: Yeah. I hope that I get to dance and that my dance career last for as long as it possibly can, and then afterwards, I think it would be great to teach others to dance. That’s another thing that I’m really looking forward to; like, I can dance as long as I need to and as long as I want and then also teaching others.

A: And then, working with which choreographer surprised you most? Like did you have an idea of what someone was like going in and then you worked with them and it was completely different than you thought?

G: Yes. I would have to say my favorite choreographer going into it was Sonya Tayeh and I got there and I had her for two weeks. When she choreographed my first duet, I was expecting like her normal like hard core jazz and I wasn’t expecting her soft feeling contemporary routine. It was so much different than what I was expecting from her and it turned out to be my favorite dance for the season.

A: Honestly, that was going to be my answer too; but also me and Michael, that Mia week that we had I really was scared for my life. She really scared me; but then working with her, it was such a pleasure. Like she always tried to explain things to you so you really, really understood what she was asking, and I think she was just really nice to work with and I’m glad I got the chance to.



Arin Segal
A Teen View

Associate at Prodigy Sports. Contributor to Front Office Sports. Likes include traveling, sports, music and finding photogenic coffee shops.